Prep for Discussion on Debate - "If we finally beat Medicare" Holy shit

 Just leaving some links and video here so I can talk about debate with other computer.


US poverty rate graph

China poverty rate graph

Russia poverty rate graph

'Putin has held continuous positions as president or prime minister since 1999: as prime minister from 1999 to 2000 and from 2008 to 2012, and as president from 2000 to 2008 and since 2012. He is the longest-serving Russian or Soviet leader since Joseph Stalin.'

Trump railing on and on with his neoliberal trickle-down economics as Biden says 'if we finally beat Medicare'... holy shit. Yep. The neoliberals were on full display yesterday.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

FDA Fired Own Experts Who Wanted to Study Risks to Kids Before Approving and Mandating mRNA Jabs

by Scott Creighton

This is from a hearing that took place yesterday. 

'Congressman Massie just revealed that 3 of the top FDA vaccine experts were fired after requesting more time to study side effects of the Covid-19 shots in children and young adults, so that the Biden Admin could to push the shots through faster & mandate them.' TexasLindsay

Not only were they tasked with the fast-tracked approval of the experimental mRNA Covid-19 jabs with a consideration for them being immediately mandated for the public and specifically for kids in schools at that time, but when they were finding out these things had some serious side effects and a couple leading FDA experts wanted more time to study the shots, they got fired and replaced by people who were told to hurry the fuck up and get the jabs in kids' arms.

We knew these kinds of things were going on back then but it's nice to hear it made public for the congressional record.

This whole thing was a military operation carried out against the people of this country. So of course congress back then and other public agencies were going to be strong-armed into compliance.

So Tucker 'Schooled' Some Young Australian Reporter? Not So Fast... he was lying

by Scott Creighton

Everyone is all in a tizzy over Tucker Carlson 'schooling' some young stupid Australian reporter who had a couple ridiculous questions she was forced to ask him so yeah of course he made her look like an idiot.

Only problem is... he was lying. Yeah, he SPECIFICALLY talked, not that long ago, about da dreaded Dems opening up the borders to REPLACE hard working American VOTES with immigrant votes and he said they 'CHANGED' Virginia (a state I was born and raised in) to a Blue State.

First of all, electronic voting machines dumbass. They don't NEED to import votes to change em.

Secondly, Virginia has been HISTORICALLY a BLUE STATE since the 1890s Tucker. Look it up or better yet, watch a video I made over two years ago talking about his DISINFORMATION.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform was started by the REPUBLICANS back in 2006. It's about replacing expensive blue collar (and white collar) workers with CHEAPER WORKERS.

Here's my video on Tucker from a couple years ago.

just a reminder

by Scott Creighton

just a reminder: 

'the most moral army in the world' did this with money you worked hard for. 

just a reminder

by Scott Creighton

Just a reminder: 

We are told by ALL sources that Russia 'invaded' Ukraine for no reason on Feb. 24 2022 

The truth? The people of Donbass region had been BEGGING for help b/c Ukraine was bombing them relentlessly. 

 This was what Ukraine did day before Russia helped Donbass


just a reminder

 by Scott Creighton

just a reminder: 

The recent IDF report shows how keen IDF soldiers are when it comes to raping little Palestinian boys.


We Are Israelis Calling on Congress to Disinvite Netanyahu

from NYT

The leaders of the U.S. Congress have invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to address a joint meeting of the Senate and the House of Representatives on July 24. Normally, we Israelis would consider the invitation recognition of our two nations’ shared values and a welcome gesture from our closest friend and ally, to whom we are deeply and morally indebted.

But Congress has made a terrible mistake. Mr. Netanyahu’s appearance in Washington will not represent the State of Israel and its citizens, and it will reward his scandalous and destructive conduct toward our country...

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C­o­m­p­a­n­i­e­s P­r­o­f­i­t­i­n­g f­r­o­m t­h­e G­a­z­a G­e­n­o­c­i­d­e

from American Friends Service Committee

*Companies marked with (*) are included in our divestment list. The list below is not intended to be used as either a divestment list or a boycott list, as it includes many privately-owned companies as well as companies with a very minor or one-time involvement.

Israel signals a shift in the war on Gaza | The Take

from al Jazeera English


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his country is ending the “intense” phase of the war on Gaza and signals a shift of focus to the simmering conflict on the country's northern border with Lebanon. So, what will this mean on the ground?

Prominent Israelis call on Congress to rescind Netanyahu invitation

from The Hill

A group of prominent Israelis is urging congressional leaders to revoke the invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress, calling it a “terrible mistake.”

In an op-ed published Wednesday in The New York Times, six individuals from different areas of Israeli society argued an appearance by Netanyahu will “not represent” the state of Israel and its citizens, but will “reward his scandalous and destructive conduct.”

“We come from a variety of areas of Israeli society: science, technology, politics, defense, law and culture,” the op-ed stated. “We are thus in a good position to assess the overall effect of Mr. Netanyahu’s government, and like many, we believe that he is driving Israel downhill at an alarming speed, to the extent that we may eventually lose the country we love.”

“Giving Mr. Netanyahu the stage in Washington will all but dismiss the rage and pain of his people, as expressed in the demonstrations throughout the country. American lawmakers should not let that happen. They should ask Mr. Netanyahu to stay home,” the authors wrote...

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Global hunger monitor warns entire Gaza facing high risk of famine

from Daily Sabah

A global monitor has warned that entire Gaza remains at high risk of famine as Israel's war grinds on and access to aid is restricted.

Although some delivery of supplies limited the spread of extreme hunger in the north, over 495,000 people across the territory are still facing the most severe, or "catastrophic", level of food insecurity, according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC).

That is down from a forecast of 1.1 million in the previous update three months ago but is still more than one-fifth of Gaza's population.

Under "catastrophic" food insecurity, households suffer an extreme lack of food, leading to acute malnutrition in young children, an imminent risk of starvation and deaths.

The IPC assessment published Tuesday said that to buy food, more than half of Gazan households surveyed had to sell clothes and one-third gathered and sold rubbish...

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Israel continues bombing Palestinian civilians in Gaza


from PressTV

The Israeli regime continues its bloody onslaught on the Gaza Strip by carrying out more air and artillery strikes against the blockaded territory.

The latest Israeli attack on Wednesday night targeted a residential building in central Gaza, killing at least 2 Palestinians and injuring several others.

In the flashpoint southern Gaza City of Rafah, Israeli military targeted various areas by airstrike and artillery fire.

The central Gaza city of Deir al-Balah also bombed in latest air raids.

In the past 24 hours, more civilians were killed in Israeli artillery and air attacks targeting central and northern Gaza.

Meanwhile, the International Network for Aid, Relief and Assistance warned about the level of destruction in Gaza saying almost all of the territory is totally "uninhabitable."...

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The Question of Intent (archive)

(archived from 7/24/2007)

by Scott Creighton

In the Progressive/Liberal movements (Hillary can be Googled for the difference) there are many divisions in the ranks that split these camps and in so doing, fracture their combined strengths and weaken their respective calls for action. Differences based on ideological, economic, and even faith-based issues within the “party” are natural and healthy for a truly democratic process. Since there are way too many of these sticking points for any reasonable blogger to address in one article, I will focus on the one that is perhaps the most divisive and dangerous to our cause. This inconsistency is at the very root of our party’s paralysis and unless addressed soon, will insure not only our failure in 2008, but also it will pave the road directly to Iran. Interestingly, the rift is on something that most of the Progressives agree on, in principle; that the administration has produced legislation and Executive Orders that exceed the scope of their reach in so much as the founders of this country, and our form of constitutional democracy, saw fit to enable their offices with. The inner-party clash is over this administration’s intentions behind all of these actions.

Tucker Carlson's Controlled Opposition Exposed (archive)

(archived from 2022. Someone asked if I could repost it so here it is. Good info)

The Shining City on the Hill? Russia's ruthless invasion? This is how controlled opposition works. Give you a little truth to bait you in and then prop-up the core establishment lies. Bring you back into the fold.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Introducing scotty's sideshow

 by Scott Creighton


kenny's sideshow was a great WordPress blog back in the day. A place to get together, read thought provoking writing and just touch base with like minded folks sitting back watching the world go absolutely batshit crazy.

Kenny was an insightful, talented writer who passed away far before his time. He and what he created, his vision, his humor, is missed by many from the neighborhood to this day.

As a nod to Kenny I decided to call our new weekly Twitter Space chat scotty's sideshow. It's an homage surely but also a reminder that though we're just fleeting specs of ego-driven animated star dust, what we give of ourselves, not what we take, lives on. And Kenny gave a lot.

With what happened yesterday purely by chance, I decided to make Twitter Space chats a weekly thing. I know everyone isn't on Twitter and maybe in the future it becomes a YouTube live chat or Discord or some other venue. But for now it's Twitter Space and we'll see how it goes from there. 

I enjoy talking with you guys and chatting about whatever horrible crap the masters of the universe have in store for us next. Just the Neighborhood Crowd watching in awe as it all goes down the drain. At least we got good seats and should try our best to take it all in with good company.

DoodleBob put together a poll on Twitter so we can all agree on a day of the week to do it. Mon-Thurs are the options. I guess Doodle likes his Fridays all you can eat wing buffet so that's off the table.

Please go over and cast a vote. The time will be set at 5pm eastern for whatever day wins out. Got 4 more days. We start next week. Mon-Thurs doesn't really matter to me since all I got is time.

Church and Beau want to see you there as do the damn evil cats. And so do I for that matter. Those damn evil cats.

Shit's about to get wild, folks so lets milk it for all the laughs we can.

Rest easy Kenny. You job is done and you did it well.

Wikileaks Honeypot Continues to Shut Down Whistleblowers With Stella's Cryptic Warning

by Scott Creighton

'Stella Assange: "I hope journalists and editors and publishers everywhere realise the danger of the US case against Julian that criminalises, that has secured a conviction for, newsgathering and publishing information that was true...

That precedent now can and will be used in the future against the rest of the press.' Wikileaks

Uh, that's not really how it works. Just because #FatAssange copped a plea deal, the legal precedent isn't officially set in stone Stella. 

But so obvious of you and yours to say so since your husband's purpose since the very beginning of Why-KEY-Leaks has been to shut down whistleblowers like the ones who shared the Abu Ghraib images all those years ago.

Gee I wonder why no one from the Guardian, New York Times and Der Spiegel never had any issues after they ACTUALLY PUBLISHED all those Why-KEY-Leaks St. Julian just copped a plea to?

This does not set a precedent. Stella the bad actress doesn't know what she is talking about. If you have something that needs to be seen, get it to a REAL leak publishing website. Stella is just trying her best to appease the same masters her hubby worked for.

(Google has now changed their format FORCING me to upload my own images to their fucking cloud before putting them in my articles. I will NOT continue giving Google ownership of MY work, so if this doesn't change I will erase this website... soon. Fuck Google greedy pieces of shit)

Fat Assange the Tortured Needs MONEY!!!!

by Scott Creighton


Fat Assange the Tortured needs MONEY!!! So, like DSP before him, it's time to E-BEG and E-BEG HARD!!!

'Dear Supporter', read an email. 'The flight comes at enormous cost: Julian will owe $520,000 (£409,000). In addition, and after 14 years of detention, including five years in maximum security prison, Julian's health is in dire need of recovery.

'We are launching an emergency appeal to seek donations to help him… every contribution counts.'

You can't expect St. Julian of Assange to fly commercial can you? How can he get closer to God like that!? He needs the hand-stiched leather seats of this thing to sit his fat ass on while flying to CIA-Land in Saipan.


See that? He just needs a mere 1/2 million bucks for ONE FLIGHT. For everyone else it would cost one way about $5,091. But St Julian of Assange isn't everyone else. He's SPECIAL DAMNIT!!!

So his wife wants YOU to pony up the money for him to travel in style... in spite of the fact that it had ALREADY BEEN PAID FOR (of course it had... no airline private or not is going to let you fly first and maybe pay later)

'An anonymous donor has significantly contributed to the cause of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, by covering almost the entire cost of his travel expenses as he transitioned from detainment to freedom. This donation of 8 Bitcoin (BTC), valued at nearly $497,000 at current market rates, nearly fulfills the total appeal of $520,000 outlined by Assange’s family.' Bitcoinist

It had already been paid for before little Miss Saintly put the tip jar out there for the marks to fill to the brim with their hard earned money. I mean she has to feed the saintly one now herself and apparently Julian's been eating pretty well between all those torture sessions.

"They Ruined his LIIIIIIIIIIIFE!' screeches the Assange Karen across the Griftoverse.

Ruined his life? Please, ruin my life like that. I can barely afford a Lyft ride to the doctor.

(Google has now changed their format FORCING me to upload my own images to their fucking cloud before putting them in my articles. I will NOT continue giving Google ownership of MY work, so if this doesn't change I will erase this website... soon. Fuck Google greedy pieces of shit)

Pro-Israel lobbies unseat Democratic lawmaker over criticism of Israel

from PressTV

Pro-Israel lobbies have ousted an outspoken critic of the occupying Israeli regime in US Democratic primary in suburban New York in yet another indication of support for the illegal entity in its months-long devastating war on Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

American media reports said on Tuesday that congressman Jamaal Bowman lost a primary challenge to his Democratic rival, George Latimer, who had entered the race at the urging of local Jewish leaders over Bowman’s vocal criticism of Israel and its genocidal war in Gaza.

With more than 70% of votes counted on Tuesday evening, Latimer had won nearly 56% of the vote, compared with 44% for Bowman.

“This movement has always been about justice. It has always been about humanity. It has always been about equality,” Bowman, who had been seeking a third term, said at his election party in Yonkers, conceding that he lost the race but remaining unapologetic about his opposition to the war in Gaza.

Various groups spent $24.8 million in the race, making it the most expensive House of Representatives primary in history...

read more here

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

My First Twitter Space Chat Turned Out Great

 What a fun talk. Thought no one would show up and we ended up talking for an hour and a half. What a joy. Going to do it every week now. Gotta think of a name for it.

The Genesis of Wikileaks and Julian the Fed


Aunt BB and I will have the pleasure of joining a Twitter Spaces talk this afternoon at 5:15pm or so set up and run by @HotepGoldstein and @HotepJesus. Should be a banger. AuntBB unleashed. See you there. 

Julian's Last "prison cell"

by Scott Creighton

Just some notes:


RT video


Capitol Hill (Former Japanese name: 中山, Nakayama; sometimes spelled Capital Hill,[2] formerly Army Hill under the United States Navy[3]) is a settlement (sometimes termed a village or district) on the island of Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands.[4][5][6] It has a population of just over 1,000.[1] Capitol Hill has been the territory's seat of government since 1962. It lies on the cross-island road between Tanapag and San Vicente.

Capitol Hill was built in 1948 by the Central Intelligence Agency as a base for covert training of Nationalist Chinese guerrillas.[7]

The area is home to various government departments and agencies:

  • Governor's Office
  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Legislature Building
  • US Post Office
  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Commerce
  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Workforce Investment Agency
  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Council for Arts and Culture


The Kuomintang (KMT),[I] also referred to as the Guomindang (GMD),[11] the Nationalist Party of China (NPC)[12] or the Chinese Nationalist Party (CNP),[1] is a major political party in the Republic of China, initially based on the Chinese mainland and then in Taiwan since 1949. The KMT is a centre-right to right-wing party...

From 1949 to 1987, the KMT ruled Taiwan as an authoritarian one-party state after the February 28 incident. During this period, martial law was in effect and civil liberties were curtailed as part of its anti-communism efforts, with the period known as the White Terror.

Yep. Just so happens Julian is going to this island to make his deal, an island rebuilt by the CIA to house and train deathsquads from the old White Terror days in Taiwan when they used the Nationalist Chinese to try to regime change China. Which is kinda where he started in the first place.

Kremlin issues warning over ‘barbaric’ Crimea attack

from RT

Moscow “understands perfectly well” who is behind Sunday’s deadly strike on the city of Sevastopol in Russia’s Crimea, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has said, vowing Russian retaliation...

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Zelensky sacks senior military commander

from RT

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has replaced the commander of his military’s Joint Forces Command, Lieutenant General Yury Sodol, amid claims that Sodol’s alleged incompetence “has killed more Ukrainian soldiers than any Russian general.”...

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The Genesis of Wikileaks. Tales from the Dark Side

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Aunt BB and I will have the pleasure of joining a Twitter Spaces talk this afternoon at 5:15pm or so set up and run by @HotepGoldstein and @HotepJesus. HJ has me blocked so I don't know how that works. For the record I am pretty sure Beebs and I will be the only ones there who aren't huge fans of Julian the Fed so it will probably be a hoot. Anyway, I thank them for the invite. You should stop by and have a listen. Their show starts at 4:15pm eastern. See you there.

UPDATE: NYT picks today to debut their NEW POLL TRACKER. heeheehee


Abu Ghraib. That's why.

We were walking on the Dark Side according to Dick Cheney. Had to do bad stuff for right reasons said Obama later.

Then Abu Ghraib got leaked and folks saw what they were talking about so.. had to do something. What could they do?

Oh I know.. set up a trendy, fashionable leak site where everyone would go with their stuff, a honey pot lets say, and they could squash the leaks before being published.

That's a plan.

In January 2007, John Young was dropped from the WikiLeaks network after questioning plans for a multimillion-dollar fundraising goal.[65] He accused the organisation of being a CIA conduit and published 150 pages of WikiLeaks emails.[59][66][67]

Young of Cryptom, real leak website, never helped Assange and his Hong Kong based regime change assets set up Wikileaks. Assange just told folks that for clout.

In the early days they said they wanted to focus on bringing down authoritarian regimes... like China. Specifically China.  John Bolton couldn't have said it better.

But that wasn't Wikileaks genesis. Abu Ghraib was.

Assange’s “The World Tomorrow” is Worse Than I Could Have Possibly Imagined (archive)

(archived from April 30, 2012)

by Scott Creighton

This is controlled opposition taken to a whole new level.

I am currently working on a review of the first two episodes of Julian Assange’s new propaganda show called “The World Tomorrow” so what follows the break is just a sneak peak of what I am writing.

I have to say after finally forcing myself to watch the first two episodes that it’s far worse than I could have possibly imagined. Let’s get ready to round up the “international leftists” for American and Israel and do away with that silly “social safety net” that’s messing up all those lovely profits for the billionaires and crashing the economies of Europe and America… I kid you not.

An Open Letter to Glenn Greenwald on the Subject of Wikileaks: Just… Stop. (archive)

(archived from January 1, 2011)

by Scott Creighton


I just took a look at your website and I haven’t seen a journalist obsess over an obviously fabricated news story like you are doing with Wikileaks since the Duke Lacrosse team rape case or Andrew Sullivan’s breathless blogging about the now discredited “tweets” coming out of Israel dealing with the staged Green Revolution in Iran. That’s really bad company to be in, Glenn.

You know Glenn, you have a total of 3 articles on your site since Nov. 30th that don’t directly deal with Julian Assange and of course none of them, none, are in any way critical of anything that he has done. Though his behavior has certainly been highly suspect as of late.

Glenn, you’ve gone well beyond biased journalism and are now delving into the realm of panicked hero-worship.  It seems like the more obvious Assange’s agenda becomes, the angrier you get when people start taking notice and questioning his behavior. To that end, I am sure it isn’t going to be too long before you start quoting Abe Foxman and claiming that anyone who questions Julian’s integrity is an anti-Semite. I mean, your material is starting to look that thin and quite frankly, that desperate.

I’m not going to attempt to relate to you the questionable history of Wikileaks; how Cass Sunstein and other establishment journalists were writing about Wikileaks before they even posted one single leak (which is typically what Mockingbird operators would do to help promote the illusion of credibility for another Mockingbird operation) or how one of the original members of that group pulled out and said it looked like a CIA operation at the time. 

I’m not going to insult you by suggesting you haven’t done your research.

Assange Agrees to Plead Guilty in Exchange for Release, Ending Standoff With U.S.

(the penalty for simply disclosing state secrets is up to 10 years plus major fine. He supposedly gets time served for 5 and no fine. But that is only for disclosing state secrets, not disclosing them and illegally obtaining them, which are separate crimes. Saint Julian got a hell of a sweet hart deal. But wait? I thought they were going to kill him? I thought they were going to make an example out of him?!? Gee I wonder where he has actually been all this time)


from the NYT

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, agreed to plead guilty on Monday to a single felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material in exchange for his release from a British prison, ending his long and bitter standoff with the United States.

Mr. Assange, 52, was granted his request to appear before a federal judge at one of the more remote outposts of the federal judiciary, the courthouse in Saipan, the capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, according to a brief court filing made public late Monday. He is expected to be sentenced to about five years, the equivalent of the time he has already served in Britain, according to a law enforcement official familiar with the terms of the agreement.

It was a fitting final twist in the case against Mr. Assange, who doggedly opposed extradition to the U.S. mainland. The islands are a United States commonwealth in the middle of the Pacific Ocean — and much closer to Mr. Assange’s native Australia, where he is a citizen, than courts in the continental United States or Hawaii.

Shortly after the deal was disclosed, WikiLeaks said that Mr. Assange had left London. Mr. Assange is scheduled to appear in Saipan at 9 a.m. local time on Wednesday and is expected to fly back to Australia “at the conclusion of the proceedings,” Matthew J. McKenzie, an official in the Justice Department’s counterterrorism division, wrote in a letter to the judge in the case...

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UN deplores Israel ‘lawless behavior' as EU says Gaza crisis at ‘breaking point’

from PressTV

The UN human rights office has decried the Israeli regime’s “lawless behavior” in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank amid a genocidal war and incessant aggression by the regime.

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued the condemnation in a statement on Sunday.

It singled out for criticism a recent Israeli raid against the al-Shati refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, which killed at least 24 Palestinians.

Such “attacks appear to be disproportionate in that they would be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, and damage to civilian objects excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated,” the office said.

Nearly 37,600 Palestinians, most of them women and children, have been killed and over 86,000 others sustained injuries in the Israeli war against the coastal sliver that began on October 7 following a retaliatory operation staged by the territory’s resistance groups...

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The Horror: Israel's Sickening Legacy is Being Forged Right Before Our Eyes and So Is Ours

 by Scott Creighton

“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” David Mitchel

(images may be disturbing after break) 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Meryl Nass Promotes Disgusting Zionist RFK Jr. on Her Substack Page

by Scott Creighton

Well this is disgusting.

'Do you want to see Bobby Kennedy in the Presidential debates?'

Meryl Nass, someone who I suggested you guys follow, recently published a short article seemingly asking a rather innocuous question. Harmless even. Why not let him debate? More voices, right? Just like the slick video ad says. What harm can come of that?

Then she goes on to seemingly endorse the rabid, raving racist Zionist for president because, as she puts it, 'no one is perfect'

'Bobby Kennedy is another option. He is not perfect (who is?) but he is smart, and despite never holding office he knows the system and the swamp very well. He is the only candidate who can exit us from the era of pandemics and experimental shots that are almost certainly (?) planned.

He is the only candidate who cares about improving the quality of our food and water and saving us from the GMO--lab-grown meat—insect diet the elites are planning. Like these. Pick your future.' Meryl Nass

'Almost' certainly?

He's not perfect. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Hold your nose and vote.

Blah blah blah.

Let me put it this way:

Gates foundation funding

 from Dr. Campbell

The Global Virome Project 

USAID Deep VZN project 

It's the same people, same organizations and the same gain of function research only now being done under the cover of the Gates Foundation.

US Supported Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Since 2023 Despite Ban - Report

(Yeah, we fund and train Nazis in Israel to run the Salvador Option on the people of Gaza, so why not fund and train real Nazis in Ukraine? apparently it's legal now.)

from Sputnik News


 The Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion* received US assistance in 2023 despite official bans from Washington, the Intercept reports.

"A photo, posted by the [Azov] unit itself (...) seems to suggest that the US was providing support as far back as December of last year," the article has stated.
The photo in question was published on social media and included an Azov commander with a certificate dated December 2023 for military training under US Special Operations Command in Europe. Beside him is a person in American military attire with a concealed face. Another image shows individuals in military gear holding a US flag next to people with an Azov emblem flag.
These photos question the enforcement of the ban. Former US officials also expressed doubts about the State Department's decision, given the complex reorganization and official status of the unit. The State Department should have better explained its decisions, the publication noted.
Last week, The Washington Post reported that the US lifted an arms embargo on Azov. According to the media, this unit "passed Leahy vetting," which prohibits military aid to foreign units involved in severe human rights abuses. The State Department said it found "no evidence" of such violations. The State Department declined to clarify when the ban was lifted or if Azov militants received US weapons...

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Israeli tanks move near Rafah's Mawasi camp day after killing 47

from Daily Sabah

Israeli tanks closed in on the Mawasi camp for displaced Palestinians in southern Gaza's Rafah on Sunday after killing at least 47 people in overnight airstrikes.

Images of two Israeli tanks stationed on a hilltop overlooking the coastal area went viral on social media, but Reuters could not independently verify them.

"The fighting with the resistance has been intense. The occupation forces are overlooking the Mawasi area now, which forced families there to head for Khan Younis," said one resident, who asked not to be named, on a chat app.

More than eight months into Israel's genocidal war on Gaza, its advance is focused on the two areas its forces have yet to seize: Rafah on Gaza's southern tip and the area surrounding Deir al-Balah in the center.

Residents said Israeli tanks had pushed deeper into western and northern Rafah in recent days, blowing up dozens of houses.

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White House fears Netanyahu visit – Politico

(What do you mean you can't trust an Israeli?)

from RT

The White House is reportedly becoming increasingly concerned that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could use his upcoming speech in the US Congress to publicly criticize President Joe Biden and his administration’s response to Israel’s war in Gaza. 

Netanyahu is set to address a joint session of Congress next month, and “no one knows what he’s going to say,” an unnamed US official told Politico on Saturday. 

Earlier this week, the Israeli leader posted a video accusing Washington of “withholding weapons and ammunition to Israel” for several months, calling it “inconceivable.” Netanyahu defended his public criticism as “absolutely necessary after months of quiet conversation that did not solve the problem,” in an interview published on Friday.

The claim “was not helpful at all,” and Netanyahu “could make it far worse up there in front of Congress,” another senior official reportedly told the outlet. Politico added that the speech could create a “diplomatically complicated and politically dicey spectacle for a president running for reelection.”...

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‘Human shielding in action’: Israeli forces strap Palestinian man to jeep

(The IDF has been caught doing this cowardly shit so many times it barely even makes the news anymore. Google image of CHILD strapped to hood of IDF jeep in front of the driver so the coward driving the jeep would be safe. Fucking animals. Fucking IDF Orcs.)

from al Jazeera

Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank have tied a wounded Palestinian man to the hood of a military vehicle during a raid on the city of Jenin, appearing to use him as a human shield.

A video posted online on Saturday, and verified by Al Jazeera, showed Mujahed Azmi, a Palestinian resident of Jenin, strapped to a military jeep that passes by two ambulances.

The family of Azmi told the Reuters news agency that Israeli forces carried out an arrest raid in Jenin, during which he was wounded.

When the family asked for an ambulance, the military took Azmi, strapped him onto the hood of their jeep and drove off.

Abdulraouf Mustafa, a Palestinian ambulance driver, said the Israeli soldiers refused to hand over Azmi to them.

“The jeep passed by and the wounded man was on the hood,” Mustafa told Al Jazeera. “One arm was tied to the windshield and the arm was on his abdomen. They drove past us. They refused to give us the patient.”...

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At least four killed in Israeli air strike on UNRWA aid centre in Gaza

from al Jazeera

At least four people have been killed in an Israeli air attack near an aid centre that was the main headquarters of the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in the Gaza Strip.

The air strike on Sunday hit the main gate of the organisation’s compound in Gaza City in the north of the enclave, injuring multiple Palestinians. The facility is used to distribute the little humanitarian aid that gets into Gaza.

Hundreds of people displaced by the Israeli military’s ground invasion of Gaza were sheltering inside the facility at the time of the incident.

A Palestinian woman at the scene told Al Jazeera that she saw many dead bodies and that two of her children were injured in the attack.

What did these innocent children do wrong? They are running from death towards death. Young men and women are slaughtered by the Israelis,” she said...

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Violence erupts as Israeli police clash with anti-regime protesters

(They want him gone. They want him out. The worst prime minister in the history of Israel they are calling him. All because he wont stop killing civilians in Gaza and wasting IDF lives just to keep his grip on power. Netanyahu is done.)

from PressTV

Clashes have broken out between the Israeli police and anti-regime protesters in Tel Aviv and across the occupied territories, with demonstrators demanding new elections and a prisoner exchange deal with the Palestinian resistance group Hamas.

Tens of thousands of Israelis in Tel Aviv and al-Quds joined in a massive wave of protests against the regime on Saturday night.

The demonstrators railed against prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet's refusal to negotiate with the Palestinian resistance group toward enabling the release of the Israeli captives held in Gaza.

After the main rally ended, a group of protesters remained on site, blocking the road by setting tires ablaze.

Police on horseback were captured on video pushing through crowds of protesters, causing chaos as some individuals were shoved around while others attempted to intervene and prevent further harm. Three protesters were arrested.

Former Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin slammed Netanyahu during his speech at the protest in Tel Aviv, denouncing him as “the worst and most failed prime minister” in the history of the regime. He called for elections at the earliest possible opportunity...

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Israel pounds north Gaza after attack on southern al-Mawasi ‘safe zone’

from al Jazeera

The Israeli military has launched attacks across the Gaza Strip after an assault on a tent camp in al-Mawasi in the south killed at least 25 people, according to Palestinian officials.

On Saturday, at least 42 Palestinians were killed by Israeli attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in Gaza City, the head of Gaza’s Government Media Office told Al Jazeera.

Reporting from Deir el-Balah, in central Gaza, Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum said the Israeli military targeted a residential neighbourhood in the Shati refugee camp, where displaced Palestinians from the north of the territory were told to seek refuge.

“Rescuers with the help of civilians are trying to sift through the rubble to find survivors,” he said. “The casualties arriving at Al-Aqsa Hospital are surging.”

Gaza’s civil defence spokesperson Mahmoud Basal said it was “very difficult” to reach victims in Shati.

“Israel is reattacking areas that it had operated in, despite its previous announcement that it managed to control militarily the northern part of Gaza,” Abu Azzoum reported...

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Armenia officially recognizes State of Palestine

from Daily Sabah

Armenia announced on Friday its recognition of the State of Palestine, joining other countries in doing so amidst the Gaza conflict.

The Armenian government stated it opposes "violence towards civilian populations."

"Based on the above and confirming its commitment to international law, equality of nations, sovereignty and peaceful coexistence, the Republic of Armenia recognises the State of Palestine," Yerevan said.

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Israeli strike on camp for displaced kills 25, injures 50 in Rafah

from Daily Sabah

At least 25 Palestinians were killed, and 50 others were wounded after Israel carried out strikes on tents providing shelter to displaced people in Al-Mawasi, Rafah on Friday.

In a statement, the Health Ministry in Gaza said the death toll from the Israeli attack on tents in the Al-Mawasi area rose to 25, with 50 others injured.

Earlier, medical sources told Anadolu Agency (AA) that rescue teams recovered the bodies of 18 victims and provided treatment to 35 injured people after Israeli tanks targeted the displaced persons' camp.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society confirmed the incident in a statement, noting that its medical teams are "handling a large number of casualties following the Israeli shelling in the area."

Two Israeli Merkava tanks positioned on a hill opposite the Shakoush area in western Rafah fired artillery shells at a gathering of displaced people near the gate of the International Committee of the Red Cross field hospital, resulting in multiple casualties, witnesses reported to AA...

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More on the looming bird flu disaster. Lots of good new info, especially on how they avoid regulation of pandemic vaccines

(You should definitely be following her substack)

from Dr. Meryl Nass substack

You may not be surprised that our old friend, Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar, 007, OBE who was licensed to Overdose 2600 hospitalized patients on HCQ in the RECOVERY and SOLIDARITY trials, has been on the bird flu beat for 20 years. No wonder he got his Order of the British Empire. He’s been stoking these flames a very long time.

And his fellow criminal, Dr. Peter Horby, Principal Investigator of the RECOVERY trial, who is only responsible for overdosing 1600 hospitalized patients of whom 400 died, was with Farrar in Vietnam 20 years ago to start up bird flu fear porn. He was made a Knight Bachelor for his services to eugenics in the UK in 2021.

Peter Horby, Director of the Pandemic Sciences Centre, and Professor of Emerging and Infectious Diseases and Global Health, becomes a Knight Bachelor for services to Medical Research. He co-leads the UK Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 therapy (RECOVERY) trial, the largest randomised controlled trial of COVID-19 treatments in the world. He is also the lead investigator of the EDCTP-funded epidemic-preparedness network – African coaLition for Epidemic Research, Response and Training (ALERRT).

Don’t forget the USA! The Council on Foreign Relations did their bit to stir the pot of chicken flu. They sent journalist and Senior Fellow Laurie Garrett on a national tour dressed as Henny Penny, to tell us that birds were falling out of the sky from flu, but not till they migrated to the US from overseas, and that millions of humans could die. Especially young, healthy people according to Garrett. (I’ve previously reported I attended one of her lectures at the MDI Biolab in Maine around 2005.)...

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Someone Sent Me This

 by Scott Creighton


Someone just sent me this. 

Insidious huh?

The same reader who told me when Why-KEY-Leaks came out, as a government contractor, everyone had to sign a document saying they would never go to the website. I figured they did that to keep valuable government contractors from being caught in the honeypot trap.

But most likely they did that to plant the Wikileaks seed in their minds so they would go there if they had anything they wanted to leak.

Insidious huh?

This FortiGuard thing doesn't block my Blogger website. Not yet anyway. Just all the Bitchute videos I post. They block everything from Bitchute because Bitchute doesn't censor like YouTube and Twitter and Facebook.

This is the world we live in, where certain thoughts and ideas are routinely censored by our corporate overlords and we just accept it, find ways around it, get on with our lives as the world darkens a little more each day.

Insidious huh?

Thursday, June 20, 2024

News of the Day: June 20 2024

Today's news. Gaza, Netanyahu, Ukraine, H5N1 and more.

With the New CISPA on the Docket, Wikileaks Pushes New “Pro-Palestinian” Cracka Hacker Bullshit (archive)

(archived from October 22, 2015)

by Scott Creighton

CISA is on the floor of the Senate! We need a CRISIS to get them to vote for it!!!”



The new CISPA, CISA, is on the floor in the Senate right this minute and about to be voted on. It’s the new cyber security bill that promises to hand over control of collection all of your information and storing it to Big Business… it’s basically the definition of fascist surveillance state. This bill makes is so Big Business can collect your data, sell your data, analyze your data, predict your behavior based on that data, share it with Big Brother and even take steps to minimize the risk you pose to the New World Order of theirs all on their own with built in immunity for fucking your life up.

It’s the “gold standard” of the fascist control grid as Hillary Clinton might call it and it is EXTREMELY unpopular with the people of this country.

The privacy-killing law CISA — which gives legal immunity to corporations when they share your private data with the U.S. government — is back on the Senate floor after Internet activists have successfully delayed it many times. This could be our last chance to stop it for good.”Boing Boing

We already got part of the new CISPA in the USA “Freedom” Act thanks to the “Edward Snowden” psyop and Glenn Greenwald helping manufacture a crisis they could use to pass it.

Now it’s Wikileaks’ turn I suppose.

Zelensky bans another Ukrainian opposition party

from RT

A Ukrainian court has banned the Nash Krai (Our Land) political party and ordered the seizure of its assets at the request of the Ministry of Justice. The move is the latest in a crackdown on the opposition under Vladimir Zelensky’s administration.

A panel of judges from the Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal issued the ruling on Wednesday, according to a statement.

“The court satisfied the claims of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine: the activities of the political party Nash Krai were banned; the property, funds and other assets of the party, its regional, city, district organizations, primary cells and other structural units were transferred to the state,” the statement read.

The party was registered in August 2011 as the ‘Bloc Party’ and was renamed ‘Nash Krai’ in 2014. From 2015, the party positioned itself as a “group of local leaders and businessmen” who aimed to avoid political games and intrigue, according to RBK Ukraine. Only three of its members were elected to the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) as independents in 2019, but the party gained some 1,694 seats in regional administrations during local elections in 2020.

Following the escalation with Russia in February 2022, Zelensky banned major political competition, including Opposition Platform – For Life (OPZZh), the second biggest party in terms of seats in the Verkhovna Rada. He also cracked down on the media, shutting down multiple television channels associated with his political opponents and consolidating nine of the largest TV networks into a single 24-hour state-run broadcast dubbed ‘Telemarathon’.

Zelensky’s presidential term expired on May 20, although he chose not to hold elections under the pretext of martial law imposed after the beginning of the conflict with Russia...

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Bird flu spread raises global pandemic alarm

from Daily Sabah

Surging cases of bird flu among mammals, including U.S. cattle, offer a stark warning that the world is not ready to fend off future pandemics, a report said, urging leaders to act quickly.

More than four years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, politicians are "gambling through neglect" by not putting enough money or effort into avoiding a repeat of the disaster, the report said.

The bird flu H5N1 has been increasingly spreading to mammals, including cattle in farms across the U.S. and a few humans, prompting fears the virus could spark a future pandemic.

"If H5N1 began to spread from person to person, the world would likely again be overwhelmed," the report's co-author and former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark told a news conference.

It could even be "more disastrous, potentially, than COVID-19," Clark said...

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UN rights office accuses Israel of violating laws of war in Gaza

from Daily Sabah

The U.N. human rights office on Wednesday accused Israeli forces of repeatedly violating fundamental principles of the laws of war in their military campaign on Gaza.

In a report assessing six Israeli attacks that caused a high number of casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure, the U.N. human rights office (OHCHR) said Israeli forces "may have systematically violated the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack."

"The requirement to select means and methods of warfare that avoid or at the very least minimise to every extent civilian harm appears to have been consistently violated in Israel's bombing campaign," said U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said Wednesday.

Israel's permanent mission to the United Nations in Geneva characterized the analysis as "factually, legally, and methodologically flawed."...

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US calls off meeting with Israel after Netanyahu's criticism of Biden

from Daily Sabah

The United States canceled a strategic meeting with Israel scheduled for Thursday over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's criticism of the Joe Biden administration.

"It's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel,” Netanyahu stated in a video posted on X Tuesday.

"The meeting was set to take place in Washington on Thursday and was set to focus primarily on the progress of Iran's nuclear program,” the Haaretz reported.

"Instead of the delegation that was supposed to travel to Washington, led by Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, there will only be a meeting between National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi and U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan,” the daily reported, citing a senior Israeli official.

President Joe Biden previously halted some shipments of American weapons to Israel, alleging that it did not comply with protecting civilians...

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Israeli military spokesman’s Hamas defeat remarks widen rift with Netanyahu

from al Jazeera

Israel’s military spokesman has exposed a widening rift between the country’s political and army leadership, questioning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stated goal of destroying Hamas in the Gaza Strip for the war to end.

After nine months of war in which more than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed in the name of eliminating the armed group that governs the besieged enclave, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari told Israel’s Channel 13 broadcaster on Wednesday that the task was impossible and simply “wrong”.

“This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear – it’s simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public,” he said. “Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people – whoever thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong.”

Reporting from Amman, Jordan, Al Jazeera’s Hamdah Salhut said Netanyahu’s office was “fuming” at Hagari’s remarks.

“This just gives you an idea of what Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies are in this war, and the army on the ground saying it is actually not realistic,” she added...

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Hagari’s acknowledgment of Hamas invincibility attests to Israel’s defeat in Gaza: Official

from PressTV

A senior Hamas official says remarks by Israeli military spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari on the impossibility of eliminating the Palestinian resistance group shows that the regime has failed in its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

Ghazi Hamad, a member of Hamas' political bureau, made the remarks on Wednesday after Hagari admitted that the declared aim of destroying Hamas is unattainable.

He described Hagari’s remarks as “a bitter confession and proof of the occupying enemy’s failure in the war on Gaza.”

The Hamas official also said that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu still persists in continuing the aggression despite knowing that it is “futile and will lead nowhere.”

“The Zionist regime knows that it cannot destroy Hamas even by dropping hundreds of tons of explosives on the people of Gaza,” he added.

In an interview with Israel’s Channel 13 news, Hagari said, “Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people — whoever thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong,” noting that anyone promising this is “throwing sand in the face of the Israeli public."...

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Can Israel defeat Hamas? Its own military doesn’t seem to think so, clashing with Netanyahu

from NBC News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may still be leading the nation into its 257th day of war in Gaza, but on Thursday he stood increasingly alone — and at odds with his own military.

Long criticized at home as well as abroad, Netanyahu's approach is now the subject of a deepening disagreement with his top brass as well as his country's top ally, the United States.

Israel's leader dissolved his war Cabinet earlier this week after political rival and former defense minister Benny Gantz stepped down, accusing Netanyahu of standing in the way of “real victory.”

And on Wednesday, the Israel Defense Forces' top spokesman seemed to lay bare the rift at the top of the country's leadership. The central stated goal of the war in Gaza — to destroy Hamas — was not possible and to maintain it was meant "throwing sand in the eyes of the public," said Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari.

Hamas is an idea. Anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong," Hagari said during an interview with Israeli broadcaster Channel 13. "The political echelon needs to find an alternative — or it will remain," he said, referring to the Palestinian militant group...

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

H5N1: Big Business Making Ready for the Big Cash Op

from T


'The tech companies are starting to ramp up marketing to get in on the plandemic profits already, because they see what’s coming.  All that’s needed now is that inevitable emergency declaration (or are we supposedly still in an “emergency” by default?) so everybody and their brother, sister and second cousins can start submitting for EUA approval for their bird flu tests.  The experimental inoculations are probably already developed.  Just need to pretend to wait just long enough to break the warp speed record for shortest time to a phony vaccine while retaining the credulity of enough of the population.'

'T' follows my work and has first hand knowledge of medical research industries. This image is from an email sent to him this week. Clearly those in the know are making ready for the 'cash cow' that may end up being Disease X or the next plandemic. 

How Scared Should You Be of Bird Flu?

from NYT

How worried you should be about H5N1, the bird flu virus spreading on dairy farms in the United States, depends on whom you are.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has described the current H5N1 risk to the general public as low. The risk that the virus poses is tempered by the fact that it doesn’t spread easily among people — yet.

Right now public-health experts have the difficult task of urging authorities who can do something about H5N1 to take action, while maintaining public trust. Americans have just been through a pandemic that resulted in over one million U.S. lives lost. They may feel weary of more bad news or fear-based messaging. Communicating that while the threat level for most people is low, but if nothing is done it could become quite high, is not easy but is important.

Experts need to be clear that currently, the levers of action are squarely in the hands of government leaders and agricultural interests, not in the hands of the general public. But public attention is key to ensuring that authorities find the will to act.

No one knows whether H5N1, if left unchecked, will become the deadly pandemic that public health experts like me worry it could...

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'Painful failure': Israel war minister says 'difficult Gaza war' costs regime dearly

from PressTV

Israel's minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant has admitted the occupying regime’s "painful failure" and intelligence fiasco on October 7, highlighting the cataclysmic cost of the "difficult Gaza war" for Tel Aviv.

Gallant made the remarks at a ceremony on Tuesday, saying the war with the Palestinian resistance movements has cost Israel a lot, particularly in the besieged Gaza Strip.

He noted that Israel has received heavy blows in the ongoing war in Gaza and its casualties are very high.

"This difficult war took the Israeli military by surprise and we paid a heavy price,” Gallant said, adding, “The painful failures will be studied and we will learn from them, and these lessons and experiences will have an effect on our future.”...

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Israel to double down on settlements after Palestine recognition

from Daily Sabah

Israel announced it is considering several measures, including bolstering illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, following the recognition of Palestine as a state by several countries.

In a statement late Sunday, the prime minister's office said the Security Cabinet discussed actions to "strengthen settlement in Judea and Samaria" in response to the countries that "unilaterally" recognized a Palestinian state. The cabinet also reviewed a "series of responses" against the Palestinian Authority for its "actions against Israel" in international forums.

"The defense minister and the attorney general requested additional time to comment on several of the proposed clauses. The prime minister instructed that all of the proposals be submitted to a vote at the next Security Cabinet meeting," the statement said.

Under international law, all settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are considered illegal...

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Israeli authorities responsible for war crimes in Gaza, UN inquiry finds

(They open the statement as I did on Oct 8th saying 'Oct 7 events did not happen in a vacuum' and go on to list what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians in Gaza for years. That was the subject of the very first video I did on this subject and something almost no official agency ever recognizes. Good for them.)

al Jazeera English

Israel found guilty of committing the following war crimes (and more to follow according to the report):

  • extermination
  • intentional targeting of civilians and civilian objects
  • murder
  • using starvation as a method of war
  • forcible transfer of civilian population (depopulation of targeted areas for re-population purposes)
  • gender persecution of Palestinian men and boys
  • sexual and gender based violence amounting to torture
  • cruel or inhuman treatment
  • weaponizing distribution of humanitarian aid

All of these disproportionately effect women, disabled, elderly and children.

IDF knew of Hamas's plan to kidnap 250 before October 7 attack - report

from Jerusalem Post June 17 2024


These exercises included raiding military posts and kibbutzim (collective communities in Israel), kidnapping soldiers and civilians, and maintaining the hostages once they were in the Gaza Strip.

The report by Kan News stated, "Security sources told Kan News that the document was known to the intelligence leadership, at the very least in the Gaza Division."


The IDF had precise information about Hamas's intentions, but due to prevailing conceptions within the security establishment and possible negligence by senior officials, the warning signs were not acted upon.

The report further detailed that Israeli intelligence officials monitored the exercise and documented the steps Hamas planned to take after breaching Israeli territory and taking over military posts. The expected number of hostages, according to the document, was between 200 and 250 people.

"Israeli intelligence officials who monitored the exercise detailed in the document the next steps after breaching into Israel and taking over the posts, determining that the instruction is to hand over the captured soldiers to the company commanders. The expected number of hostages, it states, is between 200 and 250 people," Kan News reported.

This information, combined with a new and sophisticated security barrier completed two years before the attack, was believed to have made such an assault improbable. However, the barrier failed during the Hamas attack, highlighting a significant intelligence and security oversight.

The general staff investigation team is expected to present initial findings from this failure to the Chief of Staff in the coming weeks, as the country seeks to understand how such a lapse in security could occur despite having detailed advance knowledge of the enemy's plans...

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