Thursday, April 4, 2024

MSNBC Throwing Bibi Netanyahu Under the Bus


"Why would you allow [Netanyahu] to continue running your country when he is responsible for Hamas being able to run loose in Israel and commit the worst atrocities against Jews since the Holocaust?" —
Joe Scarborough on PM Netanyahu's lack of response to attacks.
This video clip is full of bullshit from Morning Joe regarding Hamas. However, it makes it very clear, the series of 'mistakes' including the most recent strikes on aid workers has sealed Bibi's fate. He has to go. They need a scape goat and a big one and some low level IDF officer just wont do. Bibi's time has run out.


  1. Here's Dr. Phil, who we all know got his start at least a cenozoic age ago as a budding second head growing out of Operah's ear (altho some claim 'forehead')!
    And doesn't it show.
    That's why today the 2 are still best buds!

    Audience Goes Nuts as Dr. Phil Debunks Palestine Activist’s Lies
    The Rubin Report

  2. Just one ridiculous example out of thousands big and small here just how micro-managed= PLANNED is this whole puppet show you're seeing at every turn daily, put on for your enjoyment by the Puppetmasters.
    All acted out by the Famous Puppet

    The shah had just fled (abdicated) jan16, but yet this actor was promoted out of nowhere as his replacement, yet he was someone so dangerous to them that he had to flee TO FRANCE YET, and despite being wanted(?) badly by the west, and his unusual garb, managed to remain anonymous there for 14 years till his Powerball number was drawn and called!

    Now that' what i call a major f'ing miracle LOL.

    Actual caption from a press pic of the day!:
    Khomeini talks briefly with reporters at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, January 31, 1979, minutes before boarding a chartered airplane which was to fly him back to Iran after 14 years exile;
