Saturday, May 18, 2024

Despicable Sellout RFK Jr. Takes Time Off from Hitting on Young Interns to Shill for Zionists

by Scott Creighton

I told you when he crawled out of the woodwork to announce his candidacy that he was compromised. I told you he was a neoliberal and a Zionist apologist. Here he is telling you that the people of Gaza aren't the victims here but instead the REAL victims... are the Jews.

He's done it before, he'll do it again. He isn't trying to win. He's trying to put together a political machine he can hand over to his spoiled rotten son in 2028.



This silver spooner took a legacy handed down to him by his father and uncle, ones they paid for with their lives, and traded it in for a lifetime of party-boy actions, little red books of sexual conquests and an endless stream of young female interns he can grope.

RFK Jr. is scum. The worst America can produce. It's time folks on the left and right came to see that.


  1. TikTok is a threat to Canadians' data security, CSIS chief warns
    CBC News: The National
    3.6K views 12 hours ago

  2. Totally forgotten are the?millions of syrians still displaced/dispersed since the 2011 invasion.

    Syrian refugee crisis: Lebanese authorities intensify crackdown
    Al Jazeera English
    2.6K views 6 hours ago

  3. Latest excuse to continue helping their buddies unlimited funding.
    "They seek him here, they seek him there
    Those Nastis seek him everywhere..."

    Remember just 3 or 4 months ago there was a huge "news" splash went on for days about how they just pumped in gigatons of med seawater and flooded out all those tunnels?

    Also there's more than one local group of tunnels, each different border areas of gaza has them, and they are all multi-dimensional with many levels, built-in dead ends, etc.

    By Sean Mathews
    Published date: 18 May 2024 09:21 BST | Last update: 7 hours 21 mins ago

    The United States is focused on tracking down Hamas's Gaza chief, Yahya Sinwar, amid a new push by the White House to help Israel declare "total victory" so it can bring an end to the war on Gaza, US officials have told Middle East Eye.

    Current and former US officials, who spoke with MEE on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the mission, said the US was expanding its search efforts across the region, after believing the 61-year-old was hiding in tunnels deep below Gaza.

  4. It's incredible the way each candidate for the next American elections sells themselves to the AIPAC lobby. Denying what is undeniable is characteristic of someone who is distorted and unscrupulous.
    This Robert Kennedy Jr. is an authentic sell-out.

  5. I agree, Jorge. Every one of them is for Zionism.
