Thursday, October 3, 2024

The truth about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal

from The Guardian

Deep beneath desert sands, an embattled Middle Eastern state has built a covert nuclear bomb, using technology and materials provided by friendly powers or stolen by a clandestine network of agents. It is the stuff of pulp thrillers and the sort of narrative often used to characterise the worst fears about the Iranian nuclear programme. In reality, though, neither US nor British intelligence believe Tehran has decided to build a bomb, and Iran's atomic projects are under constant international monitoring.

The exotic tale of the bomb hidden in the desert is a true story, though. It's just one that applies to another country. In an extraordinary feat of subterfuge, Israel managed to assemble an entire underground nuclear arsenal – now estimated at 80 warheads, on a par with India and Pakistan – and even tested a bomb nearly half a century ago, with a minimum of international outcry or even much public awareness of what it was doing.

Despite the fact that the Israel's nuclear programme has been an open secret since a disgruntled technician, Mordechai Vanunu, blew the whistle on it in 1986, the official Israeli position is still never to confirm or deny its existence.

When the former speaker of the Knesset, Avraham Burg, broke the taboo last month, declaring Israeli possession of both nuclear and chemical weapons and describing the official non-disclosure policy as "outdated and childish" a rightwing group formally called for a police investigation for treason.

Meanwhile, western governments have played along with the policy of "opacity" by avoiding all mention of the issue. In 2009, when a veteran Washington reporter, Helen Thomas, asked Barack Obama in the first month of his presidency if he knew of any country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, he dodged the trapdoor by saying only that he did not wish to "speculate"...

read more here


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  3. Very worth mentioning rip-roaring implosion/depression going on now in the napa grape growing winery district, yet astoundingly out of the news so far..
    Worst in 50 years says.
    NO discretionary income by definition for the plebes to buy wine.
    likely turning to hard liquor drown their sorrows instead, actually cheaper vs a bottle of wine!

    California Wineries on Brink of Losing Everything
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    34K subscribers
    81K views 5 days ago #na

    Some comments:
    400,000 TONS unpicked, rotting on the vine!!
    Over the years thousands of acres of oaks were cut down to make land available for grapes. Many saw $$$ and jumped on the band wagon. Over the years there has become a glut of grapes. In addition twenty-five years ago wineries didn’t charge for tastings. Now you need a reservation and it will cost you at least $20,

    When I moved to the town I live in, Washington state not California, there were 14 wineries here. There are now over 200. But they are starting to fail one by one. I think the market is catching up.
