Friday, July 5, 2024

RFK Jr. Vanity Fair Hit Piece: A Deeply Flawed Man Born to a Nest of Vipers

I've said what there is to be said about the faux campaign of one RFK Jr.  He's a POS and this Vanity Fair hit piece doesn't really tell me much that is news to me except for the fact that it seems to suggest a couple things about him I wondered about a while ago while also making a point to show the Kennedy clan will literally eat their own if it means protecting their Camelot image. Bobby should tread very carefully among the snakes that make up his family. The Price of Privilege.

Israel's Netanyahu should leave 'immediately', former Shin Bet chief Ami Ayalon says

(The only way to defeat a resistance movement is to remove the power structure they are resisting. Withdraw IDF, get the settlers out of the West Bank and strike a mutual deal with Palestine to recognize each other to live in harmony. Once that is complete, there will be no need for resistance. This guy from Shin Bet says the same thing I have been saying all along.)

from France 24 English

Israeli Settlers Go Berserk: 500 Border Police Attacked With Molotov Cocktails, Stones

 (The Israeli government had to remove an illegal settlement in the West Bank (they are all illegal) so the rabid money-grubbing loser settlers turned their hatred toward the police officers who have been protecting them from the Palestinians all this time. They are just greedy violent thugs who don't give a shit about anything but lining their own pockets via stealing someone else's land. 

Israeli settlers are the worst humans on the planet by a long shot.)

from Times of India

Vanity Fair Hit Piece on RFK Jr. from Wayback Machine

 (It's behind a paywall on Vanity Fair... so yeah... fuck em)

(Clearly this is written in an effort to get RFK Jr. out of the race in order to help Biden 'win' the White House again. This hit piece is full of all sorts of bullshit from the Kennedy clan but some of it is stuff I have mentioned before about him. Yeah he tries to fuck much younger women. Yeah, there is cocaine. Yeah, its all about him staying in the spotlight. And yeah, he plays fast and loose with the truth. One thing I found interesting was how the author wrote about just how protective the Kennedy clan is of their name and reputation which leads me to further believe I was right about them taking out RFK Jr.s former wife before she could drag them through an embarrassing divorce. But it is still a blatant hit piece, without a doubt.)

from Vanity Fair via Wayback Machine

...A few Kennedy cousins have pushed for a more aggressive approach, with one mockingly referring to the White House photo op as the “leprechaun event.” Behind the scenes there is a growing panic that the family must do more to prevent their rogue cousin from causing a political disaster, especially in the wake of Biden’s debate performance. As one family intimate, Andy Karsch, who has known Kennedy since 1972, has put it to Bobby directly: If Trump is elected, “you’ll go down as one of the great villains in American history.”

“[Bobby] risks damaging the legacies of both his father and uncle at a time when those values and ideals could not be any more important,” Karsch tells me.

The portrait family members paint of Bobby is of a man of exceptional charm, wit, brains, and generosity who has championed important environmental causes, but whose worst traits—an unnerving ease with blending fact and fiction; a powerful ability to deny the collateral damage of his own destructive actions—have engulfed his better angels. The source of these pathologies, they observe, are found in his long and troubling biography, a life story marked by personal trauma and addiction to drugs, sex, and, perhaps most perniciously of all, public adulation....

 But more often his family points to Kennedy’s 14 years as a heroin user, which began when Kennedy was 15 and didn’t end until he was 29. Kennedy has made his history of addiction part of his campaign narrative, arguing that he is more equipped to fix America’s addiction problem...

At Harvard, in the mid-1970s, Kennedy was regularly injecting speedballs, a mixture of heroin and cocaine, and became a pied piper to friends and family, regularly shooting up with his troubled brother David Kennedy, according to multiple friends from the era...

Like all the rest of us, Bobby grew up feeling that being a Kennedy you could do virtually anything you wanted,” Kennedy’s cousin Chris Lawford told the authors of The Kennedys: An American Drama, a controversial 1984 book. “It was good because you got away with things other people wouldn’t dream of; it was bad because it destroyed your sense of what was worth doing.”...

In 1983 RFK Jr., by then an assistant DA in the office of Manhattan district attorney Robert Morgenthau, was discovered overdosing in the bathroom of an airplane...

When an excerpt of the Kennedy book was published in Playboy magazine in 1984, the family turned on David Kennedy for airing the family’s addiction secrets, and he stayed in a separate hotel during a family gathering in Palm Beach. “Bobby,” David had told the book’s authors, “was our last illusion.”

The next day David died of an overdose at age 28...

(they killed one of their own for embarrassing the family)

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scotty's sideshow Ep. 1

I really enjoyed out talk yesterday. Thank you all for showing up. I was getting Super Bowl '96 vibes there for a minute. Thanks to everyone who talked with us.

RFK Jr.’s response to allegations of sexual assault: ‘I am who I am’

(You have to read this Vanity Fair hit piece on RFK Jr. It's obscene. However, Kyle over at Secular Talk buys into it 100% I guess because he hates anyone who suggests the glorious vaccines were not as billed and anyone who says our elections are rigged. The fake left is just wonderful aren't they? Remember, he backed RFK Jr. to start)

from MSNBC

On Tuesday, Vanity Fair published an explosive piece about independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. that was rife with shocking details, including allegations that he sexually assaulted a babysitter he employed and that he may have eaten a dog.

According to Vanity Fair’s reporting (which has not been verified by MSNBC), a woman named Eliza Cooney, who had been hired to babysit Kennedy’s children in 1998 when she was 23, alleged that he groped her or behaved inappropriately toward her on three occasions. Cooney told the publication that she wrote about the first incident in her diary at the time and that she had confided in her mother in 2017 during the height of the #MeToo movement. She said she had also told several of her friends about Kennedy’s alleged behavior last year, after he announced his run for president.

Kennedy did not respond to NBC News’ request for comment on the allegations. But asked about the assault allegations in an interview on “Breaking Points,” a YouTube show, he said he would not respond to the details, adding that he had a “rambunctious youth.” (Kennedy was in his 40s when the incidents are alleged to have occurred.)

“Listen, I’ve said this from the beginning: I am not a church boy,” he told the interviewer Tuesday. “I had a very, very rambunctious youth. I said in my announcement speech that I — I have so many skeletons in my closet that if they all vote, I could run for king of the world.”

He said the magazine was “recycling 30-year-old stories,” adding: “I’m not going to comment on the details of any of them, but it’s — you know, I am who I am.” When asked point-blank whether he was denying Cooney’s allegations, Kennedy repeated that he was not going to comment...

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Thursday, July 4, 2024

scotty's sideshow Today at 5pm on Twitter Space

 We have our first celebrity endorsement! I am so excited!!

There is a Reason No One Mentions Sheepdog Sanders as Replacement for Biden - That Dog Just Wont Hunt

by Scott Creighton

There are tons of polls right now asking the eternal question: who is better at beating Donald Trump than our pile of quivering jello, President Joe 'Lithium Please' Biden.

And the answers range from 'hell fucking no!' to 'who the hell is that?'


But guess who they don't run against the Orange One in these polls? 

Yep. you guessed it, the guy who steadily beat Trump in the polls back in 2020 and 2016... Bernie 'Sheepdog' Sanders.

Palestinian death toll from Israel's genocidal Gaza war tops 38,000

from Daily Sabah

The Palestinian death toll from Israel's genocidal war on Gaza has crossed the grim milestone of 38,000.

Israeli attacks killed at least 58 more Gazans on Thursday, bringing the overall death toll to 38,011 since last Oct. 7, the Health Ministry in the besieged enclave said.

A ministry statement added that some 87,445 other people have been injured in the onslaught.

"Israeli forces killed 58 people and injured 179 others in four ‘massacres’ against families in the last 24 hours," the ministry said.

"Many people are still trapped under rubble and on the roads as rescuers are unable to reach them," it added...

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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The philosophy of Hamas in the writings of Yahya Sinwar


from Mondoweiss

The following was originally published in Arabic in Babelwad, titled “The Philosophy of Hamas: Politics and Existence According to Yahya Sinwar,” by Haneen Odetallah.

“We must enter Sinwar’s mind” is the slogan of the current phase in the “Israeli” media, which continues to broadcast loud condemnations after Yahya Sinwar, the head of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Gaza, carried out the greatest military-intelligence deception in their entity’s history. Sinwar surprised them in a battle named “Al-Aqsa Flood,” but its real headline is that of Palestinian prisoners, to whom Sinwar has remained loyal — being a former prisoner himself who was liberated in a prisoner swap called the “Loyalty of the Free” deal.

Sinwar spent 23 years of his life in prison, including four years in solitary confinement, but he did not waste any of those years. He learned Hebrew and everything he could about his enemy, even formulating and executing a long-term intelligence plan from behind bars, which at the time was far-reaching. Sinwar studied and thought extensively, and he also wrote. Although we need not “enter Sinwar’s mind,” I believe that we, too, should at least “get to know his thinking,” to use a less intrusive expression. 

But what might be easier than “entering Sinwar’s mind” is to read the writings he undertook after years of isolation, contemplation, and study...

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Ben-Gvir confirms atrocities faced by Palestinians in Israeli prisons

from Uprooted Palestinian Blog

Israeli Police Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir confirms the reports saying Palestinians are suffering atrocious circumstances in Israeli prisons and pushes for even harsher treatment.

Israeli Police Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir confirmed Tuesday’s reports of the atrocious conditions being faced by Palestinian prisoners and defended the legitimacy of such measures. He emphasized that these steps were part of his campaign promises and aimed at minimizing the rights of Palestinians detained over alleged “terrorism” charges to the bare minimum allowed by law.

“Since assuming my role as [Police] Minister, one of my top priorities has been to worsen the conditions for terrorists in prisons and reduce their rights to the minimum required by law,” Ben-Gvir said. “This was a commitment I made to my voters and the people of Israel during the elections when I announced my intention to take on this role.”...

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Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on Gaza, Israel and Zionism

 by Scott Creighton

'Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, is a retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell.'

Wilkerson mentions that Netanyahu has been at this for 15 years. Its been a lot longer than that. 

There is a video of Bibi talking with a settler family from 2000 where he openly states he is dedicated to stopping 'this 1967 borders thing'  He is absolutely opposed to two-states and was telling this happy family of thugs and thieves that his plan was to take it all for Glorious Israel. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Immunity Ruling Escalates Long Rise of Presidential Power

(Dick Cheney's Unitary Executive Theory)

from NYT

The Supreme Court’s decision to bestow presidents with immunity from prosecution over official actions is an extraordinary expansion of executive power that will reverberate long after Donald J. Trump is gone.

Beyond its immediate implications for the election subversion case against Mr. Trump and the prospect that he may feel less constrained by law if he returns to power, the ruling also adds to the nearly relentless rise of presidential power since the mid-20th century.

It had seemed like a constitutional truism in recent years when more than one lower-court opinion addressing novel legal issues raised by Mr. Trump’s norm-breaking behavior observed that presidents are not kings. But suddenly, they do enjoy a kind of monarchical prerogative.

“The relationship between the president and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in an outraged dissent joined by the court’s other two liberals. “In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law.”...

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Rights advocate condemns Israeli NYC consul's anti-Muslim call

from Daily Sabah

A U.S.-based rights advocacy group condemned anti-Muslim comments made by Israel's new consul-general in New York, who urged New Yorkers to "wake up" against what he called an alleged "radical Muslim occupation."

The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY) condemned Ofir Akunis's statement made in an interview with the New York Post.

Akunis likened New York’s situation to cities like London, Malmo and Paris, which he described as being under the occupation of "radical Muslims," urging New Yorkers to act before it was too late.

In a statement, CAIR-NY Executive Director Afaf Nasher said: "This false ‘wake up’ call is in reality a call to hatred and violence targeting New York Muslims and Arabs, and those perceived to be Muslim and Arab-American."

Nasher emphasized that Akunis' "false and hate-filled remarks should be repudiated by all political and religious leaders."...

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Israeli minister threatens countries against recognizing Palestine

from Daily Sabah

Israel's far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich threatened to set up a new settlement after each country recognized Palestinian statehood.

"For every country that unilaterally recognizes a Palestinian state, we will establish a new town (settlement) and thus bring about the demise of the delusional idea of establishing a Palestinian state that will endanger the existence of the State of Israel," Israeli daily Haaretz cited Smotrich telling a news conference.

Smotrich, who heads the extremist Religious Zionism Party, said last week’s decision to legalize five settlement outposts was "a response to the unilateral recognition of five countries" of Palestine as a state.

Last week, the Israeli Cabinet approved steps proposed by Smotrich aimed at "legalizing" five settlement outposts in the West Bank...

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Patients forced out of Gaza’s European hospital after Israel's evacuation order

from PressTV

The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) says patients at the European hospital near Khan Yunis are being transferred to nearby medical centers following an Israeli evacuation order covering much of the Gaza Strip’s second-largest city.

The PRCS made the announcement on Tuesday, a day after the Israeli military ordered Palestinians in the eastern half of Khan Yunis and a large swath of Gaza’s south-eastern corner to leave.

The order suggested that the occupation troops are likely to launch a new ground assault in Khan Yunis.

Israeli forces fought for weeks in the southern Gaza city earlier this year but withdrew, claiming to have destroyed battalions of the Hamas resistance group there.

Jeremy Hickey, an anesthesiologist with the charity Fajr Scientific who was working at the European Hospital, told Al Jazeera TV news channel that staff were notified that the facility needed to evacuate...

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Israeli attack kills father of Hind Rajab, symbol of Gaza's suffering

from PressTV

The father of Hind Rajab, the 6-year old Palestinian girl whose murder awakened the world to the suffering of Gaza’s children in Israel’s genocidal war, has reportedly been killed by the regime’s military.

A new report, quoting Palestinian journalist Ashraf Mashharawi, said that Hind’s mother had received a text message saying that her husband had been killed in an Israeli attack.

Ashraf Mashharawi had reportedly spoken to Hind's mother recently.

On January 29, Hind had been traveling in a car with her uncle, his wife and their four children, fleeing fighting in the neighborhood of Tel Al-Hawa in Gaza City, when they came under Israeli fire.

Trapped in the bullet-ridden vehicle and surrounded by her dead relatives, the little girl phoned emergency services and, over a period of more than three hours begged for help, saying that an Israeli tank appeared to be closing in.

“Come take me. Will you come and take me? I’m so scared, please come!” she can be heard saying in a recording of the call to responders, released by the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS).

Two first responders, Yousef Zeino and Ahmed al-Madhoun, were deployed in a bid to save Hind, but the PRCS soon lost contact with them, along with the little girl.

On February 10, the bodies of Hind and her relatives were found lying in the car. Just meters away, a burned-out ambulance was found with the remains of the two paramedics who tried to save the girl...

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It’s Not Up to Jill Biden (or crackhead Hunter either for that matter)

(Looks like everyone has figured it out)

from Slate

... It wasn’t just traditional news media. Right-wing content farms quickly started churning out takes about how “Lady Mac-Biden” was “desperately clinging to power.” The National Review referred to Jill Biden as “the Decider.”

Some of this can be written off as sexism. There’s been a lot of wife-blaming going around this election cycle, on both sides of the aisle.

But there’s an element of much deeper concern in all this coverage. It’s not just that these outlets are hand-wringing about what role Dr. Jill Biden could play in Biden’s decision. The question is: Why the hell would this decision be up to Dr. Jill Biden, even in part, at all?...

This is, to put it bluntly, not Jill Biden’s job...

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The REAL REASON Biden's Not Dropping Out of The 2024 Presidential Race

 The Young Turks figured it out. It's crackhead Hunter and his power-wife Jill. Now, if I could just explain to them what the Nakba Pier was all about from the start, they'll be getting somewhere.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Bidens Say Joe is Fine, Ultra-Orthodox in Israel and Private Equity's War on You

Bidens Say Joe is Fine, Ultra-Orthodox in Israel and Private Equity's War on You 

Biden’s family backs his re-election bid – CNN


(President Biden's unhinged user wife and crack-head criminal son have decided SleepyJoe 'wants' to remain president as long as he can (despite the fact that Dem donors want him replaced) What an obvious case of senior abuse. I said in a previous video that his wife is desperate to cling to power in the White House as the gate-keeper to a diminished Joe Biden and obviously his son wants mommy and daddy to keep him out of jail and flush with kick-backs and crack. Apparently they have settled on 'it's his aids' fault' line of spin. They are saying his granddaughter can handle his campaign better than Ron Klain, Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer for reasons or something. This is obscene. An entire family of grifters and hangers-on willing to sacrifice him and the election this year in order to remain relevant. Disgusting.)

from RT

The family of US President Joe Biden has urged him not to end his campaign for reelection despite the widespread disappointment following his debate against Republican challenger Donald Trump, CNN has reported.

Biden’s performance in his first face-off with Trump on Thursday was widely viewed as a disaster, with CNN describing it as “stunningly poor” on Monday. The 81-year-old appeared frail and confused, struggling to finish his sentences and mixing up words. Public calls have been made for the Democrats to replace the president on their ticket for the November 5 election, including from the New York Times editorial board, with media reports claiming that the idea is backed by some of the party’s major donors.

On Sunday, Biden’s family, including First Lady Jill Biden, son and convicted felon Hunter Biden, and their grandchildren, convened at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland for a previously scheduled photo shoot with photographer, Annie Leibovitz.

Senior Biden advisers who talked to CNN stressed that discussing the future of the president’s campaign was not the intended goal of the meeting. But the question was brought up, with family members offering their “unequivocal support” for Biden remaining in the race, according to one adviser...

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Israeli military runs over injured mother by tank, uses family as human shields

from PressTV

A Geneva-based rights group has documented a new Israeli war crime in the Gaza Strip, where an occupation tank deliberately ran over an injured Palestinian mother in front of her son.

In a statement released on Sunday, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor (Euro-Med) said an Israeli tank ran over 65-year-old Safiya Hassan Musa al-Jamal after she was injured in a raid by the regime forces on her house in Gaza City’s Shuja’iyya neighborhood on Thursday.

Safiya’s son, Muhannad al-Jamal, also witnessed the killing, it added.

Muhannad, 28, told Euro-Med that he, along with his mother, three sisters and niece, hid in the house after Israeli troops attacked Shuja’iyya on Thursday morning.

“After sunset, we heard gunfire … and realized that the soldiers had stormed the house,” he said.

“When they found us in the room, they started firing at the walls randomly and threw five bombs amid gunfire… I was hit by shrapnel in my back, along with my sisters. My mother was struck by a large piece of shrapnel in her chest.”...

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British MP Candidate DETAINED Over Gaza Statements

(His pro-Assange stance didn't get him locked up while his pro-Palestinian resistance statements did. Says a lot doesn't it? I agree with him on two fronts, that Palestine has the right to resist and that it's good to see the mood in America shift so dramatically toward supporting the people of Palestine. He however thinks Israel has no right to exist, while I believe the June 1967 borders makes clear the majority of the world agrees with me that they both can exist in harmony in the future.)

(He talks about the use of the anti-Terrorism Bill in the U.K. being used now mainly against journalists to get to their electronics and read their notes and possibly uncover various whistle-blowers they can go after. What he fails to understand or at least doesn't say is, it was always designed for such use.)

from Katie Halper