Friday, June 14, 2024

Bird flu is rampant in animals. Humans ignore it at our own peril

(Have the finally decided on the next PLANDEMIC? This one, according to them, could just naturally transform into something that takes the world by storm. No need for bat soup stories or for framing China, China, China, CHINA, China)

from CNN  (H/T T)

Mark Naniot remembers 2022 as the summer from hell.

As the co-founder of Wild Instincts animal rescue in Wisconsin’s Northwoods, Naniot and his team spent the season sweating in gloves, gowns, smocks and masks and going through what felt like endless rounds of disinfection as they moved between the cages of the sick and injured animals they cared for.

The precautions were necessary for a trio of infectious diseases occurring with some frequency in wild animals that summer: Covid-19 was still making life difficult, and a devastating contagion called chronic wasting disease was showing up in deer in the area.

Then, there was H5N1 bird flu to contend with. “It’s highly, highly transmissible,” said Naniot, who has been involved in animal rescue for 35 years...

read more here

1 comment:

  1. Naw, it'll be Owl Gabor's wildest wet dream come true gonna git everybody.
    Especially the penguins.

    Unless it's that Apophis 2029 asteroid, or those f'ing Klingons.

    In terrifying news for the planet, scientists have given an update on the so-called 'Doomsday glacier’ which is rapidly shrinking.

    The Thwaites Glacier is found in West Antarctica, which measures about the size of Great Britain, and could impact sea levels around the world.
