Thursday, June 13, 2024

Yes, Coke has a Gaza factory. But its Israel ties run much deeper

from Business Standard

This brings us to the question: What on earth is Israel to Coca-Cola that in their latest "eye opener" OVC they were referring to Israel as 'Oi jayga' (that place) instead of taking the actual name?...

... the sheer audacity to reduce an issue concerning the brand's 'alleged' association with a nation accused of genocide to mere mockery, especially of those trying to take a stance by boycotting the brand's products, is truly mind-blowing...

In 1997, the Government of Israel Economic Mission honoured Coca-Cola at the Israel Trade Award Dinner for "its continued support of Israel for the last 30 years" and for "refusing to abide by the Arab League boycott of Israel." ...

Because one should not forget that Coca-Cola's factories in occupied territories are also considered contentious. It has long been alleged that Coca-Cola has a factory in Atarot, an illegal Israeli settlement built on land taken from Palestinians. Palestinian communities are forcibly removed to make way for such settlements, which are illegal under international law...

The United Nations in 2020 blacklisted the company for operating in illegal Israeli settlements...

In the past, there has also been proof of Coca-Cola donating to the Zionist cause, as a document from the Israel Corporations Authority revealed that Israel's Coca-Cola franchisee, the Central Bottling Company, donated $13,850 (50,000 shekels) to extremist Zionist group Im Tirtzu in 2015...

Let's go back to March 2022, when Coca-Cola suspended its business in Russia amidst the "tragic events in Ukraine." But the company hasn't done anything like this in protest of the Israeli aggression in Gaza? 

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