Friday, July 5, 2024

RFK Jr. Vanity Fair Hit Piece: A Deeply Flawed Man Born to a Nest of Vipers

I've said what there is to be said about the faux campaign of one RFK Jr.  He's a POS and this Vanity Fair hit piece doesn't really tell me much that is news to me except for the fact that it seems to suggest a couple things about him I wondered about a while ago while also making a point to show the Kennedy clan will literally eat their own if it means protecting their Camelot image. Bobby should tread very carefully among the snakes that make up his family. The Price of Privilege.

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  1. Regarding the Lifetime Achievement Award accomplishments of Biggus Dikkus as he was well known as at the time, how many (self)serving politicos can you name did something so spectacular they made the cover of MAD magazine?
    Poster tard of the year u could say.

    1. also known then far & wide as Lon Chaney, for good reason when u see the mad grin likeness.

  2. 33 minutes
    This Dr. David Martin is a real bulldog and standout.
    Transcript is on rh side in realtime to the vid.
    BUT he left out...POMPOUS ASS, right there by his side when he announced shutting down the world 'guiding' him.
    Compilation by Truth Justice (June 2024)
    OPERATION DECEPTION: President Trump was misled and deceived by Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, the CDC, FDA and Alex Azar the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services who was under criminal investigation at the time Operation Warp Speed was signed. This deception led to deaths.

    SAFE AND EFFECTIVE LIES: Over 17,000 Scientists and Physicians confirm that Governments around the world along with Corporations willfully and deliberately lied to humanity about the safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines which are actually not vaccines, but genetic injections classified as Bioweapons of Mass Destruction as recently confirmed by Dr. Francis Boyle.

    1. I am so fed up with people making this excuse for Trump. He knew from the beginning what worked because he took those things and got better when he got CV-19. Because of that I thought for sure he wouldn't approve anything like Operation Warpspeed but he did because he was a coward and just fell in line with Fauci, Birx, and all the others . And as noted below by Jeffrey he is still promoting the death shot.

      BTW, read some posts below the vid about the horrendous AUTO ACCIDENT CRASHES being reported, most AT SPEED and many head-on.

  3. SloJo Syndrome??

    Dysautonomia, a neurological illness, affects a large number of people globally, yet it remains relatively unknown and poorly understood. This condition arises when the autonomic nervous system does not operate properly, leading to a range of issues throughout the body. Symptoms of dysautonomia can vary in intensity from person to person, making diagnosis challenging and often resulting in years of uncertainty for individuals searching for answers.
    To gain a basic understanding of dysautonomia, including its causes, symptoms, and treatments, feel free to browse through the following gallery.

  4. Save wasting time on the unctuous prattle and BS from someone who's all of what maybe 35, but knows everything EXCEPT THE FACTS!
    Yet has 8MM subs aka suckers on the line.

    Does COVID Cause Cancer?

    Wildass coincidence i was just reading the comments below the Dr. Makis vid, copied here,

    7 hrs ago
    Can we get an isolated virus before being told they are manipulating with gain of function?

    3 hrs ago
    no, because FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (223 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever.
