from Bernard College
Neoliberalism has created a new political, economic, and cultural context through deregulation, privatization, securitization, and the dismantling of the welfare state. These changes have had a contradictory impact on women. Proponents of neoliberalism have praised the benefits of an unfettered, market-driven economy, extolled the virtues of personal choice and economic individualism as the keys to freedom, and argued that these ostensibly gender-blind economic structures offer opportunities for the agency and empowerment of women...
... Neoliberalism has reversed the benefits of social welfare citizenship that were a hallmark of the twentieth-century Fordist state. Neoliberalism’s dismantling of the economic safety net, trend toward privatization, and rise of the security state have increased the burden on women. The reduction or elimination of welfare benefits for the poor, cutback of social services, reliance on market strategies, and mass incarceration have led to a crisis of social reproduction and a corresponding increase in women’s workloads...
... Neoliberalism has led to population displacement and migration, and relies on immigrant, especially undocumented immigrant, workers. These workers are usually denied citizenship rights or state-based labor protections either because of their immigration status or their occupation....
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Poorverty in the top 3 states HI CA MA is now defined as making under $250K in 2025.
ReplyDeleteIf u make the much strived for Shangri-la figure of $100K, u may as well find a safe dry place under an overpass somewhere, become an urban troll.
OR, as they really are doing in HI, live in a tree!
CNBC chart shown here.
Why A $100,000 Salary Can't Buy The American Dream in 2025...
Zac Rios
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