Saturday, July 13, 2024

Israel’s leading paper says its own army deliberately killed Israelis on October 7. But in the U.S. media: silence

(According to C.J. Hopkins, that Zionist loving POS, this makes Haaretz, leading news publication in Israel, nothing more than a bunch of 'truthers'  However twisted his Zionist propaganda seems, fact is, the IDF killed a large percentage of the Israeli civilians on Oct. 7 2023. The real question is... why?)

from Mondoweiss

Three days ago, Israel’s leading newspaper, Haaretz, published the results of its thorough, comprehensive investigation into what actually happened when Hamas attacked on October 7. So far, the U.S. mainstream media has not said a word about the shocking results of that investigation. Critics sometimes use the expression “media malpractice” to describe the American mainstream’s failure to report accurately about Israel/Palestine. This time, though, what’s happening is even worse; it has to be deliberate self-censorship, designed to hide the truth from the U.S. audience.

Haaretz’s long report found that Israel’s army had employed the “Hannibal Directive” on October 7. The Directive is an Israeli policy that instructs the military to open fire on its own soldiers to prevent them from being taken captive. Of course, this site, alongside other alternative media sources, was one of the first to point out the possible role of the Hannibal Directive in Israeli deaths on October 7. But the Haaretz report was significant in the number of military sources it interviewed who confirmed that there were direct orders to implement the Directive...

read more here



some links to proof from my channel starting Nov. 27 2023



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