Friday, September 20, 2024

Watch Donald Trump Promise to Crush Free Speech in America on Behalf of Genocidal Zionists in Another Country

by Scott Creighton

Trump promising to crush free speech in America on behalf of genocidal Zionists in a foreign country. 
Make America WHAT Again? 

MAFA -  Make America Fascist Again 
And #JimmyDore and #RFKJr are all onboard. simps

Gee I wonder why he was reading that fascist pledge like a hostage video. Oh yeah, cus he gets paid to.

There's all that CHANGE for you NextGenObamaites. Wait til your hero drops Gen Pinochet's economic brick on your heads in Feb of 2025 right around the same time the WEF's Great Reset is slated to take effect.

Secret Service Still Stonewalling Congressional Investigation into Butler Shooting of Trump

(Secret Service is not only still stonewalling congress on the details of the Trump assasination attempt at the Butler Grounds a couple weeks ago but they are also withholding information from local and state authorities when it comes to the fake attempt they staged at the golf course designed to make them look like they are actually trying to protect the former president. This is amazing.)

from Fox News

Former N.Y.C. Covid Czar Partied While Preaching Social Distancing

from the NYT

The official in charge of New York City’s pandemic response participated in sex parties and attended a dance party underneath a Wall Street bank during the height of the pandemic, even as he was instructing New Yorkers to stay home and away from others to stop the spread of Covid-19. He acknowledged his transgressions on Thursday after being caught on hidden camera boasting about his exploits.

The video of the official, Dr. Jay K. Varma, who was City Hall’s senior public health adviser under Mayor Bill de Blasio from April 2020 to May 2021, was posted on Thursday by the conservative podcaster Steven Crowder.

The video appears to have been compiled from several recordings, in which Dr. Varma is seen at a number of restaurants and cafes, chatting with a woman who remains off camera. At various points, he describes a sex party he and his wife held in a hotel and a dance party he attended in a space under a bank on Wall Street, joined by more than 200 people.

In a statement, Dr. Varma did not dispute the recordings’ authenticity but said they had been “spliced, diced and taken out of context.” He said he attended three gatherings between August 2020 and June 2021.

At the time, public health officials in New York, like those in cities and countries around the world, were frantically seeking to contain the virus and Covid’s rising death toll by encouraging people to wear masks and avoid large gatherings. New York City schools were abruptly closed beginning in March 2020. Indoor dining in restaurants was forbidden. Masking indoors in public places was mandatory...

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FBI & USDoS Seek Information Regarding Serial Sexual Offender and Former CIA Employee Brian Jeffrey Raymond (Oct 2021)

from the US Embassy in Mexico from Oct  2021

The FBI Washington Field Office and the U.S. Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Office of Special Investigations are asking for the public’s assistance in seeking information about serial sexual offender Brian Jeffrey Raymond.

Brian Jeffrey Raymond, 45, pleaded guilty in July 2021 to two counts of sexual abuse, in which the victims were incapable of consent, and one count of transporting obscene material.

The investigation into Raymond began on May 31, 2020, when a naked woman was seen screaming for help from the balcony of Raymond’s residence in Mexico City. Raymond admitted to having sexual intercourse with her, but the woman reported that she had no memory of events after consuming drinks and food provided by Raymond.

During the investigation, FBI and DSS recovered from Raymond’s electronic devices hundreds of photographs and videos created between 2006 and May 30, 2020, depicting at least 24 unconscious and nude or partially nude women. Almost all of the women in the photos and videos experienced memory loss during their time with Raymond and had no knowledge of the photographs, videos, or any physical contact.

CIA officer jailed for sexually abusing dozens of women

from RT

A former CIA officer has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for drugging and sexually assaulting more than two dozen women while working for the agency in South America. Law enforcement found hundreds of images of the disgraced spy groping and abusing his unconscious victims on his computer.

Brian Jeffrey Raymond was handed his sentence by a Washington DC court on Wednesday, nearly a year after he pleaded guilty to one count each of sexual abuse, abusive sexual contact, coercion and enticement, and transportation of obscene material. 

As part of a plea deal with federal prosecutors, Raymond admitted to raping an additional four women, sexually abusing six, and taking obscene photographs of 28 female victims.

Raymond’s crimes began in 2006, and spanned nearly two decades. Prosecutors told the court last year how the veteran agent would use dating apps to meet his victims while posted in Mexico, Peru, and other countries. He would meet these victims at his government-leased apartment, serve them spiked drinks, and sexually assault them after they lost consciousness...

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Russia will defend its Arctic from NATO – Lavrov

from RT

Russia will protect its Arctic interests against NATO's expansionist ambitions that extend far beyond Europe and the Atlantic, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.

In an interview for the documentary ‘The Soviet Breakthrough’ released on Thursday, Lavrov said that while all members of the Arctic Council claim that there is not a single problem in the region that would require a military presence there, in reality the situation is different.

In practice, NATO members are increasingly starting “to turn their eyes to the Arctic and declare that due to its geographical location the North Atlantic Alliance also has interests there,” the foreign minister said, adding that talk about NATO being a defensive bloc concerned only with its security is not sincere.

Lavrov stressed that the Arctic does not belong to NATO, and that after incorporating almost all of Europe, it now has its sights set on countries far beyond the region...

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Trump says Jewish voters would be partly to blame if he loses election

from al Jazeera

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said Jewish-American voters would be partly to blame if he loses the election in November.

The former president lamented that he was trailing his Democratic Party rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, among American Jews, as he addressed the Israeli-American Council National Summit in Washington, DC.

“If I don’t win this election – and the Jewish people would really have a lot to do with that if that happens because if 40 percent, I mean, 60 percent of the people are voting for the enemy – Israel, in my opinion, will cease to exist within two years,” Trump said on Thursday.

Jews would be partly to blame for that outcome in the November 5 presidential election, Trump claimed, saying they tend to vote for Democrats.

He cited an unnamed poll that he said showed Harris polling at 60 percent among American Jews...

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Israel's Pager Terrorism UPDATE: The US Knew Before the Attacks and Other News

All the updates I could find.

Healthcare by the Numbers: No MSNBC Overdose Deaths are NOT Down in 2024

I hate it when the MSM just lies to our faces with the glaring truth right there for you to see. I think they are doing this because other healthcare numbers like heart attacks and cancer cases are thru the roof so they made up some phony stats about OD and proudly touted them in order to help the Biden administration. I call BS.

US, Israel coordinated on device explosion attacks in Lebanon: Report

(Of course they would contact the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies. We have agents and assets embedded in Hezbollah. That's probably how Israel found out about them buying these things in the first place.)

from Daily Sabah

The U.S. and Israel coordinated regarding the detonation of wireless communication devices used by the Lebanese group Hezbollah, despite Washington's rejections, a report said Thursday.

Explosions of thousands of pager and Icom wireless devices in several areas of Lebanon on Tuesday and Wednesday resulted in the deaths of 26 people and injuries to more than 3,250.

According to KAN, the official Israeli broadcasting channel, there was coordination between Israel and the U.S. concerning the explosions that rocked Lebanon.

The broadcaster reported that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had two telephone conversations with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in the last 24 hours.

"The first call between Gallant and Austin took place on Tuesday, just minutes before the first wave of pager device explosions in Lebanon,” said KAN. "The second call occurred before the second wave of explosions.”

The U.S., however, has denied involvement in the explosions. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during a news conference in Cairo, asserted that Washington had no prior knowledge of the explosions and was not involved.

The White House also denied having any role in a spate of explosive attacks in Lebanon that targeted thousands of communication devices for two straight days...

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Netanyahu says UK has ‘undermined’ Israel with arms embargo

(Apparently international humanitarian law emboldens Hamas. Somehow. According to the terrorist Benjamin Netanyahu.)

from Politico

Benjamin Netanyahu accused Britain's new government of undermining Israel by blocking arms exports to the country and dropping objections to an international arrest warrant against him.

In an interview with British newspaper the Daily Mail, the Israeli prime minister attacked center-left Labour Prime Minister Keir Starmer's "misguided" administration and accused London of "sending a horrible message" to Hamas.

"After the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre, the previous British government was clear in its support," Netanyahu said. "Unfortunately, the current government is sending mixed messages."

Britain suspended 30 arms export licenses to Israel earlier this month after the government concluded there is a "real risk" the weapons could be used in violation of international humanitarian law. The U.K. moved ahead in spite of late-stage lobbying from the U.S....

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Company Says It Is Investigating Radios Targeted in Lebanon Blasts

from the NYT

The Japanese manufacturer whose name was on handheld radios that exploded in Lebanon said Thursday that it had discontinued the device a decade ago and was investigating what happened.

The company, Icom, a telecommunications equipment maker based in Osaka, Japan, had shipped IC-V82 transceivers — the model whose name is seen on radios in photos and a video of the aftermath of Wednesday’s attacks — to overseas markets, including the Middle East, from 2004 to October 2014.

Icom said in a statement Thursday that it had not shipped any of the IC-V82 radios from its plant in Wakayama, Japan, in roughly a decade. But the company has long warned of what it called a surge in counterfeit IC-V82 transceivers.

Japan’s chief cabinet secretary, Yoshimasa Hayashi, said on Thursday that the Japanese government was looking into the matter...

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How Israel Built a Modern-Day Trojan Horse: Exploding Pagers

(The NYT is reporting, based on secret sources from Israeli intelligence, that it was indeed BAC who made the exploding pagers for them to ship to Hezbollah members in Lebanon. What does that mean? It means it definitely wasn't BAC who did it. The NYT lies on behalf of Israel and Israel wants to help shield the real culprits who made their terrorist bombs for them.)

from the NYT

... By all appearances, B.A.C. Consulting was a Hungary-based company that was under contract to produce the devices on behalf of a Taiwanese company, Gold Apollo. In fact, it was part of an Israeli front, according to three intelligence officers briefed on the operation. They said at least two other shell companies were created as well to mask the real identities of the people creating the pagers: Israeli intelligence officers.

B.A.C. did take on ordinary clients, for which it produced a range of ordinary pagers. But the only client that really mattered was Hezbollah, and its pagers were far from ordinary. Produced separately, they contained batteries laced with the explosive PETN, according to the three intelligence officers.

The pagers began shipping to Lebanon in the summer of 2022 in small numbers, but production was quickly ramped up after Mr. Nasrallah denounced cellphones...

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How the Secret Service Missed Chances to Halt a Tragedy at a Trump Rally

(Like 9/11 the Trump shooting at the Butler Farm Show grounds is being whitewashed as a 'failure of intelligence' or a 'failure to plan' when it was actually a planned operation carried out by the Secret Service themselves. Hence the need for Operation Secret Service Redemption)

from the NYT

Disorganized communications. Security threats identified but dropped. Vague instructions. Lack of follow-through.

These lapses are emerging as key reasons the U.S. Secret Service failed to protect former President Donald J. Trump from an assassination attempt at a campaign rally on July 13 in Butler, Pa., a New York Times investigation has found.

The agency’s failures at the Butler Farm Show grounds — where a gunman’s bullets grazed Mr. Trump’s ear, wounded two rally attendees and killed another — are expected to be laid bare in coming weeks in an internal assessment delivered by the Secret Service itself and in a report from an independent Senate investigation. The pressures on the agency have taken on even greater urgency in light of what the F.B.I. identified as another attempt on Mr. Trump’s life at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Sunday...

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'Israel' clearly intended to target Lebanese civilians: The Guardian

(More cowardly terrorism from the 'Jewish state')

from al Mayadeen English

"Israel", in its recent terrorist attacks using booby-trapped pagers and two-way radios, which were detonated indiscriminately among Lebanese citizens, has violated decades-long war treaties that were created for attacks of this sort, The Guardian pointed out on Wednesday, adding that the world is at the edge of war, "and none of this would be possible" without the United States "complicity and assistance."

In an editorial titled "The Guardian view on Israel’s booby-trap war: illegal and unacceptable," the newspaper mentioned that the treaty prohibits "in all circumstances to use booby-traps or other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects that are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material." 

 Over 3,200 people were wounded, and more than 30 were martyred - including women and children - in two separate Israeli terrorist attacks on Tuesday and Wednesday, involving the remote detonation of booby-trapped pagers and two-way radios. The devices exploded while their holders were going about their daily lives—shopping, sitting with family, working, or driving on busy roads—placing everyone nearby in immediate danger...

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What housing plans do US presidential candidates Trump and Harris offer?

(This is the same thing they did in 2003 when they passed the American Dream Downpayment Act so they could get people into Liar Loans and create the Subprime Mortgage Crisis. Only difference is, back then it was $10k per house and this one is $25k and instead of 40k loans per year, Harris' plan seeks to expand it to 1 million. THEY ARE DOING THE SAME THING AGAIN)

from al Jazeera

... A key part of Harris’s plan to ease that burden is a $25,000 down payment assistance for 4 million first-time homebuyers over the course of four years. As long as prospective homebuyers paid their rent on time for the previous two years, they would qualify for the programme.

When Harris first announced the plan, pundits like business icon Kevin O’Leary said it would cause inflation.

“If you give everyone free money, it will just cause inflation,” O’Leary said in an interview with Fox News earlier this month.

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Israel declares ‘new phase’ of war after Hezbollah pager attacks

(Israel has what they wanted: a new front in their war to keep Bibi and the ultra-Zionists in power and all it took was an overt act of terrorism committed on a foreign country. Israel is a rogue state.)

from RT

Israel is shifting its military strength north to focus on Hezbollah, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Wednesday, after thousands of pagers and radios belonging to the Lebanese paramilitary group were detonated in an apparent Israeli operation.

Speaking to troops at the Ramat David Airbase near Haifa, Gallant said that “a new phase” of Israel’s almost year-long war was beginning, this one focused on Hezbollah rather than Hamas.

“The center of gravity is moving north. We are diverting forces, resources, and energy toward the north,” he said, according to a statement published on social media by his office. 

Hezbollah has waged a low-intensity military campaign against Israel since the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) began bombing Gaza almost a year ago. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has said that his goal is to tie up Israeli forces near the Israel-Lebanon border in order to prevent their deployment to Gaza, but Israeli officials – including Gallant – have threatened on multiple occasions to launch a major offensive into Lebanon in response.

Less than two months ago, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced that the Jewish state was preparing for “all out war” with Hezbollah, adding that he would “not go into detail” about the “disproportionate” strike that would open such a war...

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Israel bombed a residential block in Gaza. Then drones shot at anyone trying to rescue the survivors

(Is there anything Israel does these days that isn't just pure sadism? The 'Jewish state' is just pure evil.)

from Mondoweiss

The Israeli army bombed an entire residential block east of al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip at dawn on September 17. Over seven buildings housing Palestinian families were completely destroyed, caving in on top of the heads of their inhabitants. According to witnesses, the Israeli army prevented ambulance and Civil Defense crews from reaching the site to rescue those who may have survived, using quadcopter drones to shoot at anyone who arrived.

Civil Defense teams had first arrived at the site at around 5:30 a.m. and began rescue efforts, despite the difficulty of working in the dark without proper equipment. 

The spokesperson for the Civil Defense in Gaza, Mahmoud Basal, told Mondoweiss that when Civil Defense teams first arrived at the site, they found that all the bombed houses had been inhabited by three families. The Tartawi family, the Abu Shawqa family, and the Batran family accounted for over 50 people in the buildings.

“Our teams arrived on site and saw the bodies of the martyrs under the rubble and the ceilings that had fallen on top of them,” Basal told Mondoweiss...

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from Dr. Suneel Dhand

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

UN General Assembly demands end of unlawful Israeli presence in Palestinian territory

(Resolution demands Israel end illegal occupation since 1967 and remove all troops from Palestine)

from al Jazeera English

Who made the exploding pagers? A messy global trail emerges behind deadly Lebanon blasts

(John Brennan is running around doing interviews saying the Mossad intercepted the shipments and somehow planted the explosives in the pagers and now I guess the walkie-talkies. Total bullshit. He's covering for a company that helped them out. Gold Apollo out of Taiwan made them and they clearly manufactured them with the explosives inside of them. That's the pagers. Don't know yet about the walkies but they were purchased at the same time by Hezbollah for the same reason.)

from NBC News

An electronics manufacturer in Taiwan said Wednesday that a company based in Hungary made the pagers bearing its brand that were used by members of the militant group Hezbollah and exploded simultaneously across Lebanon on Tuesday...

... Images circulating online show destroyed pagers in Lebanon whose features are consistent with those made by Taiwan-based Gold Apollo. The company’s founder and president, Hsu Ching-kuang, told reporters Wednesday that the pagers were made by another company licensed to use its brand...

... In a statement, Gold Apollo identified the other company as the Hungary-based BAC Consulting...

... Reached by phone Wednesday, BAC Consulting Chief Executive Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono confirmed that her company worked with Gold Apollo. But when asked about the pagers and the explosions, she said, “I don’t make the pagers. I am just the intermediate. I think you got it wrong.”

Records on the Hungarian Ministry of Justice show that a firm with the name BAC Consulting was registered as a new company on May 21, 2022. Its main activities listed retail trade of telecommunications products, as well as management consulting, jewellery making and cultivation of fruit...

... Zoltan Kovacs, a spokesperson for the Hungarian prime minister said on X that authorities have confirmed that BAC Consulting was a trading intermediary that was not manufacturing or operating in Hungary, and that "the referenced devices have never been in Hungary."...

... A spokesperson for Gold Apollo declined to comment further Wednesday, citing the ongoing investigation.

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Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon in second day of explosions

from Reuters

Hand-held radios used by Lebanese armed group Hezbollah detonated on Wednesday across Lebanon's south, in Beirut suburbs and the Bekaa Valley, further stoking tensions with Israel a day after similar explosions by the group's pagers.

Lebanon's health ministry said 14 people had been killed and 450 injured on Wednesday, while the death toll from Tuesday's explosions rose to 12, including two children, with nearly 3,000 injured...

... Images of the exploded walkie-talkies examined by Reuters showed an inside panel labelled "ICOM" and "made in Japan."

According to its website, ICOM is a Japan-based radio communications and telephone company...

...  The hand-held radios were purchased by Hezbollah five months ago, around the same time as the pagers, a security source said...

... Taiwanese pager maker Gold Apollo denied that it had produced the pagers. It said the devices were made under licence by a company called BAC, based in Hungary's capital Budapest.

Hungary on Wednesday said the devices had never been in the country and that authorities had established that BAC was a trading-intermediary company with no manufacturing or operations in Hungary...

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Exploding Pagers as a Weapon? How does that work? (the video)


Exploding Pagers as a Weapon? How does that work?

by Scott Creighton

That's a good question.

Here are some examples of the exploding pagers in Lebanon yesterday.

Some say it was thermal runaway of the lithium batteries triggered somehow by remote. That just means it overheats and bursts.

'If the pager’s lithium battery was triggered to overheat, this would kick-start a process called thermal runaway.

Essentially,  a chemical chain reaction would occur, leading to an increase in temperature and eventually the battery’s violent explosion.

However, triggering that chain reaction within multiple devices that have never been connected to the internet is far from straightforward.' al Jazeera

But those are explosions. Small, directed, but explosions none the less.

This is thermal runaway.

As you can see, thermal runaway doesn't seem to fit the bill.

Others say 'spies' put the explosives in the pagers. What? Some Israeli spies got Hezbollah dudes to give them their pagers for a bit? How does that make sense? 

Hezbollah made the switch away from cell phones due to Israel being able to track them. So they bought all their people pagers.

And that's where this gets interesting.

Did the manufacturer build these hot shots into the pagers specifically to sell to Hezbollah? Is this a case of Big Business committing an act of terrorism or Israel?

Lebanon pager attack ‘a monstrous act of terrorism’ – Moscow

from RT

The mass detonation of pagers which killed several people and left thousands of others injured in Lebanon on Tuesday was an act of “monstrous terrorism,” Russian officials have said.

Beirut and the militant group Hezbollah, which was the apparent target of the attack, have blamed Israel for the incident. The Jewish state has neither confirmed nor denied responsibility. Media reports have claimed that the Israeli secret service, Mossad, rigged thousands of pager devices with small explosive charges, which were simultaneously triggered via a remote signal.

“This was a monstrous act of terrorism, monstrous in its cynicism and its scale, considering the large number of victims,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.

A separate statement by the ministry said that Moscow considers the mass detonations to be “the latest act of hybrid warfare against Lebanon,” adding that “the masterminds of this high-tech attack were seeking to ignite large-scale armed confrontation with the goal of triggering a major war in the Middle East.”...

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‘Thirst for blood’: Syria says Israel terror attacks in Lebanon shows its ‘desire to expand war’

from PressTV

Syria has strongly condemned the Israeli regime’s recent attack on Lebanon, which led to the death and injury of thousands, saying the atrocity reflected the regime’s warlike and bloodthirsty nature.

In a statement on Wednesday, the Syrian foreign ministry denounced the “terrorist aggression and the new bloody crime committed by the Israeli occupation against civilians in Lebanon.”

The attack “reflects Israel’s desire to expand the scope of the war and its thirst to shed more blood,” it added.

The Tuesday attack saw explosives planted in wireless communication devices, known as pagers, being detonated in different locations across Lebanon, killing at least 12 people and wounding some 3,000 others...

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Terrorism ‘inseparable’ part of Israel’s evil nature: Iran parliament speaker

from PressTV

Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf has condemned in the strongest terms the pager detonations that have killed at least nine people and wounded thousands more in Lebanon, saying terrorism is an ‘inseparable part’ of the sinister nature of the Israeli regime.

“Terrorism and murder of innocent people are an intrinsic quality of the evil nature of the Zionist regime. As long as the regime exists, it will not stop killing and genocide,” Qalibaf wrote in a post published on his X account on Wednesday.

He added that the Islamic Republic of Iran roundly denounces the Tuesday Israeli terrorist attack in Lebanon, whilst it expresses solidarity with the victims of the latest tragedy in the Arab nation.

Iran stands by the Lebanese nation just as before, Qalibaf pointed out...

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Israel aims to spread war through attacks in region: AK Party spox

from Daily Sabah

Israel wants to extend the scope of the war in Gaza, the spokesman of Türkiye’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Ömer Çelik said Tuesday, regarding the explosion of pagers in Lebanon, which left at least eight people dead, over 2,700 others injured.

Criticizing Israel for its latest atrocity in Lebanon, Çelik said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “massacre network” wants to spread the war.

“Israel’s aggression shows that this massacre network has no limits when it comes to committing murders,” Çelik said.

He continued by saying that the positive stance of the Palestinian resistance group Hamas in cease-fire negotiations puts pressure on the government of Netanyahu, who wants to eliminate the pressure and expand the war.

Netanyahu’s efforts to spread the war to Lebanon is a strategy shaped by political calculations,” he said...

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hillary Clinton Thinks We Should Be Fined or Arrested for Telling the Truth

by Scott Creighton

Well that's nice. 'Disinformation' should be a criminal act. Does it matter that today's disinformation almost always turns out to be tomorrow's truth? 

Of course not. 

Because if you criminalize the truth, their lies are never exposed.

And that boys and girls is the definition of a dystopian fascist state.

Secret Service Admits Not Searching Golf Course Perimeter, Drawing New Scrutiny

(The SS is putting out the message they must be praised for keeping this guy from shooting one shot at the president. Clearly that part of the manufactured narrative has to do with the Trump shooting in which we watch a SS sniper let that guy get off SIX SHOTS before popping him in the head. They also claim, with no evidence provided, the shooter was sitting around for 12 hours BEFORE Trump got there. How the hell did he know Trump's itinerary? Trump's people don't make that public. So how did he know enough in advance to even go to that town much less to go sit in the bushes for 12 hours. No answer there either. And now the SS says they just didn't bother looking in the bushes NEXT TO THE COURSE where Trump was playing. Just didn't bother. So, of course, congress is saying that means they need MORE MONEY to hire more useless agents, I guess. Yep. Paying off the SS for services rendered. That's how this shit works folks. Stop acting as if this ass-clown was there. He wasn't. It was completely fabricated. According to the stupid story, some rando citizen supposedly saw shooter leave the bushes, with no gun or anything in his hands, and for SOME REASON... rando citizen took a pic of his vehicle and told the cops where he was headed. What?!? Why?!? What made him stand out? That's how they explain how they knew who he was so early in the process and how they got their BOLO issued IMMEDIATELY after the supposed attempt on Trump's life. It's fucking stupid folks. Just plain stupid.)

' Mr. Rowe said that in order to handle an increasingly challenging threat environment, the Secret Service would need Congress to provide more funding for personnel, overtime and facilities. His appeal had already received the endorsement of President Biden, who had told White House reporters on Monday morning that “the Service needs more help” and that Congress “should respond to their needs.”' NYT

"I saw the Secret Service do exactly what they're supposed to do" "They did that job in an exemplary way," ABC News

Operation Secret Service Redemption

from the NYT

The Secret Service did not search the perimeter of the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Sunday before former President Donald J. Trump began his round, an acknowledgment that has put the besieged agency under renewed scrutiny two months after a similar episode in Pennsylvania.

The decision raises further questions about whether the Secret Service has the resources and ability to adequately perform its duties during a time of increasing violence and a unique campaign between a sitting vice president and a former president.

While the agency’s acting director hailed a Secret Service agent for acting swiftly and preventing any harm to Mr. Trump on Sunday, the F.B.I. said that data from a gunman’s cellphone indicated he spent almost 12 hours near the course before he aimed a rifle in the direction of Mr. Trump while he was golfing.

In remarks to reporters at the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office on Monday afternoon, Ronald L. Rowe Jr., the Secret Service’s acting director, said, “The president wasn’t even really supposed to go there.”...

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Key Israeli businesses warn Netanyahu against dismissing Gallant

from al Maydeen English

The Israeli Business Forum has called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to dismiss Security Minister Yoav Gallant and replace him with Gideon Sa’ar, Israeli media reported on Tuesday.

In a statement, the forum, which includes 200 leading companies in "Israel" and represents most workers in the private sector, warned that "firing [Gallant] would weaken Israel in the eyes of its enemies and further deepen public division."

The statement added, "The Prime Minister knows better than anyone that all economic indicators show Israel is heading toward an economic abyss and sinking into a deep recession. The last thing Israel needs right now is the dismissal of a [security] minister, which would destabilize the [entity]."

Similarly, Knesset member and former Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot said in a radio interview that, while he is "no fan" of Gallant, his dismissal was prepared for political purposes to pass the [Haredi] draft law, thus harming the Israeli military."...

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RT reacts to Meta restrictions

from RT

US Big Tech cannot stop RT from making its voice heard, the Russian news outlet said on Tuesday, following Meta’s decision to ban it from its platforms.

On Monday, the company behind Facebook and Instagram announced that it would remove several news networks, including RT, from its applications over the coming days. It cited their purported “foreign interference activity” to justify the move, aligning with allegations made last week by the US government.

RT commented on the attack against it by saying the contrast between the West’s declared support for fair competition and the actions aimed at undermining it was “cute.”

“META/Facebook already blocked RT in Europe two years ago, now they’re censoring information flow to the rest of the world,” the statement added, referring to the American company’s compliance with an EU-wide band of RT, which the bloc imposed following the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict in 2022...

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Netanyahu set to fire war minister Gallant amid dispute over Gaza failure

(Netanyahu wants to replace Yoav Gallant apparently because he's not genocidal enough for his liking. Seems like there are still some children in Gaza who still have the use of their legs and that just wont do for 'the most moral army in the world')

from PressTV

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to fire Yoav Gallant, the regime's military affairs minister as significant disagreements deepen over the Gaza war amid intense pressure from far-right coalition partners opposing his push for a large-scale military campaign. 

Israeli public broadcaster KAN, citing informed sources on Monday, reported that negotiations are in progress between Netanyahu's office and Gideon Sa'ar, leader of the right-wing New Hope party, regarding the potential replacement of Gallant, who has been at odds with Netanyahu.

It reported that an announcement might be imminent, while Channel 13 indicated that Netanyahu's wife, Sara, a pivotal player in the situation, remained indecisive and unconvinced about the advantages of replacing a troublesome minister with one deemed disloyal.

Following the report, far-right minister Itamar Ben Gvir said on X platform that he had been demanding Gallant’s ouster for months “and the time has come to do so immediately.”

"We must resolve the situation in the north and Gallant is not the right man to lead this," Ben Gvir had formerly said, referring to a possible escalation with Hezbollah...

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Erdoğan highlights importance of boycotts to support Palestine

(When you see fake alt influencers who stand for Palestine yet openly call for regime change in Turkey to do away with 'Erdogan the Sultan' now you understand why. Because Erdogan openly supports Palestine and the people of Gaza and takes steps to make it happen. No one else in the Middle East does that.)

from Daily Sabah

Türkiye will continue to stand in solidarity with Gaza and Palestine, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, as he reiterated Ankara’s determination to always support Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation and oppression with a call for boycotting Israel.

Erdoğan shared a video on his X account, saying that Türkiye would continue to always support Palestinians’ “noble and honorable” resistance.

“We stand by our Palestinian siblings, through our voice, our words, our prayers, our humanitarian assistance and all our resources,” Erdoğan said in his message.

Emphasizing the importance of boycotts, the video calls on viewers to take action for Palestine.

"Boycott gives us strength to rise. Like Moses, we defy the lies. Say 'no', take a stand so grant, boycott makes us hold our land," the video said.

Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun also reposted the video, which calls for taking concrete action to stop Israel’s “lawlessness.”...

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Monday, September 16, 2024

"People Are Afraid": Haitians in U.S. Face Hate, Threats as Trump and Vance Spread Racist Lies

from Democracy NOW!

(I am not on the side of Open Borders. But this campaign-by-fear-of-others is vile)

Ukraine planning ‘inhumane’ false flag attack – Russian intelligence

from RT

Kiev is preparing a false flag operation, in which a children’s hospital or kindergarten could be hit by a supposed Russian missile strike, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has claimed.

The “inhumane provocation” is being masterminded by the leaders of Ukrainian intelligence and the military at the advice of “US handlers,” the statement said on Monday. The goal is to cause a large number of casualties and publicize the event through the international media, the agency added.

Kiev hopes that its plot will help justify long-range strikes using Western weapons deep inside Russia, the SVR believes. The US would then use the incident to ramp up pressure on Iran and North Korea for supposedly providing ballistic missiles to Russia, the agency said...

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Father of Turkish-US activist slain by Israel recalls her fight against 'injustice'

from Daily Sabah

Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, who was shot dead by an Israeli sniper in the West Bank earlier this month, was “rebellious against injustice,” according to her father, Mehmet Suat Eygi.

"Regardless of language, religion, race, gender, political views or whether someone was right- or left-wing, she would offer help,” Eygi told Anadolu Agency (AA) in the coastal city of Didim in the Aegean province of Aydın days after Eygi was laid to rest in her ancestral homeland.

"She would not let distance stop her from helping. She would go anywhere in the world. While children of her generation were learning the details of makeup, Ayse was pursuing human rights," he said.

He also acknowledged the Turkish state's support since the killing of his daughter by Israel.

"Fortunately, our state provided significant support, assistance and attention at every stage. Even after the funeral, we continue to see the state's support during the legal process."

Türkiye condemned the killing and announced it would conduct its own investigation into her death. Ankara will also seek international arrest warrants for Eygi’s killing, officials said...

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Don't be Perplexed: The Golf Course Plot is Actually Operation Secret Service Redemption

How many mistakes does it take to come to the understanding that they weren't actually mistakes? The Secret Service is in trouble for seemingly allowing someone to take pot shots at the once and future president of these United States and so what happens? They heroically foil ANOTHER attempt at Trump's life. How convenient. When the suspect is arrested, seems like he had no idea what was going on. Probably because he didn't. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The US fuels the Gaza war while demanding it ends: Marwan Bishara

from al Jazeera English

Columnists quit Jewish Chronicle over fabricated Gaza, Hamas stories

from al Mayadeen English

Several prominent columnists have resigned from the Jewish Chronicle in protest after the paper published articles based on what they called "wild fabrications".

The Jewish Chronicle, the oldest Jewish newspaper in the world, is under pressure to investigate after removing nine articles by Elon Perry due to concerns about their accuracy and discrepancies in his CV.

The articles, written by Perry, a former IOF member, reportedly included fabricated claims about Israeli intelligence. The newspaper stated on Friday that it was unsatisfied with some of Perry's assertions, leading to the removal of his work.

The statement said that Perry's stories were removed and all associations had ended with the author, citing that it "deeply regrets the chain of events that led to this point. We apologize to our loyal readers and have reviewed our internal processes so that this will not be repeated.”

Four of the paper's most prominent columnists, David Baddiel, Jonathan Freedland, David Aaronovitch, and Hadley Freeman, announced their resignation in protest of the controversy...

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Israel's military admits airstrikes on Gaza killed 3 captives in November

from PressTV 

The Israeli military says there’s a “high probability” that the regime’s airstrikes have caused the death of three Israeli captives in the Gaza Strip months ago.

On Sunday, the military announced the conclusions of its investigation into the deaths of Nik Beizer, Ron Sherman and Elia Toledano, whose bodies were taken back to the occupied territories from Gaza in December. 

According to the military’s findings, the three were likely killed in a November airstrike in Gaza.

“This assessment is based on the location of where their bodies were found in relation to the strike's impact, performance analysis of the strike, intelligence findings, the results of the pathological reports, and the conclusions of the Forensic Medicine Institute."

"This is a high-probability assessment based on all of the available information, but it is not possible to definitively determine the circumstances of their deaths," said the military...

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US has declared war on free speech – Russia

from RT

The US crackdown on Russian media amounts to a declaration of war on free speech, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday. She described the new sanctions against RT and other news outlets as “repressions unprecedented in scale.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced new sanctions against RT on Friday, accusing it of engaging in “covert influence activities” and “functioning as a de facto arm of Russian intelligence.” Earlier in September, Washington imposed sanctions on RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and three other senior RT employees over alleged attempts to influence the 2024 US presidential election.

“The US has declared war on freedom of speech throughout the world, turning to open threats and blackmail against other states in an effort to set them against the domestic media and establish sole control over the global information space,” Zakharova said, promising that the punitive measures Washington was using to target Russian media would not go unanswered...

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

So, How Did We Get Here? The Covid Story Summed Up

A brief look at the past 4 years of Covid-19 and mRNA jabs.

Just a Reminder of How We Got Here

 by Scott Creighton

Here are a video short videos I used over the years of the Covid-19 psyop to show what were were actually dealing with. This is a very short list of my overall collection.

Health advice from Florida

from John Campbell

The Truth: About COVID-19 Shots

(A very informative video which is well worth your time can be viewed at Aletho News. It is a Rumble video and I don't know how to embed it here. Please check it out)

from Aletho News

This video delves into the alleged concealment of critical information regarding the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 mRNA injections, focusing on how regulatory bodies and authorities misled the Australian public. It claims that significant contamination of genetic material was found in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, far exceeding safety thresholds, with potential links to severe health risks like cancer and autoimmune diseases. Despite independent verification from multiple labs, global regulators, including Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), dismissed concerns, claiming there was no safety risk without conducting proper tests.

The video argues that the mRNA injections are in fact gene therapies rather than traditional vaccines, citing how these injections modify genetic material within cells to stimulate an immune response. It criticizes the lack of rigorous testing on the long-term effects of this genetic modification, accusing manufacturers and health authorities of withholding important information about the risks, such as the bio-distribution of modified RNA throughout the body and its potential to disrupt cellular functions.

Legal challenges against Pfizer and Moderna are outlined, notably the case of Dr. Julian Fidge, who accused the companies of bypassing Australia’s regulatory requirements for gene therapies. The lawsuit was dismissed due to a lack of legal standing, but the video highlights potential conflicts of interest, including Judge Helen Rofe’s undisclosed connections to Pfizer. This raises questions about the integrity of the judicial process, especially regarding the dismissal of critical evidence related to genetic contamination.

The video also condemns the narrative pushed by health authorities that the vaccines were “safe and effective,” arguing that data showed minimal absolute risk reduction and high infection rates among vaccinated individuals. It accuses authorities of fearmongering, particularly regarding children, and asserts that pregnant and breastfeeding women were given false assurances about the safety of the vaccines, despite being excluded from clinical trials....

see the video here

Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic

(This is exactly what we accused RT and Russia of doing. And we did it. Tried to frame China for the creation of the virus WE MADE AT THE LUGAR CENTER. Isn't funny how the DoD was worried about how many people were taking vaccines other than the mRNA ones they paid to develop and manufacture?Gee I wonder why.)

from Reuters

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus.

The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus – Tagalog for China is the virus.


“COVID came from China and the VACCINE also came from China, don’t trust China!” one typical tweet from July 2020 read in Tagalog. The words were next to a photo of a syringe beside a Chinese flag and a soaring chart of infections. Another post read: “From China – PPE, Face Mask, Vaccine: FAKE. But the Coronavirus is real.”

After Reuters asked X about the accounts, the social media company removed the profiles, determining they were part of a coordinated bot campaign based on activity patterns and internal data...

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Leaked e-mails reveal secrets of dual-use bio projects between US and Ukraine

by Alex Lloyd from al Mayadeen English

The continuation of work on creating dual-use biological agents based on the infrastructure of Sandia National Laboratories, with specialists in weapons of mass destruction from Ukraine, may soon allow the Biden administration to conduct field tests.

For a long time, the development of biological weapons has been a topic of discussion in society. World leaders have exchanged accusations against each other while ordinary people continue to blame governments and spread conspiracy theories.

For example, the series Stranger Things (2016) is about the secret projects of the US Department of Energy (DOE) that almost led to a global disaster. Most people treated it as a work of fiction. However, several years later, it was widely reported that the DOE and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) of the US Defense Department oversee work to "mitigate" biological threats. A significant number of research facilities operate under the DOE umbrella, one of them being the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL).

What is the Sandia facility? What connections does it have with Ukraine? What does the US nuclear program have to do with it? And how true are these claims?

‘Terrified of dissenting voices’: RT comments on new US sanctions

 ('For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.')

from RT

The new US sanctions against RT are further proof that Washington does not want people to hear views that diverge from the mainstream narrative, RT Deputy Editor-in-Chief Anna Belkina has said.

The latest restrictions against the news outlet were announced by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who accused it of being “engaged in covert influence activities” and “functioning as a de facto arm of [Russian] intelligence.” Earlier this month, the US authorities also sanctioned several Russian nationals, including RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and three other senior RT employees, over alleged efforts to influence the upcoming US election.

Responding to the sanctions, Belkina stated that “there is nothing at all surprising” in Washington’s latest accusations. “At this point, it’s amusing to watch what their paranoid minds will come up with next,” she said, adding that since launching in 2005, RT “simply has been doing its job as journalists, bringing to audiences all around the world the stories and voices that the mainstream media wouldn’t allow.”

“The Western establishment has been trying to get rid of RT all this time.”

The deputy editor-in-chief cited former US President John F. Kennedy, who said: “We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”...

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US hikes tariffs on Chinese goods

(Less than a week after VP Harris ridiculed Donald Trump over his '100% trade tariffs on China' plan during their debate... the Biden administration, late on Friday to kill the story, announced a new 100% trade tariff on some Chinese goods coming into the country. You can't make this shit up.)

from RT

Washington has finalized tariff hikes on billions of dollars’ worth of Chinese imports, US trade representative Katherine Tai announced on Friday. The new levies will notably affect goods such as electric vehicles and semiconductors.

The tariff hikes were first announced by the White House in May of this year, but the administration of President Joe Biden said that it has since been working on finalizing the rates and setting the dates for the measures to take effect based on feedback from the American public.

According to the final document, which is dated September 12, the duties will rise to 100% on electric vehicles, 50% on solar cells, and 25% on electric vehicle batteries, steel, aluminum, face masks and some other products beginning September 27. A 50% tariff hike on semiconductors is set to take effect starting next year. The levies on a number of other products, such as non-electrical vehicle batteries, medical gloves, and permanent magnets, will be raised gradually over the next two years...

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RT reveals ‘secret’ behind its operations to CNN

(Here we go. Another intelligence agency report like the one that tried to frame Trump for working with the Rooskies they release on Jan 6 2017. You remember that one? The one supposedly backed by 'all 13 intelligence agencies' but instead was written by 15 hand selected people from just 3 agencies? The one that included a disclaimer on each page? Yeah, more of that stupid shit.)

from RT

RT has been operating out of “KGB headquarters all this time,” the network joked on Friday, in response to a CNN report claiming that the US government is preparing to accuse it of espionage and “influence operations.”

According to the American broadcaster, the US State Department is set to release “declassified US intelligence findings” suggesting that the Russian government has “quietly embedded an intelligence-gathering unit within RT that is focused on influence operations globally,” with this unit’s activities going “beyond propaganda and covert influence operations to even include military procurement.”

Approached for comment by CNN, RT’s press office quipped: “We’ve been broadcasting straight out of the KGB headquarters all this time.”

“No, but seriously, we’re running out of popcorn to sit and watch what the US government will come up with next about us,” the response continued, before linking to a video containing “more details about how RT operates.”...

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US sanctions RT

(Sec. Blinken made an announcement yesterday, bragging about prosecuting the Uhuru 4 while promoting the idea that the US upholds the ideals of free speech and a free press. Then he tried to explain how RT is an arm of the dreaded Putin 'regime' in Russia so they are going to sanction them and people who work for them. All this while going after people like Scott Ritter for daring to have a different opinion on our 'good work' in Ukraine. They are terrified of the damage dissenting voices can and will do to their future plans.)

from RT

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has accused RT and its parent company of acting as an extension of Russian intelligence and attempting to undermine democracy around the world.

Speaking at a State Department press conference on Friday, Blinken announced sanctions designations against RT parent companies Rossiya Segodnya and TV-Novosti, accusing “individuals affiliated” and “elements within” them of allegedly attempting to interfere in the Moldovan elections.

The State Department has also sanctioned Dmitry Kiselev, Rossiya Segodnya’s director-general.

TV-Novosti was also accused of “being responsible for or complicit in, or having directly or indirectly engaged or attempted to engage in, interference” in US or other foreign elections “for or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, directly or indirectly,” the Russian government.

RT is “engaged in covert influence activities… functioning as a de facto arm of [Russian] intelligence,” Blinken told reporters...

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Friday, September 13, 2024

US universities, trying to stifle students, change rules on protesting

from al Mayadeen English

Universities across the United States are implementing stricter regulations on campus protests and free speech following widespread demonstrations during the spring semester over the ongoing support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza, The New York Times reported.

The new rules in question vary between institutions but generally limit the timing, location, and nature of protests, with some specifically banning the highly effective encampments and restricting areas for demonstrations.

For example, students at Case Western Reserve University are now required to obtain administrative approval before holding protests. Similarly, Rutgers University mandates a permit for student protests.

The Indiana University, meanwhile, has imposed a ban on "expressive activity" between 11 pm and 6 am.

Universities claim these measures are aimed at preventing disruptions and clarifying existing policies, though many critics have made it clear that they are intended to stifle the voices of student activists, The New York Times said...

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Four Americans convicted for ‘conspiring’ with Russia

from RT

Four US black rights activists have been convicted of conspiring to act as unregistered Russian agents, the Justice Department has announced. They have been acquitted, however, of a more serious charge of acting as agents of a foreign government.

A Florida jury found four defendants – Omali Yeshitela, Penny Hess, Jesse Nevel, and Augustus C. Romain Jr. – guilty “of conspiracy to act as agents of a foreign government,” the Justice Department said on Thursday.

“Each defendant faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison. A sentencing date has not yet been set,” it added.

The trial was part of longer-running US legal proceedings against Russian human rights activist Aleksandr Ionov, who heads the Russian Anti-Globalization Movement. According to prosecutors, the four defendants carried out actions in the US between 2015 and 2022 on behalf of the Russian government and received money and support from Ionov, who was allegedly in contact with Russian intelligence.

Yeshitela, Hess, and Nevel had also been charged with the more serious crime of acting as agents of a foreign government, although jurors cleared them of those charges.

The Justice Department claimed that the Americans all knew Ionov, who has also been indicted in the US in connection with the case but is not under arrest, worked for the Russian government.

All four of those convicted are or were affiliated with the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement, which defends the rights of African people. They include the movement’s 82-year-old leader, Yeshitela, as well as members Hess, 78 and Nevel, 34. Former member Romain, 38, founded the Atlanta-based Black Hammer Party in 2018.

The defense, meanwhile, claimed that the government had prosecuted the accused simply for their pro-Russian views.

“This case has always been about free speech,” Hess’ attorney, Leonard Goodman, told the AFP news agency...

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Israeli intelligence unit chief steps down over Oct. 7

from Daily Sabah

The chief of an intelligence unit will resign over the failure to thwart the Oct. 7 attack, the Israeli army said Thursday.

"The commander of the 8200 unit, (Brigadier General) Yossi Sariel, has informed his commanders and subordinates of his intention to end his position," the army said in a statement.

"The officer will conclude his role in the near future."

The prestigious and secretive Unit 8200 is in charge of decoding and analyzing intercepts and other signal intelligence.

In the wake of Oct. 7, Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate was thrown into a crisis that led to its commander, Major General Aharon Haliva, announcing his resignation in April 2024.

The army said then that Haliva had asked to be relieved of his duties for the directorate's failure to foil the Oct. 7 attack.

Israeli media on Thursday broadcast a copy of Sariel's resignation letter in which he asked for "forgiveness" for "not fulfilling the mission we were entrusted with" on Oct. 7.

In June, public broadcaster Kan disclosed the existence of an intelligence brief prepared by Unit 8200 in September 2023 that warned military officials of Hamas's preparations for the attack...

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Israel Defends Strike on School Compound as Condemnation Mounts

from the NYT

Condemnation of a deadly Israeli strike on a school turned shelter in central Gaza mounted on Thursday, as Israel said that the complex crowded with people driven from their homes had become a headquarters for militants.

The site, once known as Al-Jaouni School, had been home to around 12,000 displaced people from the Gaza Strip, mainly women and children, according to the United Nations, which operated the school. Israel has struck the compound five separate times since the war began last October, it said.

The Palestinian authorities said the Israeli strike on Wednesday killed 18 Gazans. Among them were six U.N. employees, including the shelter’s manager, the most U.N. employees to die in a single strike in Gaza since the war began, the organization said...

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Project 2025: Trump's Embrace the Swamp Transition Plan

Project 2025: Brought to You by 30 Once and Future Trump Guys Who Kept Him from Draining the Swamp

Project 2025: Brought to You by 30 Once and Future Trump Guys Who Kept Him from Draining the Swamp

by Scott Creighton

Taking a closer look at this Mandate for Leadership plan from the Heritage Foundation (Project 2025) the one Donald Trump pretends he has nothing to do with, it became clear to me... this is just his transition team plan to hit the ground running and lose no time remaking America into Margaret Thatcher's fevered neoliberal wet dream.

How do I know? Because they tell you it is and because it's right there on the first page of the document (I added a bit for clarity by the gray text is original)

30 former Trump administration members worked on this transition plan including several who were on his first transition team. None of them were the 'bad people' Trump says he fired during his first term. ALL OF THEM remained or were given better jobs or moved into private sector positions to cash out.

These are the folks who, if you believe RFK Jr. (see video at end of this article) convinced Donald Trump to give up on the 'drain the swamp' plan and instead to EMBRACE THE SWAMP and make it his own.


And you think THIS TIME he's going to stick to his populist promises?!? Are you stupid or just brainwashed like the old Obamaites were in 20212?!? Cus it's GOTTA be one of those choices.

Here is the list from their own document:

Maduro discusses opposition, anti-fascism, and economic growth

from al Mayadeen English

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro expressed his respect for the decision of the right-wing opposition candidate in the recent presidential election, Edmundo Gonzalez, to leave the country, stressing that Venezuela today is "calm and applauding what happened."

Maduro stressed that diplomacy and negotiations always lead to the preservation of peace, stability, and the interests of the country, stressing that the most important values for him are one's word and the fulfillment of agreements. 

Gonzalez had requested political asylum from the government of Spain, and recently left the country after voluntarily taking refuge in the Spanish embassy in Caracas for several days, due to the issuance of a judicial warrant for his arrest to try him on several charges committed during the period following the announcement of the election results by the National Electoral Commission in Venezuela.

According to Venezuelan prosecutors, the charges against Gonzalez include usurpation of a public office, forgery of a public document, incitement to insurrection, sabotage, and conspiracy with organized crime and terrorist financiers...

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Maduro: Evidence of US role in assassination attempt revealed

from al Mayadeen English

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro declared that Venezuela stands at the "forefront of the fight against colonialism and fascism."

Speaking after the World Anti-Fascist Congress, he hailed the gathering of over 1,200 delegates from more than 95 countries as "an auspicious beginning for forging a powerful international movement against fascism and colonialism."

He also emphasized that Caracas’ stance in negotiations with Washington is to demand the removal of the "criminal sanctions imposed on Venezuelan society, economy, and people."

He added that lifting US sanctions would have been the starting point for the process of rapprochement and normalization of relations, "but instead, they have consistently engaged in deception."

Maduro revealed that during negotiations with the United States, plans to assassinate him were uncovered, along with violent schemes targeting military units and political power centers within the country. He stated that confessions from the planners and executors were obtained and that the evidence was presented. However, he claimed that "their media machines have deliberately concealed these facts."...

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Four killed as Israel’s large-scale raids on West Bank enter third week

from al Jazeera

Israeli forces have killed at least four Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, according to media reports, as Israel’s biggest military operation in the Palestinian territory since the early 2000s entered its third week.

The Wafa news agency reported three people were killed in a drone attack on a vehicle in the city of Tulkarem on Wednesday evening while another was killed by an Israeli sniper in the Far’a refugee camp, near the city of Tubas.

The Israeli drone attack on Tulkarem set fire to the vehicle as well as a nearby home, Wafa reported.

And in Far’a, the Israeli sniper killed 46-year-old Sufyan Jawad Fayez Abdul Jawad after shooting him in the heart, the agency said.

There was no immediate comment from Israel...

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6 UNRWA staff among 18 killed in Israeli strike on Gaza school

from Daily Sabah

At least six members of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees were among the 18 killed Wednesday when Israel bombed a school housing displaced Palestinians in central Gaza.

The Al-Jawni school in Nuseirat had already been bombed several times over the course of the 11-month war in Gaza.

The latest strike Wednesday flattened part of the U.N.-run facility where Gazans had sought shelter, leaving only a charred heap of rebar and concrete.

"For the fifth time, Israeli forces bombed the UNRWA-run Al-Jawni School, killing 18 citizens, including two UNRWA staff members, children, and women, and injuring more than 18 others," Gaza's Civil Defence spokesperson Mahmud Bassal posted on Telegram, referring to the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees.

UNRWA later confirmed six of its staffers had been killed in two Israeli air raids on the Nuseirat school and its surroundings, calling it the highest death toll among its team in a single incident...

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Biden blasted for calling Israeli killing of Turkish-US activist 'accident'

from Daily Sabah

U.S. President Joe Biden has sparked outrage from the family of Turkish American activist Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi for characterizing her shooting by an Israeli sniper in the occupied West Bank last week as “an accident.”

Biden said he thought the killing of Eygi was an "accident," but both Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin called it "unprovoked and unjustified."

In a White House statement on Wednesday, Biden doubled down on Israeli claims, saying Israel has acknowledged its responsibility for Ayşenur’s death, and that a preliminary investigation has indicated it was the result of “a tragic error resulting from an unnecessary escalation.”

After an initially measured response to Eygi's death on Friday, pending a fact-finding exercise, Blinken said the United States would raise it at senior levels with its key ally.

The investigation, and eyewitness accounts, make clear "that her killing was both unprovoked and unjustified," Blinken told reporters on a visit to London.

"No one should be shot and killed for attending a protest," he said...

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

2024 Presidential Debate: What an Embarrassing Shit Show


Wow. This is the best we got? I want a do-over.

Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian arrives in neighboring Iraq on first state visit

from PressTV

President Masoud Pezeshkian has arrived in Iraq on his first state visit since inauguration as Iran’s chief executive in late July.

The president’s plane touched down at Baghdad International Airport in the Arab country's capital on Wednesday.

He is visiting Iraq at the head of a ranking political and economic delegation at the invitation of the Arab country’s Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani...

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US, UK conduct airstrikes against targets in Yemen for third consecutive day

from PressTV

American and British forces have conducted a fresh round of joint airstrikes against targets in Yemen, hours after two school girls were killed and several others injured following a joint US-British aerial attack on an educational center in the same Yemeni province.

Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network, citing a security source speaking on condition of anonymity, reported that two airstrikes targeted al-Kanab area in the Maqbanah district of Yemen’s southwestern province of Ta’izz early on Wednesday.

No further details were immediately available.

The attack came just a day after two girls lost their lives and seven others sustained injuries when US and UK military aircraft carried out a strike against a school in the al-Jund area of At-Ta'iziyah district in the same province...

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South Africa to submit evidence against Israel at UN court

from RT

South Africa says it plans to file a memorial with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) next month to provide evidence that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in its conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s office announced the move on Tuesday, vowing that a lawsuit it initiated against the Israeli government late last year will continue until the top court issues its ruling.

Africa’s most advanced economy filed a case with The Hague-based ICJ back in December, alleging that Israel’s offensive in Gaza following a surprise attack by Hamas on the Jewish state more than 11 months ago is “genocidal in character.” Israel declared war on Hamas following a series of raids by the Gaza-based militant group last October 7, which resulted in the deaths of 1,200 Israelis. Since then, Israeli military operations have resulted in nearly 41,000 Palestinian deaths and 95,000 injuries, turning much of Gaza into rubble and rendering it uninhabitable...

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