Friday, September 20, 2024

Secret Service Still Stonewalling Congressional Investigation into Butler Shooting of Trump

(Secret Service is not only still stonewalling congress on the details of the Trump assasination attempt at the Butler Grounds a couple weeks ago but they are also withholding information from local and state authorities when it comes to the fake attempt they staged at the golf course designed to make them look like they are actually trying to protect the former president. This is amazing.)

from Fox News

1 comment:

  1. Obviously you didn't watch any of the testimony on the hill right after, by none other than Dan Bojinka aka Dan Bojangles aka Dan on Banjo, a qualified expert fersher as he is former SS, stating that the "recent hires" (not sure how many years back) are too busy filing EEC complaints and grievances all day!!
    And that's a fact.

    To see just one specific case/example how this BS has infested and clogged things up everywhere, just do a search how many court cases at all levels in usa there's been past decade, as well as legislative "investigations", in determining if the word 'bubba' is racist and should be banned, treated same way as that n word that's not nacho.
