Friday, September 27, 2024

Israel Releases Stupid Rocket Propaganda to Justify Deliberately Attacking Civilians in Lebanon

by Scott Creighton

This is about as dumb as that stupid press event the IDF staged showing reporters the 3 bags of weapons Israel 'found' in a hospital. One of which was in what appeared to be a working MRI lab. Do you have any idea what happens to a bag full of guns and ammo when that machine turned on? It was so stupid. Then they pretended Hamas used hospitals as hubs for their military headquarters. Of course, they never bothered showing any of those. They just blew up the hospitals like they did the schools and markets and police departments and post offices...

Or as stupid as that staged scene when they had the IDF guys all standing around hugging each other cus they just found 40 beheaded babies. 

This is just about as stupid.


Do you have any idea what launching a rocket this size would do to the closed apartment it was in? It would blow the floors, walls and ceiling out. It's stupid.

Oh yeah, then they 'blew up' the apartment where all the evidence was.

But of course they did.

Israel is just publishing this hasbara bullshit to justify killing civilians in Lebanon. And only American and Canadian audiences are dumb enough to believe it. 'The Most Moral Army in the World' publishing lies in order to cover for their deliberate targeting of civilians. That's just evil.


You know why they wrapped it in that covering? Because it's not a Lebonese rocket. It's an Israeli rocket, probably put in some 1st floor building in Israel, where they closed the open side with a temp wall and pretended they 'found it' in Lebanon.

Look at that last image. It begs for the viewer to give the IDF a pass when they start shelling all the residential homes in Lebanon... cus that's what the Most Moral Army in the World does.

I particularly like the 3d generated ones. An artist's rendering of evidence is so convincing. Like Saddam's mobile WMD labs we showed to the UNSC. 

Yeah that was pretty stupid as well.

This is offensively stupid. I might sue Israel for defamation trying to make me as an American look like a total idiot.

But of course, if you ask RFK Jr., the IDF NEVER targets civilians. So what do I know.

This is hasbara. This is propaganda. Israeli Special Ops does this kind of shit in support of a military agenda, in this case...

... bombing apartment buildings where women and children live.

Israel is without a doubt the most evil nation on the planet right now. And with us still around, that's saying a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Why Joe Kamal's goose is cucked, errhh, cooked.

    How Israel Cucked the United States
    41 minutes
    849K views 4 months ago
