Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Where TLAV is Wrong on Oppenheimer and Greyzone's Pending Bobbie Jr. Whitewash

Old MaxiPad Blumenthal got what he wanted: an interview with the Hot Ticket himself, RFK Jr. Now he is going to try to help him erase all the damage he did when he exposed himself as a pure Zionist. Meanwhile Ryan at TLAV just whitewashed our decision to drop two atomic weapons on Japan back in 1945. No Ryan it wasn't deterrence. It was a fucking field test of TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF WEAPONS you clown.


TLAV https://www.bitchute.com/video/gtRj5iHOc1he/

Fat Man https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_Man

Little Boy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Boy

Fog of War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RceLAhPOS9Q

Firebombing Japan https://library.tamucc.edu/exhibits/s/hist4350/page/patek

NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/09/magazine/we-hated-what-we-were-doing-veterans-recall-firebombing-japan.html

MeetingHouse https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/hellfire-earth-operation-meetinghouse

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  1. Fact: This is even in a vid interview (on utube) about 1970's of Col. Tibbetts himself---he was told once he was selected as the one that the B-29 A-bomb program would be set up from the start as a DUAL mission, in the sense that if developed in time, the intent absolutely was to use it on Germany FIRST, then Japan.
    But after all that effort and cost, NFW were they just going to park the planes. (B-29 cost was TWICE that of entire Manhattan project).
    Course, Trinity test wasn't till JULY/45, and Germany surrendered MAY 7-8/45, so target Japan.

    Speaking of whitewash, here's another whitewash article from RT, notorious for this since its inception:
    What China hopes to achieve by welcoming Henry Kissinger
    The centenarian helped to end Beijing’s isolation decades ago and is a symbol of hope for healthy ties with Washington

  2. More in-your-face coming.

    1. Great example found today where it's all gonna lead them.
      Ding dong, the witcher's dead!

      Netflix's The Witcher is CANCELLED?! + Producers Blame The Fans For Series Dying

      Step 1: acquire a franchise license
      Step 2: hire the worst writers you can get. They also have to be activists. It isn't enough with being bad at their work, they have to actively seek to ruin it with their agenda. Extra points if they also hate the franchise at hand.
      Step 3: Release it and wait a couple of episodes until the normies realize it is trash.

  3. Little Nappy's excellent(!) African adventure coming?
    Will this be Algeria 1956 under de Gaulle, or more like Sarkoma's French/nato bomb-fest opening ceremony Libya 2011?

    France to Invade Niger to Arrest the Military Coup Leaders because of the Uranium mines
    African Insider

  4. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/mrna-injections-cattle-labeling-cola/


    mRNA in Your Steak? ‘We Don’t Know the Long-term Effects.’

    Concerns that mRNA injections could end up “in the global protein supply chain” prompted warnings from cattle producers and calls for mandatory country of origin labeling so consumers can choose meat from countries that don’t allow mRNA shots in meat animals.
    Joseph Mercola, DO, FACN

  5. Dima here today (see map at 1:45 FROM END of video) shows NG proposed pipeline running north from gas fields to south in Nigeria source, thru NIGER and on to cross Med feed southern europe countries.
    Just planning stage, would be 5-10 years away yet.

    Says Wagner forces will/are deploy to Niger to repel any french invasion (with what? likely G/A missiles? it's what kruschev did in cuba 1962---first put in the G/A SA-2 missile batteries, detected by U2 flyover in late august reported to jfk, then around equinox soviet ship brought in the only shipment of ss-4 SRBM's. Installed, and detected at start of that final week October.)
    military summary channel

  6. Follow up on Chapelle story weeks ago. Certainly not died, more like smoldering, about to re-erupt.

    **A BIG SHIFT IS COMING! Oprah Speaks On Dave Chappelle Exposing Her Being A Hollywood HANDLER
    18 minutes

    Mel Gibson
    july31 9minutes
    Mel Gibson Speaks Out On Oprah's Secret Agenda

    and since i tripped across this, just 4 days old, update on jamie foxx. Gist is they're saying that contrary to all those wacko internutters claiming he was clotshot, they're saying after weeks of delay that he was poisoned on-set!!

    Dave Chapelle Exposes What Really Happened Jamie Foxx
    A lot of other people are also of the opinion that Jamie is still very ill as he was moved to a rehabilitation center after being discharged from the hospital

  7. Note our Little Big Turd's corrosive fingerprints are all over this chapter of the clotshot saga here.

    Soldiers could be reinstated after refusing COVID vaccine

    While the military gets its funding approved by Parliament, the CDS is answerable to the Governor General and only indirectly to the Prime Minister. If the assertions of the lawsuit are true, the A/CDS (later CDS) was breaking Canadian law by taking direction from Trudeau instead of his legal staff.

  8. Here's a what if scenario few are seeing: what if RFK jumps ship like any good demonrat would when it's sinking, and becomes President B.O.B.'s (Big Orange Boffo) riding partner for 2024!
    OR vice versa.
    He's already gaining/draining votes!
    WOW, not even a sportzfan would see that turn of events coming!
    All Uniparty anyway---same coin, just a 2-headed one.

    the hill
    RFK Jr GAINS With GOP Voters, TANKS With Dems: Poll. NEO-CON Karl Rove Smears Kennedy: Rising

    (basically a huge box office hit based on acting performance)
    NOTE etymology! Pure 1940's Americana from this term:

    a joke intended to cause laughter or a hearty and unrestrained laugh
