Monday, June 3, 2024

The Theatrical Stylings of Di$info Jone$ as he Goes Full Cyraxx Overnight

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: TYT video   Kyle Kulinsky video  Cyraxx fake crying  Cyraxx raging

UPDATE 2: victims of Sandy Hook  families want to liquidate INFOWARS  judge holds off

UPDATE 3: Breitbart News Network: Born In The USA, Conceived In Israel

UPDATE 4: Jones says Israel's actions are a mass genocide

Cass Sunstein on how to stop conspiracy theorists:

“We can readily imagine a series of possible responses. (1) Government might ban conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories..." Cass Sunstein, President Obama’s regulatory czar 


You don't know? You never go full Cyraxx.

Alex Jones claimed the other day that the feds are going to shut him down. He said they might frame him for crimes, kill him outright and launch false flag events all in the very near future.

A big production starting the night of Trump's jury conviction.

At first Di$info Jone$ came out raging saying 'if you want war, you got it'


Then he pretended to cry for the babies or some shit.



In the end, next day I guess, after sobering up and being reminded of the lawsuits he recently lost, old Alex made a video expressly telling his audience of half-wits they shouldn't take any violent action no matter what because that's what the globalists want.


For those of you who don't know (and good for you for not knowing) Cyraxx will go thru a wide range of fake emotions in one night starting off saying goodbye to the internet as he concedes defeat fake crying over the loss of his pending music career and then an hour later raging at the trolls using his monster voice declaring war on them to finally sitting back in his chair sipping FAYGO soda trying to sound like the Godfather laughing about how everyone has fallen into his traps... just to finally crash out at 4am or so (once the sugar buzz wears off) and do it all again the next day like it never happened at all.

You can argue that what he is saying is true. I am sure they would very much like to shut him down. And as for false flag events, I am shocked they haven't started already. But everyone knows you never go full Cyraxx. That of course is what Alex has done since the beginning.

Alex Jones' task has always been to take serious issues being raised by serious researchers and journalists and make them look ridiculous by associating us with his contrived antics.

He was literally created by Air Force intelligence back in the day (as per his own testimony at his divorce hearing) and Bill Cooper said he was a Deep State op... I see no real reason to disagree with him.

Let's not forget, Jones bussed all kinds of folks over to the Jan 6 event ensuring there were lots of follower types there for the festivities. I told you back then, many of his supporters came to me asking me to promote the event b/c some shit was going to go down, according to them. 'Just watch what happens!' 'You'll see on the 6th!'

It was not an insurgency. It was a set up. And a lot of good meaning people got caught up in it and arrested for it who would not have been there were it not for the likes of Jones and others who paid for them to get there.

I have no ill will toward Jones and his followers. Mostly his fans evolve in the process and outgrow him in a couple of years so he's kind of 'Dissent Lite' when you think about it. In fact, in that regard he has probably done more to help the movement than hurt it, which can't make his handlers happy.

He also appears as of late to be on the right side of the issue in Gaza, which surprises me considering how proud he once was of his Mossad assets feeding him bullshit over the years.

I have to kind of laugh at this shit only because I know they aren't shutting him down. If he is leaving he is leaving cus he wants to get the fuck out before it all hits the fan.

Jones has been planning to move down to that Mexican town for the rich on the Pacific coast for a while. Where super rich go to retire. My guess is, that might be in the plans for him now.

His fake crying is so laughable I have to assume that is Jones making a little joke out of it all for folks who know what they know. 

As far as side show barkers go, he's one for the ages. 

But seriously, take him at his word. Don't let em bait you into violence. That's what they want. They want our election system to fail. They want this Great Experiment of self rule, representative democracy, to fail so they can bring in rule by corporate boardrooms. I mean they run everything anyway, I guess they are just getting rid of the pretense, of the middle man.

Will be sad to see him go. He has produced a number of classics over the years.

A shame he's going out like this though. Cus everyone knows, you never go full Cyraxx.


    Canada’s Public Health Chief Theresa Tam was in the spotlight

    “proud to lead a roundtable on strengthening health systems” (something Tam would know nothing about)

    “so that all people around the world can experience the benefits of vaccination”

    Theresa Tam has recommended 9 COVID-19 Vaccines since 2021 and has presided over highest increase in mortality in Canadian history with 49,000 excess deaths in 2022 alone.

  2. Fauci testifies on COVID-19 pandemic origins in Republican probe | LIVE
    Global News
    480 watching

  3. TRUE, or false?
    The Chinee landed on the DARK SIDE, get it! LOLOL.
    Another sick pun they pulled off as they all do in that top tier RIGHT UNDER EVERYONES NOSES, yet which they don't get!

    IFFF they were legit, they would have landed on the NEAR side to take pics, you know where all those Looney Lander bottom halves remain from those 1970's Apollos with the above top secret battery technology, still not bested by any commercial crap peddled these 50 years like e-Lon's Flamemobiles.
    And those battery powered golf carts, too.
    Bring ol' Stanley's photo library up to date.

  4. Israel Lobbyist Luke Akehurst’s election launch descends into chaos!
    3.4K views 1 hour ago

  5. When you see our own useless owned msm media spouting off about this, u know we're in the outhouse basement!
    Same conundrum---saw another one just 2 days ago just over 50% of USAns polled want to GTFO of USA, BUT WHERE TO GO???

    Is high cost of living forcing Canadians to move to U.S.? | ANALYSIS
    CTV News
    1.2K views 51 minutes ago
