Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Masters of the Universe and their New Vile Maxim – Global Warming Causes Global Poverty

(The Great Reset Global Warming (boo) agenda laid out 8 years ago)

archived from January 25, 2014

by Scott Creighton

At the globalist’s (read as “fascist’s”) extravagant ego-boosting party known as Davos, where the grandiose theme this year is nothing short of ‘The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business‘, all the cool billionaire elites know the proper spin this time around is to link global poverty to their pet project, Climate Change.

Yes, that’s right. If you want to help the impoverished folks of the world, those people cast into abject poverty by World Bank and IMF neoliberalism, savage capitalism and the global banking cartel’s deliberate demolition of the world’s economy, the way to do it is too get behind the little carbon controlling program they’ve been pushing for 20 years or so.

How could anyone possibly argue with an agenda laid out by the likes of Robert Rubin, Hank Paulson, Micheal Bloomberg, David Cameron, Al Gore, Bill Gates and Bono?


“Global leaders argued Friday that efforts to eradicate poverty must be linked to climate change, saying that rising temperatures will have widespread effects on everything from food supplies to education.

Panelists at two separate sessions at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland — among them Bill Gates, Al Gore and U2 frontman Bono — underlined the importance of the issue. The United Nations is also making climate change a priority at Davos this year, pushing for a U.N.-brokered internationally binding climate treaty in Paris in 2015.” AP

Want to know why the world’s richest 85 people have more wealth than that owned by the lower half of the entire human population? It’s not savage capitalism and abject Mammon worshiping greed… oh no. It’s global warming’s fault.

And we know that because those super-duper rich guys at Davos and their Vichy sycophants who are sniveling up to them at the conference tell us so.

Industry Awakens to Threat of Climate Change

In the United States, the rich can afford to weigh in. The California hedge-fund billionaire Thomas F. Steyer, who has used millions from his own fortune to support political candidates who favor climate policy, is working with Michael R. Bloomberg, the former New York mayor, and Henry M. Paulson Jr., a former Treasury secretary in the George W. Bush administration, to commission an economic study on the financial risks associated with climate change. The study, titled “Risky Business,” aims to assess the potential impacts of climate change by region and by sector across the American economy.

“This study is about one thing, the economics,” Mr. Paulson said in an interview, adding that “business leaders are not adequately focused on the economic impact of climate change.”

Also consulting on the “Risky Business” report is Robert E. Rubin, a former Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration. “There are a lot of really significant, monumental issues facing the global economy, but this supersedes all else,” Mr. Rubin said in an interview. “To make meaningful headway in the economics community and the business community, you’ve got to make it concrete.” New York Times

How could anyone possibly argue with an agenda laid out by the likes of Robert Rubin, Hank Paulson, Micheal Bloomberg, David Cameron, Al Gore, Bill Gates and Bono? It’s BONO, folks!

Uh, no. These guys don’t give a shit about the billions of people living on less than $1.25 a day. Curiously, they changed that international poverty number recently, didn’t they? They did that so they could say poverty is being reduced globally. It used to be measured by people living on less than $2.00 a day. But, like our unemployment rate fiction here in the states and the global temperature median numbers they “fixed” years ago to boost their global warming mythology and like the evidence surrounding the Iraq WMD claims they were making back in 2003, they corrected part of the problem by simply redefining the statistics or “fixing” the evidence to meet the agenda.

$2-a-day Poverty Line: The second international poverty line for poverty set by the World Bank, and adjusted for various purchasing power parities. People living at or below this level are said to be in poverty, though not to the extent of those living under $1 a day.” Dollar a Day

A report this summer from the National Poverty Center (NPC) reveals that the number of people in the US living on less than $2 a day per person, termed “extreme poverty,” increased by 160 percent from 1996 to mid-2011, rising from 636,000 households to some 1.65 million households… The researchers used the figure of $2 a day per person, the United Nations measure of poverty in developing countries.WSWS Aug. 2013

As most people understand at this point, Climate Change has always been about control.

Kinda like the Global War of Terror is actually about keeping various nations on the petrol-dollar or getting them embedded with the global cartel of for-profit central banks, the Global Warming mythology of fear-mongering has always been about setting up an international body of technocrats who can use the pretext to determine what nations can do with their resources, industry, energy demands, agriculture and labor forces.

When you can effectively dictate those aspects of a sovereign nation’s domestic policy from abroad, you don’t need to stage terror campaigns or color revolutions like the ones in Thailand and the Ukraine right now. You already control the essential elements which determine the growth and the future of their society.

Everything is effected from manufacturing to agriculture to energy production. It’s essentially the guts of every nation they are attempting to oversee from some globalist boardroom in the UK or the Netherlands.

And we all know what the effect of their climate change reforms are. Doesn’t take a Davos genius to figure that one out:

But the ideas are a tough sell in countries like China and India, where cheap coal-powered energy is lifting the economies and helping to raise millions of people out of poverty. Even in Europe, officials have begun to balk at the cost of environmental policies: On Wednesday, the European Union scaled back its climate change and renewable energy commitments, as high energy costs, declining industrial competitiveness and a recognition that the economy is unlikely to rebound soon caused European policy makers to question the short-term economic trade-offs of climate policy.” New York Times

The war, ladies and gentlemen, since 1971 has always been one of class warfare. The race to the bottom, the desire to handicap the political and economic rise of the middle class has been the focus for these masters of the universe and their vile maxim.

At Davos, these entrenched soulless ghouls of the gaudy are throwing the gauntlet down, laying claim to what they believe is their rightful place at the head of the entire global table. You won’t even get the scraps. They belong to their Vichy apologists and sympathizers who flit around them spending their every waking moment trying to figure out how they can make themselves useful to one master of the universe or another.

There was a name for such folks in Nazi controlled Europe during the second world war… same name applies today.

But, just so you all know, we can expect a wave of Climate Change influence peddlers spamming up our websites once again like this guy.

The masters of the universe have spoken. Big business has spoken. Bono has spoken.

To fix the glaring issue of obscene wealth inequality in the world, we have to give into their fascist wet-dream of carbon credits derivatives and cap and trade stock markets.

Because as we all know, global poverty is due to global warming, not the abject greed and Mammon worship of the richest of the rich and their fawning sycophantic bootlickers.

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