Wednesday, May 15, 2024

BEHOLD! The ISRAEL ALWAYS COMES FIRST! ACT - Brought to you by Republican Sellouts in D.C.

by Scott Creighton

America first. Remember?

Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) today joined Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and many other sellout senators in congress in an effort to make sure everyone knows who they really serve in the U.S. Senate... Israel.

'Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) today joined Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and colleagues in introducing the Israel Security Assistance Support Act to condemn the Biden administration’s pause on arms transfers Israel and require the administration to reverse its pause.' senate website

Biden just released 1 billion dollars worth of munitions to Glorious, Blameless, Forever the Victim Israel with which the 'Did We Mention the Holocaust?' Zionists will kill many many more Palestinian children, undoubtedly. 

However, that isn't enough for the Israel-Firsters in the Senate to satiate their neanderthal bloodlust. They want Biden to release the 2,000lb and 500lb 'smart bombs' to the 'Most Moral Army in the World' so they can wipe out entire neighborhoods in the overcrowded Rafah section of Gaza and 'accidentally' kill thousands more civilians, while conveniently clearing the land for the new Israeli developments that are on the agenda for the eventual rebuild.

Think of the shekels that will save!

In order to make it perfectly clear that these Republicans (yes they are all Republicans) serve Israel First (not the millions who want it to stop... but the RICH ONES.) they have stipulated in the bill that if Glorious, Blameless, Forever the Victim Israel doesn't get their 2,000lb bombs FOR FREE... immediately... then they plan to hold up every penny they can for every other project of NATIONAL SECURITY for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA until they do (or until the U.S. collapses and is invaded by some bullshit little country somewhere)

I'm not kidding.


Beyond that, they want a mechanism to be enacted to withhold the paychecks of any and all DoD, State Department and NSC employees who aren't also on board with the new ISRAEL FIRST dictate.

That's right. According to the following US congress critters, in order to get a paycheck in service to the United States, you must first recognize your real masters:

  • Tom Cotton (R-Ark.)
  • John Kennedy (R-La.)
  • John Barrasso (R-Wyo.)
  • Katie Britt (R-Ala.)
  • Ted Budd (R-N.C.)
  • Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.)
  • Mike Crapo (R-Idaho)
  • Steve Daines (R-Mont.)
  • Joni Ernst (R-Iowa)
  • Deb Fischer (R-Neb.)
  • Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.)
  • Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.)
  • Roger Marshall (R-Kan.)
  • Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.)
  • Rick Scott (R-Fla.)
  • Thom Tillis (R-N.C.)

(highlighted in red text are these folks (and you can see just how much 'love' they have for Israel)


You think I am kidding?

The Israel Security Assistance Support Act would:

  • Compel the expeditious delivery of approved defense articles and services to Israel, including third-party deliveries.
  • Withhold funds from the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State and the National Security Council until the U.S. delivers suspended defense articles...' Kennedy website

That's right. Give Glorious, Blameless, Forever the Victim Israel the 2,000lb bombs to blow up more Palestinian children or the DoD, State Department and NSC all get shut down... cus why should the U.S. even exist if Glorious, Blameless, Forever the Victim Israel can't kill children with impunity with FREE BOMBS paid for by U.S. taxpayers (as if the 1 billion dollars worth of other bombs we just sent wasn't enough)

Notice on Kennedy's website they don't really mention the witch-hunt for anti-Semites in the U.S. government this bill calls for, but that's OKAY. I found it so you can read it yourself. (PDF)


None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available under any Act appropriating funds for the Department of Defense or the Department of State for fiscal year 2024 or any prior years may be made available—

  1. to withhold, halt, reverse, or cancel the delivery of defense articles or defense services from theUnited States to Israel; or
  2. to pay the salary or expenses of any officer or employee of the Department of Defense or the Department of State who takes any action to support or further the withholding, halting, reversal, or cancellation of the delivery of such defense articles or services.

That's right. You can't touch Israel's shekels and if you even talk about it amongst yourselves in private and someone snitches you out, you forfeit your cushy gubmint job paycheck...

cus we all work for the Zionists now!

They also flat out LIED in the bill stating that Palestinians killed 1.200 people on Oct 7 2023 when I make it perfectly clear the number is closer to 539. And without a real investigation, who knows how many of them were actually killed by 'the most moral army in the world'.

Truth be told, Biden isn't really withholding that much doom and death from Glorious Israel. They have plenty of bombs to kill plenty more children in Gaza (over 15,000 now)

And truth be told again, Biden's tiny little slap at Glorious Israel's blood-soaked wrists isn't without precedent. In fact, all you Reagan Republicans out there should remember these:

'on June 7, 1981, less than six months after Reagan took office, Israel launched a surprise bombing raid on the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak, and, in so doing, violated the airspace of Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Reagan not only supported UNSC Resolution 487, which condemned the attack, but he also criticized the raid publicly and suspended the delivery of advanced F-16 fighter jets to Israel...

In addition to allowing the UN resolutions to pass and suspending the F-16 delivery, Reagan also restricted aid and military assistance to Israel to help force its withdrawal of troops from Beirut and central Lebanon.' L. Korb 

Even Reagan knew when it was time to yank Israel's leash. You should read that Korb article. Glorious, Blameless, Forever the Victim Israel wanted to bomb a hotel in Lebanon that over 100 U.S. reporters were staying at because they didn't like the press coverage they were getting which started to make em look like the perps, not the victims.

So they figured they would just kill a bunch of U.S. citizens. That'll shut em up.

Reagan was having none of it.

And apparently no one in the Senate tried to pass an ISRAEL ALWAYS COMES FIRST bill threatening to pull the temple down around our own heads if the Zionists didn't get to kill U.S. reporters.

Imagine that.

Thankfully everyone in D.C. isn't on the Tel Aviv payroll just yet.

“Under this bill, it may not be possible for the U.S. to even debate whether or not arms should be provided to units that have committed gross violations of human rights, and would seem to suggest that the U.S. cannot deny anything Israel might request, however inappropriate, from cluster bombs to ballistic missiles,” Josh Paul, former director of congressional and public affairs for the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs

“The administration’s recent pledge to pause certain transfers to Israel if it carries out a full-scale attack on Gaza is small, and an inadequate step towards reining in the Netanyahu government’s criminal conduct in Gaza. But even this small step is too much for the authors of the Israeli Security Support Act apparently believe that Israel should be allowed to kill civilians in Gaza with impunity even as they block the delivery of life-saving humanitarian supplies.” Bill Hartung, senior research fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft

Biden has said he will veto this Israel Comes First Always and Forever bill if it comes to his desk and I doubt it will receive much bipartisan support. It is a bit of a bridge too far even for the fake leftist sellouts in congress.

Making it clear to your voters that you serve the interests of another nation first and foremost used to be a big no-no in D.C. but now we have electronic voting machines... so... fuck it I guess.

Take the money when you can is the new motto of the Shining City on Capital Hill.

I hope this lets people know just how infiltrated our system really is and furthermore just how desperate the Zionists are to impose their will on us and the Palestinians.

Let's hope the push-back is loud and obnoxious. 

We should withhold every single bullet until they get out of Palestine (including the West Bank)

Because, after all, we don't negotiate with terrorists. Remember?

Oh, and for the traitors who did this (see list above)? They shouldn't ever get another government paycheck either. Kick em out of office.

America first. Remember?

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