Saturday, September 21, 2024

Russia publishes ‘destructive neoliberal’ countries list (and I add one showing who still rejects Palestinian statehood)

from RT

Moscow has listed 47 countries whose “destructive attitudes” contradict Russian values, opening a path for their nationals to seek asylum in Russia if they so choose.

President Vladimir Putin signed a decree last month allowing foreigners who share Russia’s traditional values and disagree with the “neoliberal” agenda pushed by their own governments to apply for residency. 

On Friday, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin published the list of countries and territories that “implement policies that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes contradicting traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.”


The list posted on the Russian government portal includes the following countries and territories: Australia, Austria, Albania, Andorra, the Bahamas, Belgium, Bulgaria, the UK, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Micronesia, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Romania, San Marino, North Macedonia, Singapore, the US, Taiwan (territory of China), Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia and Japan...

... According to Putin’s edict from August, nationals of “destructive neoliberal” countries are eligible to seek temporary residence in Russia without having to satisfy the standard immigration requirements, such as national quotas, Russian language proficiency, and knowledge of Russian history and laws. ..

read more here

(I included a list of countries below that do NOT recognize Palestine as a state Nov 2023)

(some countries removed from list for recognizing Palestine since it was published. There may be others I have not found)

(31 of Russia's listed 47 neoliberal nations are also on the list of 51 nations that do not recognize Palestine as a state.That is NOT too say that the ones on the list below not mentioned by name by the Russians aren't in bed with the neoliberal world order run by the Masters of the Universe. It just means they rate high enough to be considered having enough influence as to merit being included on the list.)

(There seems to be a strong correlation between Savage Capitalism and the rejection of basic human rights. That and maybe it says something else about who runs the banking and financial sectors of the Westernized States.)

(an X indicates they are on both lists)

  1. Andorra X
  2. Austria X
  3. Belgium X
  4. Croatia X
  5. Denmark X
  6. Estonia X
  7. Finland X
  8. France X
  9. Germany X
  10. Greece X
  11. Italy X
  12. Latvia X
  13. Lithuania X
  14. Liechtenstein X
  15. Luxembourg X
  16. Moldova
  17. Netherlands X
  18. North Macedonia
  19. Slovenia
  20. Switzerland X
  21. England (UK) X
  22. Monaco X
  23. San Marino X
  24. Portugal X
  25. Bahamas X
  26. Canada X
  27. Panama
  28. United States X
  29. Trinidad and Tobago
  30. Barbados
  31. Jamaica
  32. Japan X
  33. Myanmar
  34. Singapore X
  35. South Korea X
  36. Armenia
  37. Israel X
  38. Fiji
  39. Kiribati
  40. Federated States of Micronesia X
  41. Nauru
  42. Australia X
  43. New Zealand X
  44. Samoa
  45. Solomon Islands
  46. Marshall Islands
  47. Palau
  48. Tuvalu
  49. Tonga
  50. Cameroon
  51. Eritrea


  1. This is to do with that 47 lawyer team in S.A. mentioned going on many many months now under everyone's radar collecting aiding and abetting war crimes evidence against Kid Starver, the gatekeeper lawyer in the CPS there a decade ago of Jimmy Savile's deeds among his many other 'qualifications' .

    The excellent vid i found dated a few days before this one i can't find; it had great info and details in print under the vid.

    Note there's a precedent, similar but far from exact, for one of these war criminal slime being put in the slammer, not necessarily AFTER they're out of office as observed a year ago long, which means pretty much every western country leader and other high-up officials, both ex- and current, are certainly watching, and that is the ex-Prez of Georgia who started the war in summer/2008 against russia, Saakashvilli.

    He's currently serving a 6 year sentence there in prison, based ironically on an official EU report of the war done in 2009 (not the russians).

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  2. another mighty deed by one of the 'destructive neolib' countries on behalf of their sponsors & buddies.

    US House passes bill to label products from settlements in occupied West Bank as 'Made in Israel'
    Legislation would lock in Trump-era policy, making it harder to boycott goods from Israel while endorsing illegal Israeli settlement activity

  3. This has to do with those iaf f-35's using those 2000 lb bombs freely supplied by uncle schlemiel operating obviously not from those occasional usn carriers off the levant there in the med sea, and not from any bases in palestine because they'd long ago been destroyed by drone swarms, but from that RAF base in Cyprus! ;JULY24; DECLASSIFIED UK; RAF AKROTIRI BASE CYPRUS USAF FLIGHTS TO ISRAEL SINCE START GAZA WAR 2023;
    Top British officials have been warned they could face criminal liability if they continue to export UK-made components for F-35 fighter jets that might end up in Israel.

    The warning, issued in letters sent on Friday to the foreign, business and defence ministers, comes from two groups threatening fresh legal action in the High Court over the export of these parts.


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