Thursday, June 20, 2024

Can Israel defeat Hamas? Its own military doesn’t seem to think so, clashing with Netanyahu

from NBC News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may still be leading the nation into its 257th day of war in Gaza, but on Thursday he stood increasingly alone — and at odds with his own military.

Long criticized at home as well as abroad, Netanyahu's approach is now the subject of a deepening disagreement with his top brass as well as his country's top ally, the United States.

Israel's leader dissolved his war Cabinet earlier this week after political rival and former defense minister Benny Gantz stepped down, accusing Netanyahu of standing in the way of “real victory.”

And on Wednesday, the Israel Defense Forces' top spokesman seemed to lay bare the rift at the top of the country's leadership. The central stated goal of the war in Gaza — to destroy Hamas — was not possible and to maintain it was meant "throwing sand in the eyes of the public," said Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari.

Hamas is an idea. Anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong," Hagari said during an interview with Israeli broadcaster Channel 13. "The political echelon needs to find an alternative — or it will remain," he said, referring to the Palestinian militant group...

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