Monday, July 8, 2024

Israel’s 'Hannibal Directive' turned 'Gaza border' into extermination zone

from PressTV

...  Haaretz added that on 7 October, when the Gaza-based resistance movements, including Hamas, launched their operation, “Israeli forces opened fire on their own military bases, [and] settlements … using heavy weapons from attack helicopters, drones, and tanks. They wished to eliminate the Hamas fighters attacking Israel from Gaza, even if it meant also killing the Israelis.”

Haaretz noted that despite Israel’s plans, Hamas was able to take captives during the operation, asserting that “many of the 1,200 Israelis who died that day were killed by Israeli forces.

The report actually belied previous claims by Israeli officials who alleged that Palestinian resistance fighters had killed 1,200 Israelis in their anti-regime operation.

Haaretz said the Hannibal Directive was first issued at 7:18 a.m. on October 7 and again at 7:41 a.m. to ensure "no soldiers will be taken away."

When the directive was activated, “many civilians were in the open areas and fields … because thousands of Israelis had attended the Nova Music Festival” and when the resistance operation started, many of them took cover in the fields and forests surrounding the concert site.

A previous report by The Cradle affirmed that Israeli attack helicopters killed concertgoers at Nova, including many who were burned alive by missiles and high-caliber incendiary machine gun fire...

Haaretz' report came after earlier in June, a report by the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) found that Israeli forces had intentionally killed Israelis to avoid giving the Palestinian side an upper hand in possible negotiations...

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