Sunday, July 31, 2022

Senate and the FBI Colluded to Frame Uhuru Movement and Us All

Aiding and abetting an enemy of the state. A 'state sponsor of terrorism' enemy of the state to be more specific. And it's all a pack of lies, accusing Russia of doing what we do by course these days. It is problematic on several fronts not just the fact that they worked together quickly to prepare this lie.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Lessons from The Patriot: How Much is Too Much?

“I can’t argue with you, but I don’t want to believe that”

'I struggle with understanding the psychology of people like your doctor who, admittedly, appear to be the majority, and most accepted in modern society. I wonder if the fear of being shunned by the perceived majority is so strong, especially with relatively successful, and well-indoctrinated, professionals, that it can override the obvious contradictions in what the fearful mind is forced to “believe”. So fearful, in fact, that the mind must also force itself to always appear calm and reasonable in its paralysis.'

' That is exactly what my Dad said to me. He went so far as to say that he’d rather believe things he knows are false because he can live with that but cannot live with my version of the truth. I’ve had an employee say somewhat similar things. I think it is a common phenomenon as circumstances become overtly more horrible, and those inflicting terror on the public understand that psychology very well, hence the blatant gaslighting and overtly publicized contradictions.'


Pelosi to Taiwan: NORTHWOODS 2.0 or Much Ado About Nothing?

While Nancy Pelosi has no intention of flying to Taiwan during this trip and it's a flat out lie that China says they will shoot down her plane if she does, you have to ask yourself what all this hoopla is about, who started it and what is the endgame. Do we have a president who would shoot down Operation Northwoods 2.0 if it were dropped on his desk? I seriously doubt it. Or is it all just hyper Falun Gong propaganda made to sway the hearts and minds of a fearful yet understandably suspicious population here in the states when it comes to trusting our glorious national institutions? Guess we will find out soon enough. 

Friday, July 29, 2022

The Unbearable Lightness of Cognitive Distortion: Some Pain is Worth Remembering

There is a uniqueness to this moment, and with due respect to Fredrick Neichze, this moment is unlike any that has ever come before it. And if it is handled with polite passive acquiescence, then it is bound to happen again and much sooner than you could possibly imagine. The struggle against power “is the struggle of memory against forgetting” 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

In the Fight Against the Great Reset, Language and History Matter

It is important to understand where this all comes from in our fight to put an end to their Neo-feudal Nirvana. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Monday, July 25, 2022

A Message of Hope and Reconciliation to the Noble and the Normies Alike

As we reach across the divide let us remember, only a united population can stand against a criminal enterprise of this historical magnitude. We need each other. We always have. And our solidarity is the one thing they fear the most. The only thing. We have given so much of ourselves on both sides of this struggle we must now draw that line in the sand, stand together and demand in one voice, no more.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Sunday Morning With American Everyman


An hour long rant about fake truth tellers like Neil Oliver, Max Bumenthal, Jimmy Dore and RJ Eskow. All these Johnny Come Lateleys give you a little truth then hit you with the core lies that keep them on venues like Youtube and Fox News and all the rest. 

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Collaborators Gonna Collaborate: Von der Leyen Video, Real or Not, Is Only HALF the Story

President Ursula Von der Leyen has a video out now that appears to be somewhat modified. In it she talks about the Great Reset and helping bring about all their lovely 'change' that Klaus and the other fascists need. Real or manipulated, the video is true to her nature, her delivery and her writing. But it is also true to her history as a collaborator and a sellout as several other official texts will show. In fact, what I found is much much worse.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Today's News: 187 Minutes, 58% Know Our Elections are Rigged and Nicaraguan Regime Change

It's ridiculous. For 187 minutes they claim the then president was derelict in his duty on 1/6 while capitol police stood around waving tourists thru the velvet rope rebellion. A study shows 58% of Americans know our elections are a sham. And of course, we accuse countries like Nicaragua of doing what we do ourselves. Just another day in the land of the Big PX.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Fallout 76 Review

by Scott Creighton

I really wanted to be able to recommend this game to people, I did. But I can't. Fallout 76 doesn't know what it is. It's not a single player, open world, engaging story-driven game like it's fore fathers. And it's not a MMORPG like so many current AAA games out there right now that are popular and making money. It's a half-assed attempt at both and ultimately became neither. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Secret Service Destroys Damning Insurgency 1/6 Evidence: SOP of a Failed State

How many times will we all hear that some secretive governmental agency destroyed key evidence of their malfeasance for the 'greater good' before we rise up and do something about it? 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Regime Change Libya: Privatization of their Central Bank and the Theft of their Nationalized Oil Profits

(archived from March 29, 2011)

by Scott Creighton

“Give me your hungry, your tired, your poor, I’ll piss on em

that’s what the Statue of Bigotry says

Your poor huddled masses, let’s club em to death

get it over with and dump them on the boulevard” Lou Reed

There is no question anymore as to why the Obama administration is attempting to impose a change of the regime of Libya.

On March 17th I wrote about the invasion of Libya being about two main objectives: privatizing the national oil company and the state-owned central banking system. I pointed out that the US and British inserted language in the UN resolution that allowed them to freeze the accounts of the nationalized oil company as well as the central bank of Libya. Well, before they have even won their coup, the CIA backed pro-west opposition has taken the time to announce that they have formed a new national oil company and central bank. Obviously they have allowed our neo-liberal economic hit-men to write-up the legal documentation for this action and I am sure it hands over control to multinationals outside Libya.  This is why so many globalist apologists and neo-liberals have been running around the last week claiming that the real government in Libya is the Transitional National Council.

Official Proudly Posts PSA About Turning Ukraine Into NWO Concentration Camp

Every agenda item in this little 2 minutes treason-fest comes straight from the Nazis at the WEF. Each and every one. And yet this fascist zealot in Ukraine, Fedorov Mykhailo, posts this shit in public forum in order to show his appeasement of a foreign malign entity like it was no big deal. Let's make it one.

Monday, July 18, 2022

3 Cali Docs: 'seeing nobody with severe Covid disease... Nobody in the hospital....NOBODY'

They are cranking up the fear porn over 'cases' in California. They want indoor mask mandates back in order to drive up consumption of the faux-vax boosters. However three docs have come out and given a press conference in which they expose the fact that hospitalizations are near nil AND they are exposing how the media is ramping up the fear for no reason. Well there is a reason. Just ask Pfizer and the millionaires who want that fountain of youth they are working on.

Rule by Crisis, Fear and Fraud: The Uvalde Cover-up Report

This is what our corrupt system does overseas. It's what it does here at home. In some ways it's more cowardly and yet more vicious than the regime of Papa Doc and his Tonton Macute. Uvalde lays bare it's truer nature.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Renewed Anti-China Racism has Roots in Big Business

 China's BRI offers countries and alternative to our neoliberal Free Market ideology that has crippled so many other nations in the past its easy to see why someone would chose to go with them rather than us. This poses a serious problem for our business elites. 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Jha, Walensky and Fauci Push Useless Boosters for Base Editing Experiments

BA-5 is the new scary variant of Covid-19 and our glorious scientific leaders are demanding we go out and get the shots in spite of the fact that they themselves tell us 'getting vaccinated now will not preclude you from getting a variant-specific vaccine later in this fall or winter'... you know why? Because the faux-vax mRNA shots are NOT vaccines but rather experimental treatments they are using in order to perfect their DNA base editing procedure they hope will eventually provide them with the fountain of youth. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Original Sin: Julian Assange and Mother Teresa Raping Nicaragua


As cameras rolled, 18 nuns from the Sisters of Charity, Mother Teresa's NGO, took those last few steps in Nicaragua toward the Costa Rica border. The story is that they had been kicked out of the country due to Daniel Ortega's paranoia. Turns out, that is not the case. Not really anyway. Danny has good reason to be concerned. Today I am joined by Aunt BB who is on her own Death March on the way to that beautiful nation in the little time she has been granted by the WEF's puppet in Canada.


What if I Told You Alex Jones' Vampire Squid Story was True?

Why did they create the Plandemic in the first place? Money? They have infinite money thru QE infinity. Power? Great Reset? Of course but they were powerful enough to get governments, agencies, MSM and even 'alt' outlets to lie repeatedly and even challenge constitutions thru out the Westernized nations for this effort so they already had what seems like unlimited power. What didn't they have? TIME

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

RONA Updates: The Age of the mRNA Faux-vax Gold Rush is Upon Us

It's fools gold boys and girls. Fools gold infected with a deadly communicable disease. And our sold out government is pushing it on us just as fast as they can. Get the money and run seems to be their mantra.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Most Florida Day Ever

A random sailor picks up a 15-year-old on her birthday, bitch-slaps a 'witch' to the delight of the crowd and a ghost closes my door as I make this video. That's it. Most Florida day ever hands down.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Uvalde Marches for Answers as Gun Grabbers Turn their Backs on Them

Where is AOC as the families of the 19 children who died in Robb Elementary demand to know why it took 77 minutes to stop the blood shed? Where is Mathew McConaughey? They are no where near that effort because to expose what happened is to expose what bought them that 77 minute 'window of opportunity' to do away with the 2nd amendment. 

Mission Accomplished: Abe's Murder Being Used to Usher In New Imperial Japan

The majority of Japanese do not want a return to the old militaristic days of Imperial Japan. That matters not to either the LDP or the MSM Mockingbirds here in the states. The MIC must be served. Them and the banksters who will poof the money into existence, with you and I on the hook for it, and then grow fat on the interest payments til your grand-kids retire. And all they had to do to get it was burn one of their assets, Shinzo Abe.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sri Lanka's Color Revolution Kicks Off When Their Government Asks Russia for Help With Fuel

It was a combination of things that led Sri Lanka's population to the streets. Most of it caused by the nation getting closer and closer to China and looking to become a major hub in the BRI. But the last straw was when they went to Russia to ask for help with fuel as Western businesses turned off the tap in order to make the economy scream.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Eclipsius Bound: The Smartest or the Dumbest Fix Thus Far

Tomorrow will tell. On the road again or fry the ECU or blow up the damn thing. Either way, I'm alright with it.

Moobified 'MERIKA! It's as Plain as the Tits on Daddy

Tucker Carlson rants about 'da ebil sooooocialists' and former CIA heads declare God demands we regime change China and Russia while the bought up alt media finds new and unique ways to amplify that same 'First they came for the Socialists' message. You think you are a screaming eagle when in fact you are just a dude with bitch tits.

Friday, July 8, 2022

What Shinzo Abe's Shirt Tells Us in New Video

In a new video showing the murder of Shino Abe if you watch closely you can see his right shirt collar violently jerk milliseconds before you hear the gunshot or see the smoke. That is what you expect in a bullet strike since the projectile travels ahead of both the sound-wave and the gas residue of the explosion as you can see in my thumbnail. Something clearly hit him. Question is what and WHY?

Shinzo Abe Martyred to Pave Way for End of Pacifist Constitution

I don't think the pop gun is what killed former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Nora Japan. I think a sniper killed him in order to help his party win more seats in the upcoming election in hopes that a strong showing by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) on Sunday will give them exclusive control of the government and a real chance at doing away with the pacifist constitution. 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Georgia Guidestones Demoed: Revolutionary Act or Removing Evidence?

The Georgia Guidestones have been removed. Tons of cameras on the location to record troublemakers who come to visit and yet somehow they don't know who blew one of em up. Sure they do. Someone is erasing evidence of a long-standing campaign to get us right here where we are today. They were designed at the start of the Reagan Revolution of neoliberal globalist agenda and they have been removed today at the start of the implementation of the Great Reset.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Awake the Rapper is the Latest Patsy In a Long Line of Fascist Marketing Operations

He was 'known to law enforcement', his father ran for mayor on a 2nd Amendment platform and during his arrest he looked like he thought it was a traffic ticket. If you look at it in terms of a marketing campaign (HR 350, red flag laws, gun confiscation) recent events tend to resemble a product roll-out focusing on various demographics. Buffalo NY (African Americans), Uvalde TX (conservatives and Latin Americans) and now Highland Park, IL (white liberals). What were the motives of the shooters? No one cares. How did they obtain the weapons? Who knows. It couldn't be more obvious. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

Calls to Abolish Our Constitution? I Think Not

We are being regime changed. And what we always do to other countries when we regime change them is to remake their constitution to empower our 'national interests' and to weaken the people and that is the same thing they are doing to us right now.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

On July 4th Weekend NY Passes Firearm Law That Would Make King George Proud

Better clean up those social media accounts, prove to big boss man you got your mind right boy. Cus if not, trust me, this ain't the last constitutional right you will lose.


Friday, July 1, 2022

'You Will Suffer for the New Liberal (World) Order' and 'Covid-19 Made by U.S.'

These statements were both recently made by political insiders here in the U.S. One makes it clear that Ukraine conflict has always been about being used as cover to make our economies scream in preparation for the 'new liberal order' while the other makes clear that the Rona was no accident as Klaus Schwab wrote Covid-19: The Great Reset. The mask is officially off folks. 


ESPN Mandate Apologists Throw Kyrie Irving Under the Nets' Bus

NO ONE on sports talk can call it what it is. Of the 30 NBA teams, only 5 imposed a mandate on their players. The Nets were one of them. This video is about how Big Business uses their mouthpieces to set the narrative and avoid any scrutiny of the unnecessary mandates that screwed Nets fans' season because they know WE ARE ABOUT TO SEE MANDATES RETURN.