Sunday, April 21, 2024

Secret Garden

by Scott Creighton


'Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.'

A little peek at the secret garden I have been helping with. It's not mine. Just helping a neighbor and wrecking my knees. All in good fun.


Started with just taking spare pavers and laying out this little patio in the midst of the random junk in an unused side yard. 



But like all ideas good and bad, 'big things come from small beginnings'

Might not be able to fix the world or stop a genocide or save a child... but help out where you can, do the little things to make the biggest impact on those closest to you and maybe, just maybe, you can sleep at night again.



  1. You did a great job. It's so nice to know there are still people that help a neighbor. You didn't expect anything in return you just did it because you're a kind person. Reminds me of the neighborhood I grew up in which shockingly has gone to hell and I'm sure you've seen it Kensington Philadelphia. Many years ago this was a lower income working family Paradise. People worked hard, and it was a true community where neighbors helped neighbors and none of us had any money to spare and we did the best with what we had. It's obviously just a memory as the community has completely fallen apart but can't take the memories
