Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Meryl Nass Says There are Ways to Get ALL of Trump's Neocon Zionists Appointed WITHOUT Approval

by Scott Creighton


Hey don't worry folks. I know Donald Trump's appointees are kinda tainted with that whole 'neoliberal/neocon/Messianic Zionist/warmongering trash' smear and some (if not most) will have a hard time being approved by the Senate for that very reason (those appointments that need approval)

But have no fear, Meryl Nass has it all figured out. Screw the constitution, they can just cheese it and all those neocon Zionist warmongers she likes will come to power just like Trump promised.


'There exists a long and storied history of Presidents skirting the Appointments Clause, sometimes for good and necessary reasons, occasionally for ill...

...The Constitution’s Article II, § 3, provides that “The President may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper.”...

...President Trump now holds effective negotiating leverage to strike a rational deal with the Senate, without having to dicker away the MAGA farm.

That is terrific, reassuring news. There is no need to panic when turtle-like, vaccine-injured relic and Senator Mitch McConnell says stuff about Trump’s nominees. Trump holds the cards he needs to make a deal. But there’s an even better way of looking at it...

... In a Fox News interview on Sunday, Speaker Johnson refused to rule out helping Trump evade the Senate. “There may be a function for that,” he said suggestively. “We’ll have to see how it plays out.”…' Meryl Nass

That's right boys and girls. According to Meryl Nass, the Trumpster can just ditch the House and Senate and install his Israel-firsters and neocons as he likes.

Talk about the Unitary Executive theory. Dick Cheney would be proud.

Whatever mental gymnastics it takes to justify the glorious one getting those Zionist neocons back in office, that's what she'll do. 

Of course, would we expect anything different from someone who was glad to panel up with Frank Gaffney, world renowned neocon?


  1. IRRRRRR-relevant!
    All same team, all Uniparty.
    Didja miss the part right after the (s)election where there was that big press publicity op meeting to rub the public's nose in it, with the incoming meeting the outgoing in that folksy sit-down where Mr. T. sez "Well, Joe, WE did it!"

    HA-HA-HA....sure did.
    (Insert your fave HL Mencken quote here.)

  2. 4 just this year on gaza.


  3. From the searing sands of Hodeidah Holler, the satanic summoner Sana'a Sam gets a shout out!

