Monday, March 13, 2023

Seems Like the White Helmets Were Paid $6.6 Million to Help Fabricate Bogus June 13, 2018 OPCW FFM Study

(archived from June 15 2018)

by Scott Creighton

James Le Mesuier, founder of the hearts and minds campaign known as the White Helmets, jumped into the discussion on Twitter about the regime change operation in Syria and President Trump deciding to go back on his pledge to defund that operation early last month. James probably worried about his meal-ticket going bankrupt if social media were allowed to go on it’s own merry way exposing the fraud of his creation. So he decided to open his mouth and get involved and it’s my guess he kinda wishes he didn’t at this point.

The following is what I found after digging into this new Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Fact Finding Mission study (OPCW FFM)


We will start off with quotes from the OPCW report dated June 13, 2018

“After the FFM became aware of allegations of use of a toxic chemical as a weapon in Ltamenah, in the Hama Governorate, the team assessed the credibility of the allegations based on information collected from open sources and information received from several non-governmental organisations (NGOs).”

“During the FFM deployment to gather facts related to the use of chemicals as a weapon in Khan Shaykhun on 4 April 2017, the team also received samples...”

“For both incidents (24 and 25 March), the FFM interviewed a variety of witnesses including health workers, witnesses, first responders, and casualties. The team received environmental samples collected from the sites of the incidents.”

“Once the impact locations of the incident on 24 March 2017 were determined during the interviews, the FFM coordinated the sample collection from these locations with an NGO.”

“After an incident was reported in the media concerning alleged use of chlorine that hit a field hospital in Ltamenah on 25 March 2017, the team conducted further open-source research and commenced the collection and review of all relevant information about the allegation. The majority of sources consisted, at an initial stage, of news media and the websites of various NGOs (Annex 2).”

The OPCW FFM (Fact Finding Mission) refused to visit the sites to collect their samples instead relying on samples provided by an NGO, the White Helmets, which receive funding from Saudi Arabia, England and the United States… all external players in this conflict who have been fueling the regime change operation since it’s inception.

They had been offered access to these sites and refused to inspect them themselves.

“The Organisation For The Prohibition Of Chemical Weapons has rejected Russia and Iran’s proposal for a new team to probe the suspected chemical attack earlier this month in Syria. Moscow’s pushing for a wider investigation, because it believes the OPCW cannot properly confirm anything until it’s actually visited the site.

The blocking of the Russian proposal at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on investigating the alleged chemical weapon use in Syria’s Idlib province aims to direct attention to the idea of regime change in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. Sputnik International April 21, 2018

Here is the process by which the OPCW FFM came to their findings as published on June 13 2018. This is their process as reported in the report itself. Notice how they claim that they “mainly” refused to visit the sites themselves due to security concerns. The other concerns they leave to our imaginations. Also notice how the NGOs controlled not just the samples they analyzed but also the selection of the witnesses interviewed and the transportation of said witnesses to be interviewed to the OPCW FFM:

“The FFM noted that during an investigation, complete, direct , and immediate access to the site of an alleged incident provides the greatest opportunity to collect information. As with all the allegations and incidents referenced in previous reports of the FFM (see paragraph 3.4 above), various constraints, mainly related to security, have not enabled immediate access to sites by the FFM.

Given that those constraints prevented a team deployment to the location of the alleged incident, the FFM determined that the principal methods for collecting and evaluating the credibility of information include the following: examination of existing reports; assessment and corroboration of background information; conduct of interviews with relevant medical care providers, alleged casualties, and other individuals linked to the reported incident; review of documentation and records provided by interviewees; analysis of the signs and symptoms of casualties as reported by interviewees; and receipt of environmental samples, for subsequent analysis.

The FFM team identified relevant witnesses through face-to-face interviews or teleconference calls, open-source research, medical records provided to the team, and through interaction with NGOs. Access to witnesses was coordinated with NGOs.

In addition to liaising with representatives of several NGOs, including but not limited to the Same Justice Chemical Violations Documentation Centre in Syria (CVDCS) and the Syrian Civil Defence (SCD), also known as White Helmets, the FFM also contacted witnesses and confirmed their willingness to provide testimony and potential evidence. Furthermore, the FFM coordinated with the NGOs to organise the movement of the witnesses

In short… the OPCW admits in the text of their new report that the entire thing was stage managed by the White Helmets themselves. From witnesses to samples, the White Helmets spoon-fed the core of this study to the FFM from start to finish.

“Based on the statements of the interviewees, the FFM identified witnesses and contacted NGOs for coordination.

During the first interview on 10 April 2017, the FFM received environmental samples relating to the alleged incident of 25 March 2017 from the interviewee. Further environmental samples were provided on 12 April 2017 and 19 February 2018 by an NGO.”

In that passage the OPCW admits they used the White Helmets to bring them the “witnesses” and from the very beginning, those “witnesses” brought with them the samples they used to formulate their study’s conclusions. That is completely absurd with regard to this study maintaining even the slightest amount of credibility.

That would be tantamount to the LA detectives asking OJ to go over to Brentwood and collect the evidence for them.

So the witnesses were provided by the White Helmets, the samples were provided by the White Helmets… and… wait for it…

“Based on information supplied during interviews, the FFM identified munition parts that were of potential interest in relation to the alleged incident of 24 March 2017 and arranged for their collection by an NGO. As a result, further environmental samples and remnants of alleged munition parts were received by the FFM team on 19 February 2018.”

Even the munitions parts they used as evidence of the Syrian government’s complicity in these attacks CAME FROM THE WHITE HELMETS.

That is REMARKABLE in terms of the fraudulent nature of this propaganda report because that is all it is. This kind of “evidence” would NEVER hold up in any kind of court and it is remarkable that the UN allowed it to be produced under their banner in the first place.

Of course, the devil is in the detail as are also the legal disclaimers:

From the moment of their receipt by the team, all samples were handled in accordance with applicable OPCW procedures, including the application of seals by the FFM team.”

Right. They can only verify the authenticity of the evidence used in their study “from the moment of their receipt by the team” meaning… what happened to them while in the hands of the White Helmets and their true source of origin… the OPCW FFM washes their hands of those trivial details.

Here are screenshots of the reference tables showing where they got their “evidence” from. Remember, the numbered references refer to “witnesses” who were brought to them by the White Helmets and the Syrian Civil Defense is another name for the White Helmets. Meaning: almost their entire study was provided to them on a silver platter by the White Helmets.

 In the end, this is how the OPCW FFM concludes their study:

“As with other allegations investigated by the FFM, the team was not able to visit secured sites immediately after the alleged incidents. The potential for access was made more difficult as the areas were predominantly military areas with ongoing conflict prior to the alleged incident through to the time this report was being drafted. The team therefore relied on: the testimony of interviewees, samples as made available by the interviewees, and limited hospital records.”

In the end the best they could come up with is that chemical weapons were “very likely” used during these incidents without actually concluding who used them.

Now… as pathetic as this report is and as obviously flawed as it is… back on May 4th it was announced that Donald Trump had decided to withhold funding from the White Helmets hearts and minds campaign.

Yesterday, on the 14th, one day after this hoax of a report from the OPCW FFM came out, the White House released this statement:

The freeze on the payments to the White Helmets was ended just one day after their fraudulent OPCW FFM study was released to the public. A remarkable bit of timing which only a fool wouldn’t be able to see the causal relationship between these two events.

And immediately following that, the founder of the White Helmets (formerly known as the Islamic State Fire Brigade) James Le Mesurier (a British mercenary, and former British military intelligence officer) decided to let his presence be known on Twitter going after people like myself and Moon of Alabama touting his recent OPCW FFM “study” as evidence that we have been wrong all along and indeed Bashar al Assad is responsible for the chemical weapons attacks in Syria.

That was a mistake on his part born of arrogance and ignorance as to the real nature of the “interwebs” and those of us fighting to expose the unconventional warfare operation known as the White Helmets. Turns out the “smartest guys in the room’ aren’t necessarily the ones without a moral center who will do anything, including TERRORISM, for money.

So James himself has leapt into the fray in an effort to defend his creation and their efforts to bring about a neoliberal regime change in Syria.

It is understandable when put in context of that new 6.6 million dollar pledge from the Trump administration. They certainly don’t want people seeing them for the terrorists they are or this study for the fraud that it is.

But when the idiot mentioned the study I guess it was his opinion that us silly internet researchers wouldn’t actually take the time to read it or understand it’s OBVIOUS FOUNDATIONAL FLAW if we did. Unfortunately for James Le Mesuier the internet isn’t full of mindless drones like he was told it was.

Yep. Seems like Jimmy boy and his White Helmets got paid 6.6 million bucks for their contribution to the baseless new study out from the OPCW FFM on the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Guess I got into the wrong line of work huh?





  1. Comment under vid, MAR 14. I assume it's true.
    "It's a big club, & you ain't in it!" GC
    Silicon Valley Bank CEO was on the board of directors of the San Francisco Federal Reserve......just got kicked out


      After the collapse of the tech-startup-focused Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) on Friday and the crypto-focused Signature Bank on Sunday—the second- and third-largest bank failures in American history, respectively—the private pension manager for 2.6 million Swedes is facing over $1 billion in losses.

  2. Bare basic huge facts what's behind this domino banking.
    Nomura Securities today screaming that FED must DROP rates on MAR22, NOT raise at all.
    2 vids found have it summed up, in a couple of timestamps.

    first, a telling tidbit again about SVB:
    But....Forbes certified SVB as one of America's best banks five times in a row, the last certificate was two weeks back!
    (Yet recall Peter Thiel put up that piece on bloomberg on mar8, advising get out, after he & his buddies got out of course!)....hmmmmm

    A Ticking Time Bomb? U.S. Banks Sitting On $620 Billion Losses | Vantage with Palki Sharma
    Firstpost aka CNN India
    I believe this $620B refers ONLY to massively underwater mortgages, like on office towers nationwide & shopping centers, still carried AT PAR on THE BANKS' BOOKS not written down or marked "to market" , not those passed off/bought up by the FED in all their TARP/TALF/bad bank loan rescue programs since 2008.
    So, how much bad loans has the FED taken aboard and are sitting on??

    Great coincidence 14th today mario shows that here this timestamp. Shows barchart showing FDIC-insured banks losses is near $650B, BUT listen next 60 sec clearly says chart not even close to the real total, the FED already has losses so far on their holdings on their balance sheet of..$1TRILLION+!!

    AND chart note is FDIC data, cuz FED gave up posting theirs publicly when it hit a mere -$80B.:

