As the Great Reset descends on us, it is important to understand what neoliberalism really is so they can't hoodwink us again with just another version of it... because they will.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Neoliberalization of America Accelerating Under Fascist Obama
(archived from February 14, 2011)
by Scott Creighton
Years ago I wrote about the Miracle of Chile being brought to America. This is a process where the business elites and the Wall Street bankers use their connections in D.C. to impose the laissez-fare economic policies of Milton Friedman on the working classes and the poor of America so that they can funnel yet even more money upward to themselves through extreme privatization, deregulation, and an absolute “free market” ideology which is anything but an actual free-market.
In its purist application (like we have seen in places like Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and others) neoliberalism is the blending of corporation and the state… what Mussolini called “fascism”. Certain large corporations (like GE) and financial institutions (Goldman Sachs) are favored and brought into the government process. “Big Government” becomes the stated enemy while services and institutions are divided up, sold-off, and business is allowed a free hand in both private and once public affairs. Under the Obama administration, this process is kicking into high gear. We still have Goldman Sachs running Treasury and he even brought in GE’s CEO to serve as his chief of staff in the White House. There is no question that we are now moving so far to the right in this country that one may soon enough be able to say that we are living under a fascist state.
Newsflash: Real Liberals Do NOT Stand with Nazis
If I claim I'm a mule and then piss on your leg, do you demand compensation from all mules for your dry cleaning bill? Of course not. Because, silly, I'm not a mule. Ergo...
Obama Uses Executive Order to Begin Neoliberal Assault on Regulation
(archived from January 18, 2011)
by Scott Creighton
The following definition of deregulation comes from John Williamson’s “Washington Consensus“,
a list of policy proposals that appeared to have gained consensus approval among the Washington-based international economic organizations (like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank).” The active definition of neoliberalism or “free trade” ideology.
Deregulation – abolition of regulations that impede market entry or restrict competition, except for those justified on safety, environmental and consumer protection grounds, and prudent oversight of financial institutions;
President Obama took time out of his busy schedule to write an op-ed published today in the Wall Street Journal. Obama used this op-ed to signify his devotion to the free-market ideology that is the basis for the neoliberalization of countless countries over the past 5 decades, all of which had disastrous effects on the vast majority of the population of those nations.
Ron Paul Advocates Demolition of Social Security
(archived from December 28, 2010)
by Scott Creighton
Goddamn I hate Ron Paul.
Let’s get this straight; Ron Paul is nothing more than a kinder/gentler face for the Chicago School neoliberalization program supported by the neocons on one side and the Clitonista/Obama New Dems on the other.
He is yet another flavor of oligarchical corporatist tools who fully expected his son to be handed a seat in the senate, by birthright.
I remember back in the early days of the Truth movement, Ron went on Alex Jones’ show and feigned allegiance to the Truth movement. Each and every Truth thread back in those days was eventually hijacked by the Ron Paul Revolutionaries, spewing their uncritical, unconditional love of the man and his “Truth to Power” ways.
Like Water to Wine:The Miracle of Changing Neoliberalism into Populism, It is a Very “Big Fucking Deal”
(archived from March 24, 2010)
by Scott Creighton
“Today, I’m signing this reform bill into law on behalf of my mother, who argued with insurance companies even as she battled cancer in her final days“. Barack Obama
In the Neoliberal Age, in Washington especially, all focus is concentrated on the appearance of a thing, rather than the substance behind it. That is because the appearance creates its own substance, its own momentum relative to the weight of belief the appearance can generate. And thus it is that momentum that is all important, it is that momentum that the purveyors of fable ultimately strive for at any cost and even the subjugation of the memory of one’s own mother must remain “on the table” if that momentum is to be adequately served.
The “momentum” that the Democrats and the liberal intelligentsia are working hard to create here goes well beyond their desire to maintain control of the House and Senate in the upcoming mid-term elections. Well beyond it. Behind the podium at Obama’s signing ceremony, the corporatist Joe Biden, hardly able to contain his globalist glee, whispered to Obama that this really is a “big fucking deal”. He was absolutely right.
Birth of the Official Neoliberal Party of America
by Scott Creighton
Globalists UNITE! Don’t be Ashamed to be a Globalist Stooge! You have your own Political Party Now! no more slinking around pretending to be something you are not. BE PROUD to be a corporatist sellout! It’s all the rage!
For years now I have been writing about how the neoliberals have been hijacking one party or the other, turning the United States into a Milton Friedman economic experiment like Chile in 1973. Reagan and the Bush clan hijacked the republican party and perverted the conservative movement while Obama and the Clintons did the same to the democrats and the liberals with their “New Dems” and DLC.
Well now, they can all join together, happily, under one official roof… the Neoliberal Party had its official kick-off today. It appears to be run by PR agents from some of the leading public relations firms, and all your favorite neoliberals are there to wish it well.
Friday, April 29, 2022
Another Thursday in the Shining City on the Hill
freedom... woooooo....?
Thursday, April 28, 2022
I Got Locked Out of Twitter Account for Quoting NIH (not clickbait)
I sent a troll a link to an NIH study on ivermectin and quoted a simple sentence from that study and Twitter sent me two emails telling me I was locked out of my account for spreading harmful misinformation. You can't make this shit up.
Censorship IS Democracy, Pandemic NOT Over and New Disinfo Board Run by a Liar
Isn't creeping fascism interesting?
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Elon Musk Promises to Keep Censoring Twitter As Global Censorship Laws are Imposed
Musk promotes the tired globalist adage that if a government passes a law it must be the will of the people. By that logic he promises to do the bidding of the people and abide by any law put on the books about censoring Twitter to keep the normies 'safe' Isn't it funny all this is happening at the same time?
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
'Glitch' Exposed Stolen French Election
The French were used as an experiment in electronic voting machine fraud in 2002 via the Help America Vote Act. In 2008 they stopped using it due to election rigging. But it seems Sunday's presidential contest was rigged anyway.
New Mathematical Modeling Vax Study Paid for By Big Pharma
A new fake study out of University of Toronto supposedly showing how the unvaxxed pose a risk to the Good Germans was paid for by both Pfizer and AstraZeneca and the man who did it, David Fisman, has received money from both for his counseling on the Covid-19 agenda. It is a complete fraud.
Monday, April 25, 2022
The Gilmore Lawsuit is Over
Four long years later, the Gilmore lawsuit is finally officially over for me. I consider the settlement a victory albeit a small one. At least I am done worrying about it.
Direct Support
Cash App $scotty6199
Zelle (Chase bank)
Amway America: They Aren't Done Selling Us Out Quite Yet
Quietly they are still pushing for more mandates on a state to state level as well as digital ID laws. They aren't done yet. Not by a long shot.
Sunday, April 24, 2022
What Turned the Left into Fascists? Product Obama™
The question is being asked a lot these days. I answered it a decade ago and it still holds up today
Yemen: Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Rescue Attempt – Along With 8 Unarmed Civilians
(archived from December 6, 2014)
by Scott Creighton
UPDATE: According to the official story told by unnamed officials, those 8 civilians are now al Qaeda:
“At least nine al-Qaida militants were killed in an initial drone strike, another security official said. Both spoke on condition of anonymity” Huffington Post
Also of note, the raid took place this morning, one day before the other hostage was reported to be released. That hostage died as well.
“But an aid group helping negotiate Korkie’s release said he was to be freed Sunday and his wife was told that “the wait is almost over.” Huffington Post
The timing of the raid, just one day before that release, was spurred by a report from a Yemeni security official who claims he had word that Luke would be killed today.
It hardly seems like a story worth reporting on anymore. “At least” eight civilians killed during a U.S. commando raid in Yemen. The headline at the New York Times focuses exclusively on the American hostage, Luke Somers, who also died as a result.
The left is busy running around protesting the militarization of police departments and the deaths of a couple unarmed men here in the states and feeling very good about themselves while they do it… while in the meantime, the military continues to rain hell down on unarmed civilians across the world and there isn’t a peep out of the fake left anymore.