Monday, February 27, 2023

Destabilizing Russia – Clinton State Department Dusts off Color Revolution Model and Threatens Us All (archive)

(archived from December 8, 2011)

by Scott Creighton


The accusations of election fraud in Russia are simply a retaliatory destabilization campaign being waged by Hillary Clinton and her minions of pro-democracy NGOs against the ruling party of Vladamir Putin. The people of Russia don’t buy it, the NGO employees who are being forced to go out into the streets and “protest” are starting to refuse to show up (would you commit treason against a leader like Putin for a pathetic little paycheck?), Putin himself has exposed Hillary’s little pathetic game to the world, and the “pro-democracy” opposition players are ex-Yeltsin era globalist cronies who sold off the state assets of the people of Russia to multinational financial institutions in exchange for millions and millions of dollars.


In short, it’s not going to work but that won’t stop the globalist media PR networks from helping Hillary spread a little destabilization to one of the few remaining super-powers, a country that has enough nuclear firepower to wipe the U.S. off the map several times over and a conventional military that if teamed with Iran, Pakistan, and Syria, could crush our forces in the region in a matter of weeks. That’s to say nothing of throwing China into the mix.

But none of that will stop Hillary Clinton. She’s bound and determined to flex her NGO and psyop media muscle to show Russia she can do to them what she did to Libya. Remember her little giggly gloating interview she gave after her rebels tortured and murdered Moammar Gadhafi (“we came, we saw, he died“)? The question might need to be asked in light of her recent behavior, borderline psychotic behavior, is it time to force Washington to de-Clintonize itself before their Hitlereque behavior lights a fuse we can’t put out.

Time and Time Again

The accusation is not new. When a regime that the U.S. and Western “democracies” (read as “corporations”) win elections that they can’t rig in other countries, they claim the elections were rigged and thus the unliked government taking power (or keeping power as in this case) is “illegitimate” according to them.

They did the same thing in Chile in 1970 when Salvador Allende won the presidential election and started to nationalize the nation’s resources in spite of U.S. company’s anger and hostility at the notion. Nixon and Kissinger claimed the elections were illegitimate, they were angry that the people had voted “the wrong way”.  After all, they had their own hand picked candidate in the race and they couldn’t stand the idea that the ignorant masses were going to cause them to lose all that precious money. So they killed Allende and set up Augusto Pinochet to rule their neoliberalized nation as their dictator.

In Iran in the early 50s while Operation Ajax was being fomented by the British and the CIA, the media was busy claiming the newly elected government of Iranian president Mohammad Mosaddegh was illegitimate as well. U.S. and British corporations didn’t like his socialist policy of nationalizing the country’s oil reserves even though the vast majority of Iranians did support it and so did their elected officials.Under the rule of Mosaddegh, things took a decidedly unneoliberal turn in Iran… “Unemployment compensation was introduced, factory owners were ordered to pay benefits to sick and injured workers, and peasants were freed from forced labor in their landlords’ estates.”

They overthrew Mosaddegh as well in a CIA run coup lead by generals but the people on the streets staging “protests” for the world to see were NGO employees looking to solidify their cushy jobs in the future government of the dictator the Shah of Iran.

“Soon, massive protests, engineered by Roosevelt’s team, took place across the city and elsewhere with tribesmen paid to be at the ready to assist the coup. Fake anti- and pro-monarchy protesters, both paid by Roosevelt (as he reports in his book, cited), violently clashed in the streets, looting and burning mosques and newspapers, leaving almost 300 dead” Wikipedia

But you haven’t got to go back that far to see an example of a fake popular uprising being staged in an effort to destabilize a country. Just look back a couple of years ago when the Bush administration used the complicit media to demean the most recent Iranian presidential elections. There were tons of examples of NGO staged events for the international media consumption all based on the unsubstantiated claims that the elections was stolen, the fake killing of “Neda” stands out as exceptionally poorly acted and staged but there were others.

Meanwhile, elections that were actually stolen by servants to the globalist neoliberal ideology are held up as valid by our democracy loving governments. Examples?  Mexico’s presidential “election” of 2006George W. Bush “election” 2000, George W Bush “election” 2004, Alvin Greene preliminary senate “election” tampering South Carolina 2010.  In many of these cases with the exception of the Alvin Greene story, there were massive demonstrations against the illegitimate governments taking office. Bush had rotten eggs thrown at his convoy on the way to the White House forcing him to forego the traditional walk to the office. These real protests for the most part where ignored by the likes of Hillary Clinton and her pro-democracy NGOs as can be completely expected only if the premise of their concern lies somewhere other than protecting the institution of democracy itself. It’s not hard to figure out. Certainly it’s harder for any journalist writing about such developments to completely ignore the dozens of similar claims that have now been documented as being completely false and in service to the globalist interests of the West.

Current Events

According to Clinton and the globalist institution Golos, the ruling party in Russia rigged the parliamentary elections so that Putin’s party would retain power and control. The numbers don’t support that conclusion. By all counts the ruling party lost seats in Parliament, barely hanging onto a controlling majority. The last elections saw the controlling party win 65% of the vote and this past election they won just under 50%. Typically when you rig an election you don’t seek to expose discord in the union by losing a large number of seats. But that is the story according to Hillary Clinton and the West sponsored Golos.

The accusations of election tampering come from the only “independent” election monitoring NGO in Russia, which is repeatedly referred to as “independent” by Western media even though they admit Golos (the name of the NGO) gets all of it’s funding from the West. How’s that for “independent”?

Russia’s only independent election monitoring group, which is supported by grants from the United States and European governments, has come under heavy official pressure in recent weeks. The Golos website documenting violations was hacked and the group was fined the equivalent of $1,000 after prosecutors accused it of violating election law.” Fox News

Golos is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, a globalist institution set up by the U.S. government and paid for by state and corporate funding to foster destabilization campaigns in targeted countries around the world. Though they have removed any mention of Golos from their Russia webpage in light of the pressure mounting inside Russia against Golos’ treasonous efforts, you can still see how many programs they are currently running.

Fox News is helping Hillary any way they can. They recently showed their viewers a clip from a protest in Greece and claimed it was the “pro-democracy” protests going on in Russia. They had to pull the video and all the Youtube clips of it once someone noticed Palm trees lining Moscow streets. Ironically the protests in Greece are in opposition to the very thing that Fox News and Hillary Clinton want to see happen in Russia.

There’s a social media campaign taking shape in Russia just like the one Burson-Marsteller ran in their destabilization campaign against Iran some years back.  As if we forgot all about the fake tweets that were supposedly coming from inside Iran while they were actually coming from Israel and Britain, the MSM is reporting Russian tweets as if they are actual news.

One tweet reads: “All decent people are asking Santa Claus [literally: Grandfather Frost] this year for a Russia without Putin.” BBC

Vladamir Putin has publicly called out Hillary Clinton of deliberately inciting problems in Russia. Given our country’s sorted history and Clinton’s own recent rantings about destabilizing Libya (not to mention the long history of Clinton NGO destabilization campaigns from a decade ago), coupled with the globalist NGO source of her information, one can easily understand where he’s coming from.

Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin on Thursday accused Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton of instigating protests over the results of Russia’s parliamentary elections by baselessly criticizing the vote as “dishonest and unfair” and he warned that Russia needed to protect against “interference” by foreign governments in its internal affairs.

… “She set the tone for some actors in our country and gave them a signal,” Mr. Putin continued. “They heard the signal, and with the support of the U.S. State Department, began active work.” New York Times

Who is Boris Nemtsov and Who Does He Serve?

Over and over again we are reading and hearing the name Boris Nemtsov in relation to the opposition campaign in Russia. But who is Boris Nemtsov and what does he really stand for. Understanding that will help you, more than anything else, understand what is really behind this “popular revolution” being staged in Russia.

Boris Nemtsov, a former deputy prime minister turned vocal government opponent, told CNN he was among those detained at a rally Tuesday. CNN

Boris Nemtsov, a high profile figure in the country’s liberal opposition movement, was one of those arrested during an anti-Kremlin protest on Tuesday night. He has since been released. Telegraph

Boris Nemtsov was deputy prime minister under arguably the most corrupt regime in modern Russian history, that of the Western installed Boris Yeltsin.

Under Yeltsin Russia was neoliberalized via the International Monetary Fund and U.S. technocrat leadership. They chopped up Russia and gave it away to foreign multinational corporations and financial institutions creating vast wealth for the crony capitalists who took part in the plan and impoverishing millions upon millions of Russians.

Boris Nemtsov has always been a neoliberal and always an advocate of free market reforms which cripple the people of his nation or the state in which he served. He was praise once by Margaret Thatcher.

In November 1991 Nemtsov was appointed Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. He was re-elected in that position by popular vote in December 1995. His tenure was marked by the implementation of a wide-ranging, chaotic free market reform programme which earned the nickname “Laboratory of Reform” for Nihzhny Novgorod and resulted in significant economic growth for the region. Nemtsov’s reforms won praise from former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who visited Nizhny Novgorod in 1993 (Chinayeva 1996, 37).  Wikipedia

After the NGO and CIA backed “Orange Revolution” in the Ukraine, Nemtsov went there to assist in the neoliberalization of that country (and just look at how well that turned out)

Boris Nemtsov, once a rising star in the Russian political firmament, has joined forces with Ukraine’s new liberal president Viktor Yushchenko

… But the western-orientated market reformer, who was a favorite of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s, does not deny seeking to influence the political climate in Russia. BBC

In a recent article from this past September, Nemtsov gave the Daily Beast a glimpse into the kinds of people that he really serves…

All my friends in big business plan to take their capital out of Russia. Some prefer to emigrate. Putin’s return will cause Russia’s economy to lose at least $100 billion of private capital, as business is on the run now. Hundreds of thousands of the young, smart and successful professionals, will leave the country before closing time. Daily Beast


Given the volumes of readily available documentation on the nature of the NGO election monitoring organization and the history of the various color revolutions of the recent past, it’s hard to mistake what is happening in Russia for anything other than a poorly executed attempt to return Russia to the Boris Yeltsin days of pure, Chicago Boys style neoliberal free market reforms that created mass poverty and a few thousand new billionaires who stole the wealth of the nation right out from under the country.

It takes a special kind of talent to miss all the obvious signs of what is really going on over there, but our complicit media seems to up to the task and filled with “journalists” who are ripe with just such gifts.

The sad thing is, I don’t anyone expects this action to produce any real returns on their investments, at least not in Moscow anyway. It’s foolish to think that someone like Putin is going to turn tail and run and the people of Russia have recently lived in a neoliberalized nation and most have no intention of going back. The sad thing is that these globalist string pullers are knowingly setting up their NGO employees for failure and possible prison time, just so that they can then use their suffering in the future to attempt some kind of justification for future action.

Perhaps they even intend to have CIA assets kill off a few protesters and even perhaps Mr. Nemtsov in another Operation Ajax type effort, who knows.

But in the end, this ill-fated effort will certainly fail this time around which begs the question as to the rationality of Hillary Clinton’s rather premature efforts. Perhaps it is a little warning in light of Russia’s refusal to get behind the West’s regime change in Syria and Iran, perhaps it’s Hillary’s bat-shit crazy mindset. Who knows.

But poking the Russian bear in the eye with her pathetically obvious NGO destabilization plan is something that should give every American reason to pause and consider the fact that the secretary of state has no business representing us in our foreign policy affairs any longer and the sooner we get rid of her, the safer we will all be in the future.

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