Wednesday, May 31, 2023

What Happened to Jamie Foxx and Why is it a Secret?

 Jamie Foxx suffered some 'mysterious illness' that has ultimately landed him in a Chicago facility that specializes in treatment of people who have suffered a stroke. Is this another case of an mRNA faux-vax adverse event being hidden from the public?

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Sinking of the K-141 Kursk

My personal 6 degrees of separation to the event that could have launched the end of the world and why we might all owe a huge debt of gratitude to one Vladimir Putin.

Monday, May 29, 2023

So Why Was AuntBB Suspended from Twitter for 3 Tweets that Violate Zero Rules

This is an interesting question because it certainly seems that Elon's new Twitter-land has a certain pro-business/WEF flavor to it and if you listen carefully, you might just figure out the answer to my question.

Friday, May 26, 2023

A Rant: RJK Jr aka Capt Hindsight Says Black Box Voting is Bad

No fucking shit?!? Also says we should design BETTER machines and not worry about holding people to account for having stolen elections in the past. Uh... nope. Shit take from Bobby.

Uh Oh: 60K Pounds of Ammonium Nitrate Missing

That's a lot of high explosive material to just vanish in the middle of nowhere. Just so happens there are 3 major military bases nearby and a looming budget crisis. What a coincidence.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

McLean VA: Asset Mutiny or Random Kook With No Idea

'He told the arresting officer that he “worked for the CIA,” according to court filings' says a guy with same load-out as the guy in Allen TX arrested in a pre-school parking lot.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Physics of 9/11: Crush Down Crush Up Verses Reality

Someone asked for this. So here is my 'truther' dissertation on the subject of the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center that happened on Sept. 11, 2001. I hope it helps start a few people thinking now in the wake of the Rona and Jan 6th operations. No, it is not unthinkable someone would do this to us and yes, the hard evidence bears that out.

Tucker Fired Before Glowie Tarrio and Intel Chief Lamond Relationship Exposed

  • March 8 Tucker airs footage of Capitol police aiding Qanon Shaman. 
  • April 25 Tucker fired 
  • May 4 Proud Boys railroaded thru Judge Kelly kangaroo court 
  • May 18 indictment of Lt. Lamond for being Proud Boys' handler

Monday, May 22, 2023

Never Forgive Never Forget

Hold onto all those many betrayals heaped upon you lo these past few years. Hold onto the shock and sorrow and loss you felt as one institution after another, one employer after another, one friend after another and one family member after another turned their faces into a scowl, turned their backs on you and declared you to be... unperson.

Never Forgive Never Forget: Watch Matt Orfalea's 'The UNVACCINATED'

by Scott Creighton

 Wrath Of The Gods Art - Pixels

Only a few days removed from the end of this nation's mRNA faux-vax entry mandates and the so-called Covid-19 'emergency status' (100% fabricated) we have been living thru for the past 3 years, one might feel inclined to take a deep breath, expel all those negative angry emotions stirring within and just let them pass harmlessly, unceremoniously, unrequited into the ether.

I say don't you fucking dare.

The people that did this to us have earned our scorn, our outrage, our derision. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Baby Steps: Old Broken Down Cad Monkey Over Analyzing Stuff Again

'Your latest video is a symphony.

A fucking symphony.

Mathematically precise logic clearly articulated.

Truth is art to those who care why art exists in the first place.

Thanks Dude.'

Sundays With Scott: Talking Sets, Dore, Krystal Ball and RFK Jr

 Both Jimmy Dore and Krystal Ball are complete idiots. However, there is much to discuss when it comes to her interview with RFK Jr.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

UPDATES on Allen TX and Nashville Shootings: Yep More BS and NO MOTIVES

Bellingcat fabricated evidence, top-secret manifestos and missing hero cops... the shoes are still different, two different Mauricios and questions about response times once again lead those of us still able to think for ourselves to ask.. WTF is going on here? 

Friday, May 19, 2023

NIAID mRNA Flu Vax Testing Begins

Fauci's NIAID was Developing an mRNA 'Flu Jab' WHILE Doing Gain of Function Work on Novel Bat Coronaviruses. What a coincidence, huh? And now that uptake on the fake vax boosters has flatlined, they are getting ready to roll out some more mRNA experimental jabs for us. How thoughtful.

Meryl Nass Promotes Rabid Zionist PNAC Warmonger's Effort to Blame China for WEF's Globalist Actions

It's one thing to be wrong. Its another thing entirely to blame someone or something fighting on our side for what our enemy is doing. That's some Cass Sunstein shit and that is exactly what folks like Frank Gaffney, RFK, Andrew Huff, James Corbett and yes, Meryl Nass are doing. Plus he was paid by AIPAC to push his anti-Muslim hatred.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Dr. Kory Dr. Bridle Statements from EP International Covid-19 Conference

The mRNA Shots Were NOT Created b/c of Covid. Covid Was Created to Usher in the Age of mRNA. The Lockdowns Were NOT Imposed to Protect You. The Lockdowns Protected Covid from Natural Immunity. The Life Taking Disinfo Did NOT Come from US. It Came from THEM and It Was No Accident .

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Weekends With Ben and Beebs

 I had a nice chat with Cave Crusher and Aunt BB this afternoon. 

A Couple Suggestions for Good Rona Info Post Covid Emergency

Check out these guys and keep up to date with them. Remember, Covid-19 was the Beta test. They are putting into practice what they learned from the first go-round and so should we.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Sec Homeland Security Demands Immigration Reform to Help Big Business

Mayorkas just comes right out and says it: Big Business is desperate for CHEAPER LABOR and there is plenty of it out there... if we just pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform. One more thing to add to the crippling trajectory of US jobs and income disparity we have seen since 1980. He doesn't care about the people desperate for good paying jobs in this country. Hell no. Wants to bring in near slaves to hand over to Big Business to drive the wage scale right into the damn ground. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023


Electronic voting machines rig elections. That is why so many of our allies across the globe refuse to use them. The evidence is overwhelming. Ever seen The Hack from Leon County Florida? If not, it's high time you did. You could vote your way out of this... but not on those machines.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Allen TX Shooting: Discredited TX DPS Cites Fraudulent Bellingcat's Fake 'Evidence'

These MFers are killing children so they can wipe their asses with your 2nd amendment rights and using proven establishment liars, Bellingcat, to falsify so-called evidence in the process. They are using photo-shopped images gleaned from their 'open source' investigation which absolves them from responsibility.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Biden Admin Importing, Distributing and HOUSING Cheap Labor for Big Business


Flexible work forces are a major pillar of neoliberal globalization. Bush's Comprehensive Immigration Reform was never passed, though they tried with almost every administration since, so instead, Biden is doing it, for The Chamber of Commerce, on his own. 

Allen TX Shooting: Some UPDATES on Suspect

Looks like they are trying to pass off some dude with a pencil neck and Dumbo ears as the shooter. No wonder they are scrubbing up the internet of that video.

Allen TX Shooting: Why is Hero Cop Who Killed Shooter Such a Mystery?

These stories of theirs always need a hero. "Let's Roll!" Jesus from Vegas. Weird neighbor from Sandy Hook. Always need a 'hero'. So why are they keeping the identity of the man who killed the shooter a secret? That's about as heroic as it gets. Maybe because, like that pilot from North Dakota on Sept. 11th 2001, this cop wasn't supposed to do his job (like the ones in Parkland, Columbine and Uvalde weren't either)

Monday, May 8, 2023

Allen TX Shooting: Why Wont MSM Show Photo of Mauricio Garcia?

Why are they keeping his image, pre-shooting image, from the public? Why are they censoring images of shooter lying on the ground? Are these two things connected?

Bitchute and Twitter Censored My Allen TX Shooting Video

I'm 'Not Safe For Life' according to the free speech outlets of Bitchute and Elon Musk's Twitter. I did not share the image of any of the victims, just the perp. JFK's murder, Vietnam's burned girl, Falling Man, Trans Shooter in Nashville, Abu Ghraib... all just fine and dandy FOR LIFE. But one image showing a 'white supremacist' Hispanic man with a Quetzalcoatl tattoo on his left hand? That is WAAAY too much for Bitchute.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Allen TX Shooting: What We Know So Far

Suspect has been named. Supposedly he went 'missing' for a bit before the shooting. Was geared up for a major attack with much larger body count and some random cop just happened to be there to take this guy out. Looks like a false flag event went south and now they got a dead contractor with a patsy stashed somewhere with nothing to do with him.

The Pope's Exorcist: So Bad It Will Make You Root for SATAN!!!

The film is awful. They are practically begging you to start believing in God again (and buy his stupid books AND watch out for some new show on Netflix or Prime or HBO)  And as bad as the writing is and as bad as the special effects are... nothing compares to the cringe of the little boy whom the film is centered. How the HELL did he get that gig? (drink)

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Coronation of the New Potentate of England: Just LOOK at his PLATES

As the alien welcoming committee turns around somewhere near Neptune... 'yep. they still aren't ready'

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Proud Boys Convicted of Unspoken Conspiracy Based Partly on Actions by other people

Redefining kangaroo court, Judge Kelly has presided over a case in which evidence of other people's actions (people not even known by the defendants) contributed to a guilty verdict where they found these 4 Proud Boys committed sedition by engaging in a conspiracy to overthrow the government.. which was never formally discussed by any of the defendants. Sedition. 50 years max. Good thing the country is distracted by all that racism in NYC.

Authentic or Staged the Ramifications of Jordan Neely Event Are Terrifying

NYC is ready to start implementing their involuntary detention of people declared to have some form of emotional or mental problems. This event ties in perfectly with that developing campaign. It will be used first on the troublesome homeless population. Then they will make their way to rounding up the conspiracy theorists and dissidents, since as we all know they have been saying these behaviors are mental illnesses. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Vile Hopium: The NWO's Unipolar Plantation Planet Will Never Bring Peace

Resistance from within, resistance from nation states (which outnumber us) will result in bloodshed on a biblical scale. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Why I Banned Yardie247

Congress is prepping 1/2 billion bucks for anti-China propaganda while the CIA is running it's clandestine China Mission Center to do the same thing across the fake political divide in alternative communities. They both represent a unipolar world view we call the New World Order. I have long since opposed the NWO and all it stands for and I am not about to change now because it is politically convenient. 

Monday, May 1, 2023

Biden Admin Ends Vax Mandates and Lifts Travel Bans

A day after my video demanding they do it. Oh I'm taking the 'W' on this one. So few out there for me, gotta grab the clout when I can.


Talking RFK Jr, Andrew Huff, New Pharaohs and mRNA Immortality

Talking RFK Jr, Andrew Huff, New Pharaohs and mRNA Immortality