Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Long Con of #LongCOVID


The Rona is in jeopardy. Platinum dreams of vaccine profits and Nazi wishes of aging fascists are on the line. The Lugar Center virus is giving way to natural herd immunity right before their eyes and they need something to inject into the official narrative in order to draw it out just a little while longer. Enter... the Long Covid.

Guardian on Long Covid

Twomey long con

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  1. I have been reading Rosa Koire's _Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agends 21_. I recommend this book.

    What's going on with the lockdown is not about money, in my opinion; it's about power. It's about having control over the masses -- total control.

  2. It's clearly about BOTH, because these greedy evil reptiles know no bounds to their grasping.
    Question should be : 'How are they going about it, carrying it out?'

    A simple illustration of how this is being done was up months ago by Amazing Polly (canada) in a video likely still up.

    you likely have heard of the B & M Gates Foundation, peddled by the owned msm of course as this great benevolent shining light charity advancing research & gifts for the benefit of all humanity.

    NOT ever mentioned is that there is a TRUST of his on the other side of the ledger, these billions go AS INVESTMENTS at the bottom price into companies where the agenda & planning by he & his connected plutocrat buddies are fully in on, they then orchestrate & run in the msm media the lemming hysteria, then they take their sizable chunks(tens to dozens of percent each company's shares) and sell at gigantic profits.

    u might have heard some of the names: moderna is a oft-mentioned new one of these, but there are many, most interestingly seem to be in Spain & Italy.
