Thursday, March 13, 2025

As Above So Below

by Scott Creighton

Fascist on parade in Argentina coming soon to a street near you. 

The leader of Argentina, a straight-up fascist named Javier Milei, made an appearance at CPAC to give The Elon a chainsaw he could figuratively use to do the same illegal hack-job to our country that he is doing to his.

Elon Musk waggled it around over his head in his ketamine-induced stupor (hence the sunglasses indoors on stage) promising to tear it all down as the crowd of pill-popping anarcho-capialists cheered on in a fevered potential-profit related orgasmic ecstasy.

Meanwhile, this is a photo of a retired person in Argentina protesting Milei's IMF-demanded cuts to pensions across the country. You see how the fascist regime deals with peasants over there. Get used to seeing it here.

The brave fascist cop points a loaded pump action riot gun at the head of an old lady. Such brave fascists am I right? 

All she wants is to retire in some meager version of dignity. But fuck that. The IMF demands a sacrifice kinda like Meryl Nass demands we all suffer as Big Business is allowed to pollute our rivers, streams and drinking water so they can make a few more sheckles each quarter! 

'Sure there will be problems. Sure there will be new and different forms of pollution. Sure people will lose their jobs. And then we will work diligently to fix the messes that resulted as we try to make our country better: more prosperous, healthy, and able to think clearly. Businesses were being smothered, and when the Net Zero targets got implemented, that was going to be the end of American industry.' Meryl Nass
Sure some people will die. Some will lose their homes. Some will lose their businesses. Some will forever be transformed, sickened by NEEDLESS cruelty imposed by Big Business looking to save a few dollars on pollution prevention.

How you gonna 'fix' the dead Meryl? How are you gonna 'fix' children born with deformities? How you gonna 'fix' extinct species and ruined farmlands and DNA-polluted crops and oil-soaked Gulf of MEXICO wildlife?

You can't and you KNOW you can't. But just pretend to kick the can down the street so you can show your backers you got their backs when the shit starts hitting the fan.

Because, like in Argentina, SCREW IT!!! Big Business gets what they want in the NEW GILDED AGE!!

People are picking sides folks. Make no mistake about it.

And when the fascists lose, and they will, and when Big Business throws their sycophantic influencers under the bus, and they will cus they always do, let's not forget the choices folks out here made.

You know, there is a right way and a wrong to live. There are universal truths that stem from the very DNA of life itself. They are immutable. Forever.

'As above, so below, as below, so above.'

This is why they will lose. This is why they always lose. You do not get to play God without consequences. And by the same token you do not get to ignore it's laws without reprisal. 

But ever hundred or so years someone comes along in the soulless brigade and convinces the rest they have evolved beyond such trivialities. And every hundred or so years they learn what it means to fuck around and find out.

Fear not. It will get darker. We will suffer. But in the end that spark, those Better Angels of our Nature will win out and what will be born from the violence will be better, purer, fairer and more evolved than ever before.

This is what I believe based on thousands of years of available data called 'history'

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