Saturday, April 6, 2024

Israel fires 2 officers for lethal drone strikes on Gaza aid workers

 (So a super quick investigation leads to the firing (scapegoating) of two officers and the reprimand of a couple more. Col. (res.) Nochi Mendel is the only named officer who was fired. I wonder what kind of job he will land now.)

from Daily Sabah

The Israeli military announced on Friday the dismissal of two officers and the reprimand of three others for their involvement in drone strikes in Gaza that resulted in the deaths of seven aid workers.

The army stated that the officers mishandled critical information and violated rules of engagement.

The investigation's findings, conducted by a retired general, are seen as an embarrassing admission by Israel, which is facing increasing criticism from key allies, including the U.S., for not adequately protecting Gaza's civilians during its conflict with Hamas.

These findings are likely to raise doubts about the Israeli military's decision-making process, with Palestinians, aid groups and human rights organizations accusing Israeli forces of indiscriminately targeting civilians throughout the conflict, a charge Israel denies...

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