Friday, July 5, 2024

Vanity Fair Hit Piece on RFK Jr. from Wayback Machine

 (It's behind a paywall on Vanity Fair... so yeah... fuck em)

(Clearly this is written in an effort to get RFK Jr. out of the race in order to help Biden 'win' the White House again. This hit piece is full of all sorts of bullshit from the Kennedy clan but some of it is stuff I have mentioned before about him. Yeah he tries to fuck much younger women. Yeah, there is cocaine. Yeah, its all about him staying in the spotlight. And yeah, he plays fast and loose with the truth. One thing I found interesting was how the author wrote about just how protective the Kennedy clan is of their name and reputation which leads me to further believe I was right about them taking out RFK Jr.s former wife before she could drag them through an embarrassing divorce. But it is still a blatant hit piece, without a doubt.)

from Vanity Fair via Wayback Machine

...A few Kennedy cousins have pushed for a more aggressive approach, with one mockingly referring to the White House photo op as the “leprechaun event.” Behind the scenes there is a growing panic that the family must do more to prevent their rogue cousin from causing a political disaster, especially in the wake of Biden’s debate performance. As one family intimate, Andy Karsch, who has known Kennedy since 1972, has put it to Bobby directly: If Trump is elected, “you’ll go down as one of the great villains in American history.”

“[Bobby] risks damaging the legacies of both his father and uncle at a time when those values and ideals could not be any more important,” Karsch tells me.

The portrait family members paint of Bobby is of a man of exceptional charm, wit, brains, and generosity who has championed important environmental causes, but whose worst traits—an unnerving ease with blending fact and fiction; a powerful ability to deny the collateral damage of his own destructive actions—have engulfed his better angels. The source of these pathologies, they observe, are found in his long and troubling biography, a life story marked by personal trauma and addiction to drugs, sex, and, perhaps most perniciously of all, public adulation....

 But more often his family points to Kennedy’s 14 years as a heroin user, which began when Kennedy was 15 and didn’t end until he was 29. Kennedy has made his history of addiction part of his campaign narrative, arguing that he is more equipped to fix America’s addiction problem...

At Harvard, in the mid-1970s, Kennedy was regularly injecting speedballs, a mixture of heroin and cocaine, and became a pied piper to friends and family, regularly shooting up with his troubled brother David Kennedy, according to multiple friends from the era...

Like all the rest of us, Bobby grew up feeling that being a Kennedy you could do virtually anything you wanted,” Kennedy’s cousin Chris Lawford told the authors of The Kennedys: An American Drama, a controversial 1984 book. “It was good because you got away with things other people wouldn’t dream of; it was bad because it destroyed your sense of what was worth doing.”...

In 1983 RFK Jr., by then an assistant DA in the office of Manhattan district attorney Robert Morgenthau, was discovered overdosing in the bathroom of an airplane...

When an excerpt of the Kennedy book was published in Playboy magazine in 1984, the family turned on David Kennedy for airing the family’s addiction secrets, and he stayed in a separate hotel during a family gathering in Palm Beach. “Bobby,” David had told the book’s authors, “was our last illusion.”

The next day David died of an overdose at age 28...

(they killed one of their own for embarrassing the family)

read more here









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