Friday, August 30, 2024

Failed “Color Revolutions” Will Continue Across the Globe (archive)

(archived from June 27, 2012)

by Scott Creighton

The West – mainly France in Tunisia, the United States and Britain in Egypt – are following a very traditional pattern. There’s a playbook that you pursue that gives you a kind of a game plan when some favorite dictators lose the capacity to rule. What you do is support them until the last possible minute, when it’s impossible any longer – maybe the army turns against them – you get your intellectual class to issue ringing declarations about democracy, and then you try to restore the old system, as much as possible,” Noam Chomsky

Even though they failed to create a legitimate looking color-type “revolution” in Syria, the war-mongers of the NATO left are not giving up on the program model. They are still claiming victory in places like Libya even though most rational people who are paying attention understand that the once beautiful and independent sovereign state is descending into horrific chaos. Chaos is success for these people because in the chaos, there is opportunity and they’re taking full advantage of it.

In Syria they were reduced to having to pull off another Operation Northwoods type Gulf of Tonkin incident in order to continue with their aggressive assault on the current regime. Their efforts to fabricate a pretext to justify a “humanitarian intervention” failed. They were exposed relentlessly for financing and running the terror campaigns inside the country while Russia and China (and now others) simply refused to allow them the wiggle room they needed at the UN. Now they have convinced Turkey to sacrifice a fighter or two to their grander effort much like President Johnson tried to offer up the USS Liberty back in 1967. 

Remains to be seen how that latest trick turns out.


A Russia Today writer is looking ahead to where this program of theirs is headed. He sees the so-called “Arab Spring” moving to our south into South America. The NGOs selectively propped-up are globalist organizations like the National Endowment for Democracy who are staging “protests” in places like Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.

Meanwhile, the European Union is busy setting their own National Endowment for Democracy so they too can cash in on more color revolutions throughout western and eastern Europe.

Of course during all of this, we’re busy helping tyrants in places like Yeman, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain suppress, arrest, and kill real, unarmed activists who mistakenly thought that the world was in the business of helping people strive for real CHANGE. The chilling message across the globe is painfully obvious: only Hillary Clinton’s terrorist regimes deserve democracy.

Everyone else need not apply.

On the Julian Assange/Wikileaks psyop front, Cryptome has released a detailed expose on the latest honeypot trap Wikileaks is setting up for would be journalists across the world using the 5 million or so Stratfor emails as bait. Don’t buy into it folks.

Julian finished filming his little TV show for RT and then conveniently decided it was time to run off somewhere else, thus generating some hubbub and a bit more credibility.

I guess he won’t be “suffering” in London anymore living under “house arrest” with those millionaire globalist friends of his. Now he’s off to some other country to live like royalty while the Wikileaks honeypot continues to exploit the credibility given them by the likes of Daniel Elsberg and Amy Goodman.

Their current regime change justification model is a failed one. About as failed as it gets. But it doesn’t matter to them. The money is there to flood into the deceit industry like a tidal wave so they will continue with the only plan they have: fake color revolutions, terrorism, humanitarian intervention followed by rounding up the left-leaning folks and killing em.

Rinse and repeat.

But when you have complete control of the mass media who are willing to say anything, no matter how stupid or inane, then why not move forward with the plans?

The only ones exposing them are the alternative journalists anyway and they'll be gone soon enough.

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