Monday, July 8, 2024

IDF officers invoked defunct ‘Hannibal Protocol’ during Oct. 7 fighting – report

 (Remember all the images of the burned out vehicles I have said could not have been destroyed by Hamas' RPGs? Turns out the IDF attack helicopters were ordered to keep EVERY vehicle from potentially returning to Gaza... so they attacked them. All of them. 

They've been blaming Hamas for what Israel did from the beginning.)

from Times of Israel

... According to Sunday’s report, the order to implement Hannibal-esque policies during the hours of fighting on October 7 was not limited to military bases but extended to civilians as well.

Shortly before 11:30 a.m., an order was issued in which soldiers were told that “not a single vehicle could return to Gaza” from inside Israel, for fear that it would be transporting kidnapped individuals.

An unnamed source from the IDF’s Southern Command confirmed to Haaretz that the order was issued because “everyone knew by then that such vehicles could be carrying kidnapped civilians or soldiers.”

The source added that while there were no instances in which a vehicle carrying kidnapped Israelis was knowingly attacked, “you couldn’t really know if there were any such people in a vehicle.”

“I can’t say there was any clear instruction, but everyone knew what it meant to not let any vehicles return to Gaza,” the source said.

In one case, an Israeli Air Force probe determined that Efrat Katz, 68, was likely killed by helicopter fire during an attempt by Hamas terrorists to take the Kibbutz Nir Oz resident hostage on October 7.

According to the investigation, amid battles that took place in southern Israel on October 7, an IAF helicopter opened fire on a car with several terrorists in it. It was later revealed, based on eyewitnesses, videos from the helicopter, and surveillance camera footage, that the vehicle also had Israeli hostages in it.

In total, some 1,200 people were massacred across southern Israel on October 7, and 251 were seized as hostages, the majority of them civilians.

Toward the evening, as the IDF fought to regain control of the Gaza border communities, Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram, the commander of the IDF’s 99th Division, ordered a tank to fire on a home in Kibbutz Be’eri, where Hamas terrorists were holding 14 Israelis hostage...

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