Wednesday, June 19, 2024

How Scared Should You Be of Bird Flu?

from NYT

How worried you should be about H5N1, the bird flu virus spreading on dairy farms in the United States, depends on whom you are.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has described the current H5N1 risk to the general public as low. The risk that the virus poses is tempered by the fact that it doesn’t spread easily among people — yet.

Right now public-health experts have the difficult task of urging authorities who can do something about H5N1 to take action, while maintaining public trust. Americans have just been through a pandemic that resulted in over one million U.S. lives lost. They may feel weary of more bad news or fear-based messaging. Communicating that while the threat level for most people is low, but if nothing is done it could become quite high, is not easy but is important.

Experts need to be clear that currently, the levers of action are squarely in the hands of government leaders and agricultural interests, not in the hands of the general public. But public attention is key to ensuring that authorities find the will to act.

No one knows whether H5N1, if left unchecked, will become the deadly pandemic that public health experts like me worry it could...

read more here


  1. A. About as skeered as you were if u had listened every previous time to every novel one of the entire sequential trail of lies, threats, obfuscations, distortions, fairy tales and plain old barnyard bullshit about "viruses" down the centuries.

    LISTEN esp. last 15 minutes!
    NO mRNA in ANY of the clotshots! NONE.
    WHY?---Remember at the start of the scamdemic (before they miracle of miracles developed in record time 9 months vs 10-20 years their clotshot) when they said "well, we really can't use it because it (product with any mRNA in) has to be rigorously kept at IIRC -60C" (meaning use dry ice) all the way to the injection, meaning INTENSIVE AUDITING/TRACKING FOR QC because mRNA is unstable and will breakdown at room temperature in SIX HOURS!
    I forgot that one in the blizzard of bullshit psyops they were putting out daily then.
    It's all plasmid DNA.
    In which case every one of the useless corrupt alphamoron agencies like fbi, ftc should have been crawling up their evil asses at the very start.

    Mentions curious fact that not one GDF politician anywhere at national level caught anything serious like what the everyday schlubs are coming down with.

    Mentions even how right GC was decades ago about what's coming! I have used one of his phrases all along to describe it:
    "It's all BULLSHIT, and it's bad for you!"

    These here should have tens of millions of views:
    Dr. Bryan Ardis - Nicotine! Understanding The Weapon And The Target!
    49 minutes
    8 hours ago 144 views
    Dr. Bryan Ardis -

  2. Another clue: the paid gatekeeper money whores everywhere
    ensured there was a firewall in place everywhere where no disinfecting sunshine called truth could break through.
    Now that their w/w evil murder spree psyop is complete, what do they GAS if the truth now come out???

    DR. MAKIS Edmonton

    VIDEO - UCP "An Injection of Truth" News: Our COVID-19 Vaccine Injury paper that was CENSORED & CANCELLED by Lancet has finally passed peer review & will be published!
