Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Two Faces of Neoliberalism


from Project Syndicate

Milton Friedman was not given to self-doubt. His commitment to the virtues of unobstructed markets made him the guru of deregulation, privatization, and free trade. In his view, unfettered capitalism is the bedrock of civic and political freedom, whereas societies that inhibit the workings of supply and demand are condemned to lose it. These beliefs undergirded the hyper-globalization that prevailed for half a century from the 1970s, and Friedman was their avatar...

Friedman, the high priest of neoliberalism, eventually watched as his legacy gave way to political monetarism, soaring public debt, and, lately, the return of the regulatory state...

The picture of Friedman and Hayek that emerges is one of idea-makers who engaged in scholarly pursuits while seeking to instrumentalize their concepts...

read more here


  1. finally time to see what this guy up to, and he is keeping up.

    his take on N.O.:
    NEW PAPER, added 1/1/25, New Orleans Fake. This one is so pathetic it deserves only half a page, if that.

    He also has had for years decent fingernail bios up on most of the owned deep snakes and wild-eyed lying huckster carnie barkers.

    NEW PAPER, added 11/15/24, Alex Jones Takes Early Retirement. But he'll be back! LOL!

    Anyone remember Maui?:
    NEW PAPER, added 8/5/24, The Story from Lahaina still doesn't Make any Sense. Settlements and photos.

    Something up about-Tard's Space-X:
    PAPER UPDATE, added 6/26/24, More Proof SpaceX is a Fraud. China fakes a reverse landing overnight to answer my paper, but still goofs it.

  2. https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=301511
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    by Leo Hohmann | Jan 7, 2025 | 11 comments

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    Dr. William Makis MD
