Saturday, March 30, 2024

'This is the BEGINNING of Humans Leaving Low Earth Orbit' NASA Astronaut on ISS

Yeah, they're now saying the quiet part out loud. Moon landings were faked. Obviously. They don't want the first person to actually set foot on the moon to be robbed of their place in history.


1 comment:

  1. I especially likes the script for apollo 15?, was it, where they could only broadcast "live audio" back to earth becuz one of the astrotards pointed the vidicon tube SOTA portable vid camera directly at the studio spotlight, errh i mean SUN, and burned out the video tube, and they of course couldn't afford the extra WEIGHT to think of carrying a spare, despite carrying that lunar golf cart securely and lovingly no-can-fail velcro'd to the side of the loony lander, plus at least 1 golf club and some golf balls!!

    And of course on record undisputable all this hope-a-dope with that ONE ghastly test flight not showing up again (they claim with no evidence of any footage the previous 20 ALL WENT WELL!) of the looney lander itself, by neil, captured on camera live:

    How Neil Armstrong Trained to Land the Lunar Module
    Can U say H-F-S? I knew u could!
