Monday, February 20, 2023

Ron Paul Advocates Demolition of Social Security (archive)

(archived from December 28, 2010)

by Scott Creighton

G*ddamn I hate Ron Paul.

Let’s get this straight; Ron Paul is nothing more than a kinder/gentler face for the Chicago School neoliberalization program supported by the neocons on one side and the Clitonista/Obama New Dems on the other.

He is yet another flavor of  oligarchical corporatist tools who fully expected his son to be handed a seat in the senate, by birthright.

I remember back in the early days of the Truth movement, Ron went on Alex Jones’ show and feigned allegiance to the Truth movement. Each and every Truth thread back in those days was eventually hijacked by the Ron Paul Revolutionaries, spewing their uncritical, unconditional love of the man and his “Truth to Power” ways.


But as soon as wind of this got round to the MSM, in his first interview which asked him about 9/11, he immediately announced his support of the official story. But Ron keeps winning his elections on the backs of well-meaning though naive Truth advocates who still for some reason keep donating to his “money bombs”

But Ron Paul is a fraud. Always has been. He is not anti-establishment, he is the embodiment of the establishment, corporatist agenda sellouts in Washington.

His job is to take the dissidents and angry youth whose very futures are being stolen from underneath them by the very same policies that Ron Paul tricks them into supporting.

Let’s not even start into the connections between the Libertarian (big “L”) Party and the American Liberty League that tried to hire Smedley Butler to overthrow Roosevelt in 1933 in order to destroy the New Deal and install a fascist state here in America.

Let’s not even talk about the Libertarian Party being created right after the Lewis Powell Memo came out which laid out the overall plans for turning the United States into an anti-democratic corporatist state.

Instead, let’s just take a peak at the latest neoliberal Chicago School agenda that Ron Paul has thrown his support behind; it’s getting to be a rather long and pretty complete list of every single Milton Friedman “Shock therapy” wish list item.

The latest austerity scam that Ron Paul is attempting  to help facilitate is the coming destruction of Social Security.  And of course, Alex Jones, the self-promoting opportunist of the Truth Movement,  is the one to give this neoliberal fraud a forum for his disinformation.

Social Security is simply a tax.  Like all taxes, the money collected is spent immediately as general revenue to fund the federal government.  But no administration will admit that Social Security is nothing more than an accounting ledger with no money.  You will collect benefits only if future tax revenues materialize as hoped; the money you paid into the system is long gone.” Ron Paul

The easiest way to steal something from someone to convince them they never had it in the first place. This is an old trick employed by neoliberal economic hit-men for many decades now.

By calling Social Security a “tax” he is parroting the Obama administration’s current Bush Tax Cut bill where they also called reductions of Social Security payments a “tax break” for the working class.  This redefining of the Social Security program will certainly benefit the neoliberals as they cater to those Americans opposed to any tax of any kind.

What is inherently evil about what Ron Paul is doing is painfully obvious.

Though Ron Paul himself will certainly enjoy an excessive retirement program from his time in congress that will afford him a very comfortable lifestyle, for life, here he is deliberately attacking the ONLY income many Americans DEPEND ON for the very cat food they eat every month.

Now …pay attention to what he writes…

“When it comes to Social Security, we must understand that the system does not represent an old age pension, an “insurance” program, or even a forced savings program.  It simply represents an enormous transfer payment, with younger workers paying taxes to fund benefits…”

“My hope is that at least some members of the new Congress will cut through the distortions and see Social Security as it really is. The best way to fix the impending Social Security crisis is also the simplest: allow younger individuals to opt out of the program and use their tax savings to invest privately as they see fit.  This is the true private solution.  Your money has never been safe in the government’s hands, and it never will be.”  Ron Paul

Understand what the Ron Paul Revolution hero is saying. He wants to privatize Social Security. Hand it over to his friends in Big Finance and Wall Street.

What he is saying is that there is NO MONEY in Social Security and therefore the ONLY thing keeping the system going (and keeping alive the elderly, poor, Americans who have paid into the system their entire lives) is the revenues of younger Americans who are working and paying into the system now.

What is his “HOPE”?!

What is his fucking “HOPE”?!

His HOPE is that congress will pass a law allowing those young people to stop paying into that system…

And  by his own statements, what that will do is to destroy the financial system that is keeping alive millions of retired and poor Americans. That is an inescapable conclusion of what he wrote.

They… will… starve. Because according to Ron Paul, the only thing keeping those payments coming to poor retired Americans, are the payments being made by young working Americans…. the payments that he hopes will end.

That is Ron Paul’s “HOPE“.

In his retirement, Ron Paul will sit back and enjoy a life of plenty, sucked from the tax-payers coffers on his government pension, you talk about a “welfare queen”, you ain’t seen nothing till you start to look into the pension programs these congressmen have created for themselves.

And he has already made sure his son was entitled to a piece of that government pie as well.

What a piece of sh*t.

What a disgusting human being.

I’m sorry. I don’t typically write like this. But I am astounded at what passes for anti-establishment these days. I can only “HOPE” that the Truth movement has finally “woken up” to the Ron Paul act after this disgusting display.

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