Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Exposing CNN's Wag the Dog-type Propaganda to Save al Qaeda in Idlib

link to Julie's tweet https://twitter.com/bookofoursjulie/status/1229439198677127168

CNN propaganda video https://twitter.com/Alyssa_Milano/status/1229494529742389249

BBC article https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-45403334

RT article https://www.rt.com/news/481016-russia-support-syria-idlib/

Mate tweet https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1170837060233678848?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1170837060233678848&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthegrayzone.com%2F2019%2F10%2F29%2Fby-protecting-idlib-the-us-created-a-safe-haven-for-baghdadi-and-isis%2F


  1. Hey Scott


    Russia's reporting that the US has flooded the North East with arms to attack Turkey

    Military Times is reporting

    "One of the units that has enthusiasts and professionals scratching their head lately is the Syrian Defense Force’s Yekîneyên Antî Teror, or “YAT.”

    However, a recent photo has emerged of a newly outfitted YAT — one that paints a clearer picture of their specialized role in their fight against ISIS and Turkey, and hints at their possible connection to the IC.

    also there are reports that Turkish forces stood down while SAA took Saraquib

    you can find all this info in the post link above and one from earlier today

  2. and I'll be using your video in my next post on this topic.

  3. Hey Scott
    got the post done last night- Your video and a comment from Aunt BB are featured
