Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Dispelling 4 Fallacies that 'Everybody Knows' with Dr. Peter Doshi

  1.  not an anti-vaxxer just oppose mandates
  2. vaccines will help keep you out of hospital
  3. vaccines will help keep you from dying
  4. they are vaccines


Merriam Webster definition https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anti-vaxxer

Dr. Peter Doshi https://mark-skidmore.com/2021/11/06/dr-peter-doshis-remarkable-speech-everybody-knows/

Fauci Yahoo News https://news.yahoo.com/dr-fauci-just-issued-urgent-201846228.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANcUaK29sMaAChSSwmoK5iiIEvjluLMqI5Zcd_FeJnr25GxI_zMOFufxekjIP9zNVCG1Mtv9TBW1tFQF2cxxD-WDKp6gn_TSeMkvN-2YFMtd2v4cHzIkDW2-c5CYgyrLT4cBrWf_zqR_I7wUOJO5SQC_SMrSigqYcStqP742Q22z

Fauci interview https://twitter.com/TheFirstonTV/status/1460318346365353992

Karl Nehammer  https://twitter.com/SikhForTruth/status/1460310836128497672

court of appeals ruling https://twitter.com/willyloman1/status/1460287293361635331

Merry Christmas https://twitter.com/RevengeBunny/status/1460046247776055301

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  1. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/unvaccinated-federal-employees-not-granted-exemptions-to-be-put-on-unpaid-leave-today/ar-AAQJgjs?cvid=fbeddc5672744284ba6a88ddf0eb9503&ocid=winp1taskbar

    OTTAWA — Employees in the core federal public sector who have not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 were to be put on unpaid leave Monday, unless they were already granted an accommodation.

    The policy could potentially leave more than 1,000 workers without pay and unable to access employment insurance benefits.

    As of Nov. 3, the vast majority — about 95 per cent — of federal public servants were reported to be fully vaccinated.

  2. This requires a response from a REAL, living dictionary!
    Maybe should be named URBANE dictionary?



  3. NOTE THIS vid discusses the RECENT ONLY news about 3 weeks ago from the Swedish team found this SPECIFIC nefarious action of the spike protein.

    GENERAL news incl. videos about the spike protein go back 1 year at least, showing other effects & actions

    Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage? - COVID-19 mRNA vaccines update 18
    Nov 12, 2021

    1. animated action here of effects seen by the Stockholm researchers.
      only consolation so far is this is an IN VITRO (GLASS test tube) study only so far.

      Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study)
      39 minutes
      Drbeen Medical Lectures
      448K subscribers
      Streamed live on Nov 4, 2021

  4. another stark reminder as if you need to know who/what runs russia!


  5. Wang Yi Again Lectures Blinken on Taiwan as Biden Xi Virtual Summit Looms
    (put up BEFORE the 3 hour virtual summit; too long as usual)
    53 MINUTES
    Nov 15, 2021

    Here's MOA's take AFTER the summit (no direct URL to the article)

    U.S. Follow Up On Positive Summit Talks Is A Boycott Of China's Olympics

    Yesterday NOV 15 China's President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden held a virtual summit.

    It was the U.S. side which had initiated the event. The expectations were low, the outcome was meager:

    The virtual meeting between President Biden and China’s leader, Xi Jinping, produced no breakthroughs in a relationship that has spiraled dangerously downward. That was not the intent.

    Instead, the two leaders sought to keep the many disputes between the two countries from escalating into a broader conflict. If they can translate their words into a kind of détente, it would count as a diplomatic success.
    At the end of three and a half hours of talks, the two did not even cobble together the sort of joint statement that has typically punctuated summits between the United States and China over the decades. Mr. Xi’s last meeting with an American president, Donald J. Trump in 2019, also ended with no joint statement, marking the deterioration in ties.
    “We were not expecting a breakthrough,” a senior administration official told reporters shortly after the talks with Mr. Xi ended. “There were none.”

  6. Again, comments below the vid:
    The American Dream is Finished - Inflation is Running Rampant
    Nov 16, 2021
    pretty sure you know the classic quote by Carlin about "the american dream", said near 30 years ago yet!

    Just bought my Turkey - .49/lb with an additional $25 purchase... BUT. I spoke with a butcher who travels between 20 stores, and he told me in their last company meeting to expect grocery prices to rise 15-25% across the board after Jan 1... BTW, he said Walmarts in the area are sold out of Turkeys FWIW.

    My sister in Vietnam says all productions companies had been closed for over five months now, many products from Vietnam that are selling in the US have increased; a bottle of fish sauce before was $2.99, now the same bottle is selling for $7.59! I think by next year many Asian restaurants will be closed, because their prices already increased almost double now.

    Just a quick story from Ohio. I love the deli buffalo wings at Walmart. Earlier this year they were$5.98lb. Early summer the price went to $7.77lb. Today the price was $9.97lb! I had my last serving of buffalo wings today!

  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bQMzLS-3Xw
    Athens cafes, restaurants and bars go on strike in response to QR-codes
    Nov 16, 2021

  8. Meanwhile, in the land of Howls&Jowls:


    And this first lesson, appropriately enough, demonstrated just one of many ways that the old, measured rules of home-buying no longer applied — that the cutthroat competitiveness that once defined only a few U.S. markets (San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles) had now become standard across the country, as the median home price in small- and medium-size metropolitan areas rose by jaw-dropping levels: Boise, Idaho, 46 percent; Phoenix, 36 percent; Austin, 35 percent; Salt Lake City, 33 percent; Sacramento, 28 percent.

  9. The future of CBD is here now.***

    This new CBD gummy uses a new "water-soluble" delivery system that’s up to 450% more absorbable than most other CBD supplements. And that means you can now get 5x the relief from a great-tasting fruit chew.

    The brilliant company behind this new breakthrough is Cannaleafz CBD.

    Their new CBD Gummies contain large doses of pure concentrated Broad Spectrum CBD or Cannabidiol, which helps relieve even the most agonizing joint pain along with general muscle aches, soreness, sleep problems, anxiety and many other ailments.

    Because these CBD Gummies contain NO THC, they heal without the "high" and it's 100% legal all over the country.


    ***NOT medical advice! For real doctor guidance, ask Dr. Nick:
