Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Idaho Lawmakers Want to Stop mRNA Jabs So MSM Attack Them

In spite of the science now being on the side of the hesitant, complicit media outlets are attacking anyone who tries to stop the hemorrhaging caused by the mRNA faux-vaxxes. They suffer from the 'rightness of me' malady and we are the cure.


Channel 4 report https://twitter.com/Spiro_Ghost/status/1627446246356189185

Florida Health https://www.floridahealth.gov/newsroom/2023/02/20230215-updated-health-alert.pr.html

efficacy study https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/study-pfizer-covid-vaccine-efficacy-wanes-27-days-after-dose-2-teens

stroke risk https://healthnews.com/news/fda-and-cdc-alerts-to-possible-stroke-risk-in-older-adults-after-receiving-covid-booster/

Myocarditis in young people https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/09/06/myocarditis-from-covid-19-booster-rare-but-risk-highest-among-teen-boys-young-men

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  1. Idaho, huh?
    Isn't that a bona fide, verified, certified member of 'flyover country', defined now as any state known or suspected to have been flown over by Mr. Pooh in the 2023 Pooh's 'Come Fly Away'** world tour, excellent adventure, & vacation excursion?

    **Possibly 'Come Fly With Me', or 'Come Sail Away'.LOL.

    Dunno how smart or devious the poli types are there, but they're going about this all wrong!

    Quik read this page here (there are thousands at least just on this SPECIFIC step of medical recordkeeping) and see what's absolutely missing. It's from 2 years ago exactly, at the first rollout time.

    All the yady-yady about recording the name, vaxx 'brand', patient, lot,... BUT...
    Notice not 1 word about the PRODUCT INSERT! No checkbox for it, because it doesn't exist!
    Supposed to be1 printed copy per shot IN THE PRODUCT BOX, Lists all ingredients, whether active or inert.
    Without that, there can be no INFORMED CONSENT, as there was not for these many billions of doses dispensed w/w.
    That is thus absolute guaranteed MEDICAL MALPRACTICE for any md who ordered this to be dispensed.

    Real-life MD who pointed this out in interview likely recorded sometime between late fall/2022 on, says there are 1.1 MM MDs USA, granted many are in teaching, inactive, retired,...but still leaves at least 800,000. He said 90% of them were all in favor of prescribing this no questions asked no informed consent given by patient.

    That is right in the UN Charter of Rights, for anyone who wants to see it.
    Those can ALL be sued individually, or by group like HMO or hospital, etc.


  2. Has to do with our 2019 'election' our LBT (you had an LBJ 60 years ago, so we get Little Big Turd now) is in another of his petulant pissant hissy fits over losing a majority, so gotta be those Chinee, RIGHT?!:

    The 2019 Canadian federal election was held on October 21, 2019, to elect members of the House of Commons to the 43rd Canadian Parliament.The Liberal Party of Canada, having previously held a majority of the seats in the House, was returned with a minority of the seats, ...;
    General search u can see the timeline since of various bigmouths:

    BUT, Richard just put this out 20th FEB, & wouldn't ya know it he spelled 'Chinee' totally wrong!:
    21 minutes
    SHOCKING: Israeli Spying Firm Caught Meddling in Elections Globally

  3. OK, maybe something BIG really is coming!

    Unless it's just a weird-y coincidence that we see these 2 events within 48 hours at best:

    and this one, again the tardy, tardy, late to the party Dear Leader there finally got a clue, or someone clued him in mannnny yeeears after it would have been a prescient wise decision.

  4. I've never been so proud to be from Idaho! :)

  5. 2day's humor.
    2 good to post only once.
    Almost on par with their much older 'ManBearPig' creation

    SAVAGE! South Park DESTROYS Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Worldwide Privacy Tour | All The Scenes!
    11 minutes

  6. UH-OH!
    Is Ronnie da Saint's "police model" going to be the same as the 'COP CITY' one in the finishing stages in Hotlanta???
    Best to check!


    Fox News political analyst Gianno Caldwell reacts to Gov. Ron DeSantis visiting police organizations across the country to share his vision for law enforcement on 'Cavuto:
    DeSantis' big police incentive is 'genius': Gianno Caldwell

  7. Recent update to story of just a few days ago.
    They're pretty slow there, likely bordering on hypoxia psychosis, lightheaded because they're upside down there and all the blood has rushed to their heads.

    At least 36,000’ cameras across Australia possibly linked to Chinese Communist Party

  8. Hi Scott.
    Given all the off-spam, I wouldn't be surprised at all if you don't read your comments section. It's a bit of a shame because important information can be lost amidst the useless comments offer by the off-topic individuals.
    In any case, I have just come across a piece by Peter McCullough entitled "Dissolution of Spike Protein by Nattokinase".
    This would appear (to a layman anyway) great, really great, news for hundreds of thousands of "vaccine" victims. Those who simply regret their ill-informed decision, those who were unconstitutionally obligated, as well as the under-18 YO innocents may take a modicum of hope.
    If indeed, as it seems, NATTOKINASE can dissolve mRNA spikes, those suffering should get info and stock up. You can be sure that if this enzyme works it will soon be demonized and perhaps become illegal.
    Thank you for all your hard work.
    Victor G.

  9. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/dissolution-of-spike-protein-by-nattokinase
