Friday, April 5, 2024

Israeli PM Netanyahu renews rejection of Palestinian state

 (The path to peace is clear to everyone including AIPAC-backed republican congress critters but Bibi continues to refuse on behalf of his zionist supporters back home. This is why Bibi is doomed.)

from the Daily Sabah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday reiterated his absolute rejection of a Palestinian state during a meeting with a U.S. delegation of Republican lawmakers.

The delegation is visiting Israel on behalf of the pro-Israel lobby group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

"There is an attempt to shove a Palestinian state down our throats," Netanyahu told the delegation, according to a statement from his office.

He claimed a Palestinian state "will serve as another refuge for terrorism, another launch pad for an attack, as was the Hamas 'state' in Gaza."

"The vast majority of Israelis oppose such a thing," he claimed...

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