Saturday, January 18, 2025

the H1-B program replaces good-paying American jobs


from Sen. Sanders

'The reality of the H-1B program is to replace good paying American jobs with hundreds of thousands of lower paid guest workers who are often treated as indentured servants.' Sen. Sanders

(As someone on the real left who has been accused of being racist every time I stuck for the American workers by calling out the open border policies of every administration for the past 20 years I am glad to hear Sen. Sanders say this for the record. It is not racist to acknowledge the hardships being imposed on working Americans of all colors and creeds. The attacks and smears of racism are meant to halt conversations, not win them. Comprehensive immigration reform will not help the economy or our workers or the immigrants themselves. It seeks to impose the same kind of indentured servant status on all immigrants coming into America where they are literally OWNED by the businesses they work for. It is as close to slave labor as this country has been for hundred plus years (prison labor not withstanding) and it serves the interests of Big Business, billionaires and the stock holders of companies which profit from it.)



  1. What you mean by real left ?

  2. Whole lotta screwing over going on.

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