Monday, December 23, 2024

NPR's Lazy Chemical Weapons Propaganda to Justify al Qaeda Killing Him

by Scott Creighton (H/T T)

NPR has published a ridiculous piece of propaganda bringing up the old April 2018 supposed chemical weapon attack reportedly carried out by Assad forces on the 'rebel' (al Qaeda) controlled area of the city.

In it they cite a March 2024 UN report saying:

Then former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime crumbled and so did his government's lies.

Among the most brazen? That his forces never dropped chemical weapons on Syrian civilians despite the UN finding he did so repeatedly...

... But in this area on the outskirts of Damascus everyone knows what happened on April 7, 2018. It takes just a few questions to any passerby to find survivors of the toxic chlorine attack that residents here said allowed regime forces to retake the city of Douma in the district of Ghouta from rebel forces.  NPR

The UN report they link to doesn't say that. It doesn't conclude that. In fact, it is only Western backers of the regime change operation who are quoted in the report who try to make that claim.

In fact, they seem to find that ISIS, out proxy army, are the ones who used chemical weapons.

He also detailed the results of the 22 February 2024 report by the OPCW Investigation and Identification Team, which determined that there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) deployed sulphur mustard gas during attacks aimed at capturing the town of Marea in September 2015 UN March 2024

What a despicable level of propaganda. They can't even find a report which backs up their lies about Assad so they just run with a link to a long one they hope their lazy, racist readers wont bother checking.

I guess they know their audience.


This is being done now in an effort to make ready for the inevitable day when they have to come out and admit they brutally murdered Bashar al Assad and his family on behalf of US, British and Israeli interests.

Oh, BTW, turns out that Clarissa Ward saving the prisoner scene was staged bullshit after all just like we thought. It was some dude from Syrian intelligence, not a prisoner. Locals had pictures of him. Military intelligence which means he was probably involved in helping kidnap or kill Bashar al Assad and his family. (H/T AuntBB)

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