Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Physics of 9/11: Crush Down Crush Up Verses Reality

Someone asked for this. So here is my 'truther' dissertation on the subject of the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center that happened on Sept. 11, 2001. I hope it helps start a few people thinking now in the wake of the Rona and Jan 6th operations. No, it is not unthinkable someone would do this to us and yes, the hard evidence bears that out.


Scotts 9/11 Writing https://nomadiceveryman.blogspot.com/search/label/Scott%27s%209%2F11%20writing

video of Building 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK_iBYSqEsc&t=40s

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  1. Henry knows all about it, u can be sure!
    (But he woulda known even more if 'they' had successfully anointed him to the official 911 investigative committee remember that?---not the public would know more, mind you....HIM).

    Maybe a memorabilia scrapbook of news clippings & photos of his top career moments for his big day present.
    Who will be the gift bearer?

    Here's another one for that scrapbook:

    The US bombed Laos into oblivion and is now trying to scare it away from cooperation with China
    Claims that the Belt and Road initiative “could create a new epidemic” are a bizarre new line of attack on Beijing’s efforts in the country

    1. Speaking of, here's just now MAY25 Amy with this:

      Kissinger at 100: New War Crimes Revealed in Secret Cambodia Bombing That Set Stage for Forever War
      Democracy now
      27 minutes

  2. Ghost of Pancho Villa sighting!

    US Army Strikes on Mexican Cartels is Worse Than You Think

    In response Senator Lindsay Graham announced his plan to introduce a bill that would lay the groundwork for authorizing the use of U.S. Military Force against Mexican cartels.
    Interesting factoid---these cartels would become the 65th FTO designated by the usgov!
    Which list obviously doesn't include those "Swamp grifters" recently identified merrily carrying out their daily operations there untouched, because they're DOMESTIC!

    list shown and date added shown at timestamp:

  3. Haven't seen or heard of this mentioned anywhere.

    Gatun lake dropping from drought wore than previous 2019 worst, means transiting cargo ships being further restricted in draught, from 50' normal to now 44.5'.

    Costs up $1500us per container on each of the thousands onboard ship, because less tonnage carried onboard to meet the rising draught.
    poplar report

  4. Sequel to 4 days ago first reported shows in playlist.
    15 minutes
    Ongoing excess deaths in Canada

    1. As always, COMMENTS!:

      The totals of “excess deaths’ is more numerous than the statistics show because LESS deaths should be expected due to COVID culling off a lot of elderly and fragile people that were already older than their life expectancy. It is certainly serious and requires serious and independent investigation!

      I’m an RN in long term care Alberta Canada. The patients received dose #5 on April 27. Today May 24 our building is having “outbreak” of positive cases and the patients are in isolation. Absolute insanity.

      I'm in Canada and there is NO DISCUSSION of excess deaths. In fact, legislation in BC is pushing forced vaccines for all healthcare sector workers - down to the receptionist working at a naturopath clinic! This wasn't a mistake -it was a plan.
