Tuesday, April 11, 2023

2021 NIH Studying Epigenetic Reprogramming of Aging

And of course, today there are 116 Viral Vector and mRNA 'vaccines' in trial stages across the world for a virus that is dead looking to make a new product that no one is buying. I wonder what they are REALLY working on.


Dr. Campbell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtBWJ4mGjpM

Longevity https://en.longevitywiki.org/wiki/Epigenetic_reprogramming#Methods_for_introducing_reprogramming_factors

CDC https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_weeklycases_select_00

Covid Vax Tracker https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/vaccines/#progress-meter

WHO Covid stats https://covid19.who.int/

NIH https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8110674/

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  1. Parallel to this story but slight variation is that the vid out late evng 10th (Apr 11 there) by Dr. John Campbell that the Swiss have a NO vaxx schedule out now for 2023.

    IOW they claim no further needle-pushing now that everyone is literally either 'topped up' (because they disgustingly voted IN an internal vaxx passport control mechanism in a referendum 2 years ago, or has already caught it naturally!
    Course they somehow missed the third possibility: caught it by shedding.


  2. So now after all this past 3 years, when a patient presents with this or that warning symptom since taking the shot(s), which the doc will refuse to follow-up on or do anything about, it could also maybe have something to do with this.

    Another absolute clear symptom fact they will ignore &blame on the patient aws being a complainer or all in their head.

    Remember despite out nearly a decade, they're still not all in everywhere.
    Good to keep in mind with all the snowing under blizzard of events that have made peeps forget all about this.

    When the Paul Hardings across the country report that they are being unnaturally awoken at 3:15 am and going from 0 to 100 MPH, we will find that the Pericardium meridian is becoming activated, The energy pathway’s intelligence is contracting the pericardium sac in order to brace and protect the heart. The energy is manifesting as a shock absorber in the presence of perceived danger.

    When the Warren Woodwards across the country are reporting that they are experiencing alterations in the heart rate in the presence of transmissions from a wireless meters, we will find that the Pericardium is engaging, in an attempt to protect the heart.

    Over time, these exposures will be correlated, accurately, with damage to the cardio-vascular and neurological and glandular systems.
    Body systems, organs & functions affected by this RF:

  3. ALL earth's problems are solved, so time to head back to space.
    On to the next distraction, just like 50+ years ago.

    Will they find the spare lift capacity to take along golf clubs to put in a round on the loonie greens??
    Will they be wearing their nouveau magic mylar ultra-lightweight suits instead of those hot heavy clumsy stiff lead-lined threads of yester-decade??
    And will the Munster unveil his newest greatest EV loonie rover equipped with a revolutionary battery for the electric drive, powered by a revolutionary simple storage battery that works at full rated capacity both at the near-boiling daytime lunar surface (about 170 F), but at the -150F of night or in shadow.??
    And who's going to call the live play-by-play this time? Walty is long gone.
    --Stay tuned.

    (Note they managed to sequester this hot news & not release this till after APRIL 1.)


  4. Beyond UFB the sick shit unfolding daily here!

    Turdeau criticizes "political polarization" after Trudeau Foundation CEO, board of directors resign

    Not too many things i can think of or visualize that are more revolting than a turd that's been smeared.

  5. Same old, same old.

    Looks like dear leader there gonna have to file another stack of updated paperwork with the un, like just a few weeks ago. On both the pipeline and the "current research".

    The US is using Ukraine to manufacture components for biological weapons, the commander of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Forces briefed the State Duma on Tuesday. Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov says the Russian military found ample evidence of this in Donetsk, Lugansk and Kherson.

    U.S. Department of Defense issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist
