Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Israeli authorities responsible for war crimes in Gaza, UN inquiry finds

(They open the statement as I did on Oct 8th saying 'Oct 7 events did not happen in a vacuum' and go on to list what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians in Gaza for years. That was the subject of the very first video I did on this subject and something almost no official agency ever recognizes. Good for them.)

al Jazeera English

Israel found guilty of committing the following war crimes (and more to follow according to the report):

  • extermination
  • intentional targeting of civilians and civilian objects
  • murder
  • using starvation as a method of war
  • forcible transfer of civilian population (depopulation of targeted areas for re-population purposes)
  • gender persecution of Palestinian men and boys
  • sexual and gender based violence amounting to torture
  • cruel or inhuman treatment
  • weaponizing distribution of humanitarian aid

All of these disproportionately effect women, disabled, elderly and children.

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