Friday, October 30, 2020

The Glaring Irony of Tucker Carlson's UPS Story and Greenwald Interview

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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Exposing Naomi Klein: A World Class WEF Asset


Alison McDowell had a chat with Naomi Klein which she posted on her Twitter feed. Naomi was dishonest and did her level best to prop up the official narrative of Covid-19 as the major threat to humanity needed for the WEF to bring about their Great Reset agenda. I take issue with her performance (Naomi's) and call out her deception. 


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

If You Think (like Computing Forever) that the Great Reset is About Communism, You're an Idiot


It is fascism pure and simple and anyone telling you otherwise is either an idiot or a liar.

  To support my work you can contact me via email to get my snail mail address or you can help thru Patreon (till they shut that down like they did my Paypal account)



New 'Study' Says anti-Lockdown and anti-Mask Population are Bad People Needing 'Interventions'


If you aren't a lemming or a sheep, if you think for yourself, if you do your own research and reach your own conclusions... you are callous, deceitful, hostile, impulsive, irresponsible and manipulative. You are a bad person who doesn't follow the crowd no matter what it does. That's what this new study suggests.

 To support my work you can contact me via email to get my snail mail address or you can help thru Patreon (till they shut that down like they did my Paypal account)



Friday, October 23, 2020

The 4th Industrial Revolution is Really Neoliberal Globalization 4.0

And it will be worse than any neoliberal globalization of the past.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Dancing Doctor Costumes are Back in Vogue must be Time for Second Wave of Rona


Check out Kevin Ryan's 30 minute video. Good stuff. Congrats to the people of Bolivia. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Just Another OBVIOUS FBI Entrapment Scheme

It's an old worn out playbook they just keep dusting off and reusing time and time again.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Let's Talk About Thailand


No it is not another US-backed color revolution.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Something very wrong with Hunter Biden emails story.


Something very wrong with Hunter Biden emails story.

 To support my work you can contact me via email to get my snail mail address or you can help thru Patreon (till they shut that down like they did my Paypal account)



Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Long Con of #LongCOVID


The Rona is in jeopardy. Platinum dreams of vaccine profits and Nazi wishes of aging fascists are on the line. The Lugar Center virus is giving way to natural herd immunity right before their eyes and they need something to inject into the official narrative in order to draw it out just a little while longer. Enter... the Long Covid.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Establishment Wages War on Herd Immunity in Order to Protect Covid-19


With masks, 'bump' signals and attacks on Great Barrington Declaration, the establishment is going full bore in their attack on herd immunity. 


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Grand Children and Other Fishes: Evaluating the Shell that is Noam Chomsky

Read his work. Will make you smarter. Will make you better. His earlier work. Ignore his burning planet shit. That comes straight from World Economic Forum whether Noam knows it or not.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage Just More Unconventional Warfare Operations in America


Ironic isn't it? Supposedly opposed to our interventionism abroad, these folks use Special Operations tactics to gin up the strategy of tension campaign here at home. Hmmm

Friday, October 9, 2020

The Tragical History of Lies and Dishonesty of Dr. Nafeez Ahmed

Sold his soul like Doctor Faustus for fame and fortune in the alt-left thought leader community. Now he promotes vaccines, Great Reset and Turkish regime change ops as his soul withers and dies on the vine right before our eyes. Tragedy or pathos? You decide. But that is what he is.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

President Assad is a Sniveling Coward: Promotes Regime Change Propaganda About Erdogan


Defended this man against the lies told by the regime change assets for 9 years just to see him help those same assets make ready the next target. The same forces that busted off half his country and are currently stealing the wealth of Syria for their own interests. What a coward he is.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Last Dance With Aunt BB of 2020: Bon Voyage Beebs


Barb is headed home tomorrow. It has been so nice to see her.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Stakeholder Capitalism: Klaus Schwab and the Great Fascist Reset

(not Tbilisi, Germany but rather Tbilisi, Georgia. My bad.)

The NWO has a name and a face.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Color Revolution Against AMLO Exposes Difference Between US and Chinese Foreign Policy Tactics


I remember something about catching more flies with honey than vinegar. Guess that applies here. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Friday, October 2, 2020

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Biden Clones? Body Doubles? Doping? Give Me a Break


Truth be told, Biden simply didn't want to 'sell' for Trump while on the same stage. So he dropped the SloJo act. It's that simple.