Monday, July 1, 2024

Biden’s family backs his re-election bid – CNN


(President Biden's unhinged user wife and crack-head criminal son have decided SleepyJoe 'wants' to remain president as long as he can (despite the fact that Dem donors want him replaced) What an obvious case of senior abuse. I said in a previous video that his wife is desperate to cling to power in the White House as the gate-keeper to a diminished Joe Biden and obviously his son wants mommy and daddy to keep him out of jail and flush with kick-backs and crack. Apparently they have settled on 'it's his aids' fault' line of spin. They are saying his granddaughter can handle his campaign better than Ron Klain, Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer for reasons or something. This is obscene. An entire family of grifters and hangers-on willing to sacrifice him and the election this year in order to remain relevant. Disgusting.)

from RT

The family of US President Joe Biden has urged him not to end his campaign for reelection despite the widespread disappointment following his debate against Republican challenger Donald Trump, CNN has reported.

Biden’s performance in his first face-off with Trump on Thursday was widely viewed as a disaster, with CNN describing it as “stunningly poor” on Monday. The 81-year-old appeared frail and confused, struggling to finish his sentences and mixing up words. Public calls have been made for the Democrats to replace the president on their ticket for the November 5 election, including from the New York Times editorial board, with media reports claiming that the idea is backed by some of the party’s major donors.

On Sunday, Biden’s family, including First Lady Jill Biden, son and convicted felon Hunter Biden, and their grandchildren, convened at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland for a previously scheduled photo shoot with photographer, Annie Leibovitz.

Senior Biden advisers who talked to CNN stressed that discussing the future of the president’s campaign was not the intended goal of the meeting. But the question was brought up, with family members offering their “unequivocal support” for Biden remaining in the race, according to one adviser...

read more here

1 comment:

  1. R U ready for the sequel in November, The Mummy Reloaded?
    Perhaps Stevie the uber-Hollyweirdo in that pompous pronouncement a few months ago really will have some kind of CGI cloaking device ready to hide Joe inside on his election tour?

    In which case, pray, pray hard, for a power outage right in the middle of several performances, like that Super Bull halftime show a decade ago.

    Here's the 1959 cast names of that original, 65 years ago:
