Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Who Should Run America? An Elected President or the Parasitic CIA?

The CIA "report" is due out today but in actuality, the whole point of this is to force Trump to put pressure on the KSA to remove MbS from his place in line for the throne. They are doing this because he is not neoliberalizing the kingdom fast enough and is getting too close to Russia and China. Ultimately it all comes down to this: you might hate Trump but have you ever taken a close look at a country run by the CIA? Trust me when I say this: you don't want to live in a country run by these monsters and that is where we are headed if we don't demand someone stand up to these parasites pretty damn soon.

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1 comment:

  1. "...you might hate Trump but have you ever taken a close look at a country run by the CIA?.....you don't want to live in a country run by these monsters..."

    Indeed. I agree. Just how MUCH of the country is run by them and HOW they do it is all I wonder. My general sense for corrupt authorities and other shenanigans is pretty acute. But I'm short on specifics in many areas.

    One reason I value your reporting and commentary so much is that you've got a solid, current grasp of geo-political issues from a wide perspective. There are others probably possessing the same, but they don't have the courage to cross the lines in other areas like you do. Few bothered to alert us about Snowden. Fewer still, or maybe none voice doubts over dramatic school shootings. So it's hard to trust them.

    But frankly, for me to trust a news source doesn't require they live under monk-like deprivation or swear off income of any kind. If you enjoyed the success of, oh say a Ben Swann I'd trust you just the same.
