Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Definitive Photographic and Video Proof Amstor Mall Was Not Target of Russian Strike

Using a video of the strike put out by a Ukrainian PR asset and a layout from Google Earth we can layout the exact locations of both missile strikes from Monday in Kremenchug Ukraine. Turns out Russia was targeting the Kredmash facility that has been servicing the military's heavy weapons since 2014 helping Kiev kill their own fellow citizens in Donbass region. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Was the Amstor mall in Kremenchuk Already Out of Business Before This Staged Event?

'Amstor LLC was declared bankrupt by the decision of the Commercial Court of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast of July 23, 2019' '18 stores of Amstor Retail Group are located in the ATO zone...Smart-Holding, is planning to regain control over 18 stores in the ATO zone after the conflict in the East of Ukraine has been settled'

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday Church of Scott: Yes It Exists and We Made It

Sometimes we all need a little refresher course especially when disinfo assets are working hard to bring on the Great Forgetting. (read data link article after the break)

Sunday Church of Scott: The 'Like Angry Monkeys at the Zoo' Sermon

It's isn't hard to understand the real differences and major conflict between how governments like China, Russia and the U.S. see the roles of government and economy in term of looking out for the best interest of the people of their respective nations (regulated market economy vs free market economy). However, Whitney Webb and the folks at  OffGuardian seem determined to keep blurring the lines as best they can for as long as they can. Pity really. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

My Take on Roe V Wade Ruling: Summer of Discontent Has Begun

I am consistent. The working class has the same rights as the wealthy and each and every one of us had the right to decide what happens to their bodies. 

Friday, June 24, 2022

What 77 Minutes in Uvalde Buys You: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

'Spurred to action by a mass shooting that killed 19 children'... 'Democrats and Republicans seized on the outrage that followed the massacre in Uvalde'... 'I’ve never seen families and kids and parents as scared as they were after Uvalde'... ' $300 million for school safety programs, including bolstering security and funding school resource officers'

Thursday, June 23, 2022

SCOTUS Rules in Favor of Constitutional Rights - Gun Grabbers Gasp in Horror

The ruling was quite simple and I believe, correct. Six states place an arbitrary requirement on citizens to prove they are special in some way and thus entitled to constitutional rights that EVERYONE should have access to. The Supreme Court said that is not constitutional and they are correct. Now watch the gun grabber freak out.

Keeping Eva Mireles' Husband Out of That Room Was the ONLY Thing They Did Right

McGruff the crime dog fed us this story in order to use emotional cover to distract from the real issue which was who gave the stand down order. Emotionally compromised officers are ALWAYS barred from involvement in hostage situations and any other LEO actions. This was NOT an out of the question action. Lying and letting children die while they held to a stand down order was. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Never Again

As Biden promises another pandemic for those who rule by crisis, we have to remember and swear to ourselves and our children that we will never again allow our leaders to harm us like they have this past go round.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Studies: Children 3x More Likely to be Seriously Injured by mRNA Jabs than Die from Covid-19

Don't believe the misleading propaganda being cobbled together by complicit media, celebrities and government officials. The facts are what they are. Your child has a 99.9998% chance of surviving an infection as well as an 18.5 out of 100k chance of being seriously injured or killed by the faux-vaxxes. Do the math. Give your kids the same chance at a healthy life that you got when you were there age and vaccines had to be time tested before jabbed into you. They deserve and will thank you later. I promise.

Monday, June 20, 2022

The Petro/Marquez Victory in Colombia: Real 'CHANGE' or Fugazi Populism?

Colombia's history is replete with rigged elections and brutal neoliberal deathsquads and yet somehow the left-wing candidate managed to win yesterday's presidential election without so much as a whimper from the opposition. How is that possible? International observers or maybe something else? 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

More Lies from Uvalde: Police Never Tried to Open Door... Unlocked the Whole Time

Arrendondo lied when he claimed he tried 2 rings full of keys to open door to classroom where 21 people were dying for 77 minutes before they breached and killed the gunman. Security footage shows suspect walked right in after it had been slammed shut by teacher, just like exterior door did and no one tried it while they were all waiting. Meaning, that door was malfunctioning and unlocked the whole damn time.

As Ukraine Psyop Fades Gonzalo Lira is Getting Desperate

'It's gonna be WWIII if you Americans don't SHARE MY VIDEO' screeches Gonzalo Lira while he praises UkraNazis and bemoans the American armed forces as inferior. Yep. Old Coach Red Pill sees his future going back to the Manosphere and making anal sex videos again and apparently he's not too pleased with it.

FBI Cover-up Specialist, Louis Freeh, Wants to Produce the “unimpeachable report” of the Parkland Shooting

(archived from) March 28, 2018

by Scott Creighton

Louis Freeh, former FBI Director (1993-2001), has put in a bid to have his “risk management” firm (Freeh Group International Solutions) conduct an “independent” investigation into the events surrounding the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High school in Parkland, Fl. The selection is to be made sometime in the near future by Broward County officials and Freeh has moved his base of operations to South Florida recently… though he claims the move was planned before the event.

“Former FBI Director Louis Freeh is interested in handling Broward County’s independent investigation into the shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, a county official said.
Freeh met Monday morning with County Commissioner Michael Udine and Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky.” Sun Sentinal, Mar. 5
“Get used to seeing more of former FBI director Louis Freeh around South Florida in the future, whether or not his company is hired to conduct an independent investigation of the Parkland school shooting.
His global risk management firm, Freeh Group International Solutions, opened an office on Worth Avenue in the town of Palm Beach a few months ago and is moving its headquarters here, Freeh told the South Florida Sun Sentinel on Tuesday in a rare interview…
Freeh’s business move was planned long before the mass shooting on Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and is not linked to his company’s bid to conduct an in-depth and independent investigation…
County Commissioner Michael Udine has been pushing for a major investigation led by a high-profile individual or company that could provide “an unimpeachable report” that would show where mistakes were made and how they can be prevented in the future, he said.” Sun Sentinal, Mar. 27

The selection or even the consideration of someone like Louis Freeh as the person to create an “unimpeachable report” is absurd. Freeh, you see, has a history.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Introducing: Old Coach Mauve Pill

 He's coming to COACH YOU UP boys and girls! To tell you all the hidden secrets of the dial-up matrix.

Just Plain Stupid: The Russia/Trump/Hookers/Golden Shower Blackmail Story

(archived from) Jan 11 2017

by Scott Creighton

And speaking of “fake news”… CNN has some breaking this morning.

Fake news outlet CNN is reporting on this story as if it is the gospel truth and they apparently refuse to link their readers/viewers to the actual 35-page document so folks can judge it for themselves. There’s good reason for that. It’s ridiculous. Here is a link to the entire 35-page “report” (PDF)

Here’s the story in a nutshell: an organization of Trump rivals in the primary contest last year hired some former British MI-6 liar to dig up some dirt on Donald Trump during the run-up to the election. The guy cobbled together some bullshit fabrications about Russia cultivating Trump for the past 5 years while simultaneously collecting sex videos of him and some hookers peeing on a bed the Obamas once slept in for blackmail purposes. The “report” was so stupid and devoid of actual facts, the group shelved the “report”. In their desperation toward the end, the Hillary team bought the rights to it, but again, because it was so stupid and sophomoric sounding, even they refused to use it.

No. Putin Did Not Try to Thwart Hillary’s Candidacy Like She Did to Him in 2012. He Didn’t Have To

(archived from Jan 4 2017) 

by Scott Creighton

Pussy Riot™  mission statement: When the world is being neoliberalized as fast as possible and the masters of the universe demand tribute from those seeking a place at the table, no effort to assist in that endeavor , no matter how sophomoric or insipid, no matter how ridiculous, no matter how contrived, shall go unrewarded. And Pussy Riot™ will be there to cash in

Not that long ago President Obama said that Russia and President Putin had tried to influence the outcome of our election process and that it was “unacceptable” behavior for a nation to attempt to influence the democratic process of other nations. Forget for a second that his evidence was so laughable that the Department of Homeland Security, the agency that cobbled it together, posted a disclaimer on the first page of the report that said it didn’t stand by a single shred of “proof” in it’s own report:

this report is provided “as is” for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.”

Let’s also forget for a moment the troubling rise of the New McCarthyism in America and the lynch-mob mentality that goes along with it.

The Declassified Russian Hacking “Intelligence” Report Is Devoid of Any Evidence and Apparently Based on Previous Lies

 (archived from Jan 7 2017)

by Scott Creighton

Yesterday (Friday Jan. 6th 2017) around 1pm, the Department of National Intelligence released their declassified report (PDF) on the Russian hacking story or the Russian “influence” story that has been taking shape here in the States surrounding Hillary Clinton’s crash and burn presidential campaign of 2016.

At about the same time, a man got off a plane in Florida and took a gun from his checked bag and opened fire on people in the baggage claim area of an airport, emptying 3 clips before lying down on the ground and waiting to be arrested. That man claimed earlier that the CIA had been trying to force him to watch “ISIS” videos.

AE News: Uvalde Cover-up, Ashley's Diary and a Revolutionary Buffet

In Uvalde the city and the cops are refusing to hand over public information about what happened at Robb Elementary and I believe it's because they don't want folks to know who gave stand down order. Ashley Biden's diary starting to sound a lot like the Pee Pee Dossier right on time for the Assange hearings. And in the end, you can't plant your way out of this shit, but you can eat your way out of it.

Friday, June 17, 2022

FDA Approves mRNA Faux-vaxxes for Young Kids: Marketing Kicks Into High Gear

In spite of all the recent information coming out about vaccine adverse events and the very low efficacy rates, the FDA has now approved Rona jabs for 6 month old kids to age 5. It is obscene and extremely depressing to talk about. But in this story lies the ripped open and exposed rotten core of what this country has become.

Real Leftie Says Lets Pump the Brakes on the Jimmy Dore Coronation

It's one thing to have a wrong take from time to time. It's quite another to always err on the side of the establishment and hold that view as long as possible before being forced by the general consensus to give it up. Dore stands on shoulders of real researchers to get his face in the spotlight and pronounce his limited hangout controlled opposition. And he does it knowingly in hopes it will make him rich and famous which is all he ever really cared about. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

WEF Plan to Solve Housing Crisis: Welcome to Shantyland USA

Cut regulations. Let Big Businesses like Blackrock stuff shanties all over the country to house the little people while the elites build bigger, nicer more expensive homes than they already own. Welcome to the Great Reset. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

FDA Votes to Approve Dangerous mRNA Faux-Vaxxes to Our Most Vulnerable Children

I can't tell you how disgusted I am now that the FDA is making it possible for cowardly ignorant parents to risk their children's health so they can feel a little safer at home. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Sheepherder Nick Brana Says 'VOTE DORE '24

 So Nick Brana is now trying to drum up support for his failing political party by trying to get Jimmy Dore of all people to run for president in 2024. Hell, it worked for Zelensky right? What harm could a college dropout pothead 'jagoff in his garage' who thought AOC was the real deal for years do to our political system now? Charlie Sheen could be his running mate.

Production Upgrades

A few small improvements to production quality. 

Who Chose September 11th and Why?

The New American Century. The Grand Chessboard. The World Island. What was the significance of September 11th and why was it chosen to bring about the Global War OF Terror and the NWO?

Monday, June 13, 2022

Sunday, June 12, 2022

22 Years of Election Fraud in America and Those Who Resisted It

In 2000, members of the Black Caucus tried their best to halt the certification of a fraudulent election in the United States. They were not prosecuted or shamed or investigated afterward. And in the end even the MSM had to admit, they were right. But the plan had been set in motion and the Bush/Cheney regime was in place. Now the daughter of America's most prolific terrorist attacks others who did the same as those brave men and women way back when. Gee... I wonder why.

FBI Trainees Stage Another 'White Supremacist' LARPer Event

And in honor of Gay Pride month they decided to make the LGBTQ community hate them as well. Yes your government is using it's resources to make one segment of the population hate another all in the hopes that they can pass H.R. 350. 

Saturday, June 11, 2022

New CHRON Report Confirms STAND DOWN ORDER at Uvalde Shooting

Pedro Arrendondo has been released from his confinement and allowed to speak to the press about what happened that dark day in Uvalde, Texas. He claims he left both radios outside the school for BS reasons and that he didn't give that stand down order the BORTAC team claims is what kept them from going into the classroom when they first showed up. He also addresses issue with the windows as in, why not try to snipe the guy through them. It's all bullshit but this is going to be how they leave this story. And it's troubling too say the least. The implications are horrible.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

#HandsOffOurChildren Stop FDA from Pushing FauxVaxes on Our Babies


#HandsOffOurChildren Stop FDA from Pushing FauxVaxes on Our Babies

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

White House Calls on Matthew McConaughey's Acting Super Powers to Push Gun Agenda


Old Matt gives a reader theater performance at the White House. Such an obvious performance. So pathetic. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Eclipsius Undone: The Wages of Disability


Never give in to the self doubts that disability will manifest within you. I did. I paid. I learned. No more. A stiff price but a much more valuable lesson has been learned. The fat lady may be singing Eclipius' dirge but not mine. Not by a long shot. 

Dems Railroading Peter Navarro Like a Fascist Ukrainian Puppet Treats His Opposition

Can you really be charged with contempt of congress because they '6 degrees of Kevin Bacon' you to a fake insurgency? This country has a long history of letting real criminals skate on congressional testimony so what gives now? Too bad Peter doesn't have one of these cards...

Monday, June 6, 2022

As Chuck Todd Laments Russia Threatens NWO, Most Nations Reject Sanctions

It's not just Russia and China that pose an 'existential threat' to the globalist's Great Reset (NWO) but in fact it's MOST OF THEM. The proof of this fact is undeniable.

Sunday Chat with The Beebs (Barbara Hammer)

It is always such a joy to talk with Barbara in these Sunday chats we have. In this one we talk about a range of topics from 9/11 to disinformation assets in our current struggles today. Sorry I have to leave early but Beau would not have stopped barking due to my neighbor, whom he loves, knocking on the door to show me his new ride. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Clowning on 'The Real' Jon Gold (cus it's just so damn easy)

So yesterday I made a video talking about how cognitive infiltration works now and how it has worked since 9/11 and how they attack anyone posting good information the establishment doesn't want you to know... and guess what happened? lol

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Strange Bedfellows Revisited

Looking at the landscape of Covid skeptics, full of all their disinfo assets and ridiculous fear porn, it reminds me of what was done to the 9/11 Truth community all those years ago by Cass Sunstein agents. The more things change... (H/T Robert)

Friday, June 3, 2022

ISIS™ , the CIA, the Salvador Option, John Negroponte’s Brother and James Foley’s Fake Beheading

(archived from August 29, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

What does it all mean? Well, I’ll tell you.

Obama Needs Fresh Wine

Steve Martin playing the title role in The Jerk, said “This wine is OLD! Take it away. We want NEW WINE. Bring us some FRESH WINE”

This apparently is the most recent mandate from President Peace Prize with regard to his left-cover operation known as James Foley. The beheading video, now well understood to be a fake, is “old wine”. 

Obama needs “fresh wine”

The ISIS Crisis: Road to Syria or Left Cover for the Salvador Option II?

(archived from June 14, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

All about Syria? No. It’s cover for the new phase of death squads in Iraq. “Stability” as the Masters of the Universe would call it.

What to do about the deepening quagmire of Iraq? The Pentagon’s latest approach is being called “the Salvador option”–and the fact that it is being discussed at all is a measure of just how worried Donald Rumsfeld really is. “What everyone agrees is that we can’t just go on as we are,” one senior military officer told NEWSWEEK. “We have to find a way to take the offensive against the insurgents. Right now, we are playing defense. And we are losing.” Last November’s operation in Fallujah, most analysts agree, succeeded less in breaking “the back” of the insurgency–as Marine Gen. John Sattler optimistically declared at the time–than in spreading it out. Newsweek 2005

To hear the MSM tell it, the latest news (if you want to call it that) out of Iraq (our precious 52nd state) is that “the turrurrurrurrists” are rebelling and threatening to upset the Green Zone.

A call to arms has been put out and the Shite’s who have been blessed with power and access to globalist money, are signing up, shouting religious dogma and hoping on the back of trucks with AK-47′s to go wipe out “the terrorists” while basically, over here, we applaud (or we are supposed to lest we get called “conspiracy theorists” or something.